View Full Version : how does one put a blinkie under their siggy...

12-05-2007, 07:42 PM
I have discovered some lovely sites with some beautiful blinkies, and i would dearly love one, i tried copying and pasting, that sure did not work, can anyone explain in much detail how one goes about putting one on, thanking all the experts on here in advance. Cheers. :)

12-05-2007, 08:45 PM
If you want it UNDER your siggy, you set it up the same way you did your siggy!

I use photobucket, not sure what you use?

So I put my siggy in an album in photobucket, and then copy paste the bottom line into the siggy when in User CP = Edit Siggy.

If I wanted a blinkie underneath, I'd upload the blinkie to the photobucket album, then copy paste the bottom line in the same edit box I used above.

Does this help?

12-05-2007, 11:47 PM
carole, I just finished your new blinkie and will PM you the blinkie and all the instructions. :)


12-06-2007, 12:51 PM
Thanks Michelle you are a real doll, doesn't my siggy avatar and blinkie all matching look awesome, thanks also freedom, that will be good to know for further blinkies i may choose to put on there. :)