View Full Version : Redneck Version of Stacking

12-03-2007, 07:22 PM
LOL kidding. We were trying to get some stacked shots for his web page. I have seen these really cool blocks that some breeders use to stack their dogs. Ajax is rotten about keeping his feet still so I wanted to try something like those. But not having any fancy blocks(and I so want to buy them) hubby and I said we will do the redneck version. So out to the wood pile he went. lol And here we are. The shots are far from perfect, I know. But he kept his feet on them a lot better then if he was on the floor or table alone. And it was easier to reposition his feet. We got some ok shots but we still have a lot of work to do.








And what would a picture thread be without his cute face looking straight at you.



Hope you enjoyed.
Nicole & Ronan

12-03-2007, 07:34 PM

I liked this one; glad you included the full face shots. I LOVE his ears, he heee.

12-03-2007, 10:57 PM
LOL! Whew! What a handsome boy! I love his ears too!

12-04-2007, 06:08 AM
He is huge!! Beautiful boy and always enjoy the face shots, gotta love those ears :D

12-04-2007, 07:24 AM
LOL! Redneck version or not... I'm sure those blocks are a LOT cheaper!!

Oh Nicole, he's Gorgeous!!!

12-04-2007, 07:27 AM
Hey, if works....!
He's growing so fast! like everyone said...gotta love those ears! :D

12-04-2007, 08:49 AM
Look at those ears! lol

12-04-2007, 09:29 AM
Thanks all. Ajax is so fun to work with. The problem is that tail. He wags it so hard he can't keep his feet still and beats me with it. He is having too much fun(is there such a thing?)
Nicole & Ronan

12-04-2007, 12:02 PM
Nicole, what is the goal of stacking? Is it for Ajax to learn a correct standing position? Do the blocks let you show him where to put his feet? I love the pictures of him looking out at me. He has grown so much but absolutely no less precious. The pink in his ears looks like smooth satin to me. Ajax, you're working with your mom to learn your skills! You go, sweety.

12-04-2007, 05:19 PM
He's adorable Nicole!

Have you tried coffee cans? I know It sounds just as "redneck" LOL, but they honestly work great! All you need is 4 large coffee cans, fill them up with concrete, and paint them any color you wish..they actually look pretty nice! :)

12-04-2007, 07:16 PM
He's adorable Nicole!

Have you tried coffee cans? I know It sounds just as "redneck" LOL, but they honestly work great! All you need is 4 large coffee cans, fill them up with concrete, and paint them any color you wish..they actually look pretty nice! :)

I was going to suggest this, too!

A lot of people don't have the money for Happy Legs (cough - people like me :p). We make do with concrete blocks, bricks, cans filled with concrete, etc.

Ajax is cute!

ETA: Cassiesmom, stacking is essentially showing off the dog to the best of its ability so that you can judge how well the dog fits the breed standard. For example, by correctly stacking a dog, you can accentuate its positive attributes, like a well laid back shoulder and well angulated rear OR you can even stack/groom a dog to hide its faults. But I digress! I believe GSDs are stacked that way to show their rear movement or something. I can't remember. I'm sure Nicole would know :)

12-04-2007, 08:53 PM
I had to laugh at these pictures. I can just imagine the thoughts going through your mind trying to stack a playful pup like Ajax. I love the action of his tail wagging as you follow through the pictures. I'd give him the ribbon for happiest dog.

12-06-2007, 08:41 AM
Look at those ears! Doing a great job!