View Full Version : 1/20/08 **Update On Casper**

12-04-2007, 10:45 PM
Well, it has been about a month since I have been on here. With me not having a computer, it is very hard, I barely get to my sister's so I do apologize.

Casper is getting better, but still has Mange and Giardia. He has a new owner waiting for him when he gets better. They live in Iowa. I do not like to adopt out of state, but he really is a perfect fit. The man is a Sergent for Polk County Sheriff's Department and is retiring in July of '08 with 30 yrs of service. They have a pittie now name Charlie who is 6 yrs old. They are active in helping special needs kids and want Casper to be a service dog. I received a letter from their vet and several letters and pictures from them. They are coming out to meet Casper this month, then we will drive him out there when he is well. It was a tough decision, but a good one, I feel.

Here are some pictures I took last month. I will take more soon and post them...he is a bit camera shy. You can see his mange spots are healing nicely.

Sitting like a lil' man!

12-04-2007, 11:04 PM
gentle hugs to the little guy

12-05-2007, 05:01 AM
Casper is so cute! Pawsitive thoughts headed his way for a speedy recovery. :)

12-05-2007, 08:14 AM
Oh what a cutie pie!
Glad to hear he has a wonderful home waiting for him!

12-05-2007, 03:17 PM
Omg, he's so adorable. It sounds like he is going to the perfect home. :)

Daisy and Delilah
12-05-2007, 10:27 PM
More kisses for him from us!! He is such a lovebug!! :)

12-06-2007, 01:59 PM
Thank you everybody. Casper sure enjoys all those extra hugs and kisses sent from you guys! His new family is driving out on the 13th to come and meet him! I can't wait to see their face when the see him! They have been waiting for so long to meet him. We will drive him out to them in Iowa when he is better.

12-06-2007, 02:27 PM
Casper is so cute! It sounds like he's going to have a great home. We'll look forward to hearing about how the meeting went.

12-06-2007, 03:46 PM
Hey Casper! Feel betteer quickly, you have a really special job ahead of you. Bet you will enjoy it VERY much!

01-21-2008, 01:24 AM
Well, a lot has happened with Casper in the last month and a half. I am sorry I was not able to update you until now. I still do not have a computer at home and only am able to use my sister's (I borrowed her laptop until tomorrow).

Casper met with the family from Iowa, but their dog was not happy to meet him. She did not get along with him. Casper finally got a clean bill of health as of January 4th. He is all healed from the mange, but we found out he has a grade 2 heart murmur. This poor guy just can't get a break! Well, we had another applicant for Casper. She lives in Indianapolis. She checked out very good, actually the Chicagoland Bully Breed Rescue sent her to me for Casper. She has a 4 yr old Doberman and he is so sweet. She drove out last week with her pup to meet Casper and it was best friends at first site for the two pups. After doing background checks and vet checks we approved her. We had the Indy Pit Crew (a pittie rescue in Indianapolis) do a house check, and it came back great. So, since we were driving to Indiana to drop of one of Baby's pups, Jet, to his new family, we drove Casper out there as well.

Everything was so great. Big house, big fenced in yard. The lady works at home and has two kids, 9 and 11. Casper seemed to know he was "home", he kind of took over. I am so happy that he is finally in a great forever home and will be cared for and loved for the rest of his days. Here are some pictures.

These two I took the night before I took him to his new home.

"That snack was good!"


"Can I have another, please?"

Here are some pictures that his new mom sent to me last night!

He may not be able to hear, but something caught his attention!

Maybe it was this basket full of goodies......


"Ooohhh...look what I found!"


"My new mom says I have to go potty outside...what is up with that? I think I'm just gonna sit here...maybe she'll change her mind!"


"Okay, so she didn't change her mind. So, I gave in and I went potty outside. Well, what do you expect? It is pretty cold out here...I mean I'm stubborn and all but....LOOK WHAT I GOT! This going potty outside thing is pretty cool!!"


That's it guys. I will post more when I get more and am able to borrow this laptop again. Hope you liked 'em!

01-21-2008, 09:11 AM
Wow... what a handsome guy! His face sure matured from those pics in the first post. So great that he has a loving forever home! He looks really happy!

01-21-2008, 11:32 AM
that's just awesome!
I'm so glad its working out! :D

01-21-2008, 12:19 PM
Hooray for Casper!!