View Full Version : Innova or Evo?

12-03-2007, 02:01 AM
Which is better an why?
I know the Evo has no grains in it, but is that better than regular Innova?

I bought the Evo and so far my kitty doesnt seem to love it. Which is weird because he usually goes crazy over new foods.

Im sure with time he will love it though!

Im pretty certain that cats can eat only meat and be healthy, which is why I think that grain is unnecessary, they are true carnivores.

Anyone care to help me? Their website isnt much help at all. I dont understand why they give us the choice between Innova and Innova Evo. They should just make whichever one is best in my opinion.

Last question. Is it fine to feed my kitten the dry food in a free feed manner, and serve him the wet food for dinner?

12-03-2007, 07:33 AM
I'm sorry...I don't know about those cat food brands.
But I feed Dry food freely.Always have.I feed wet when they want it.
Usually in the morning and night.
But I have a lot of cats.
So I think your doing it great. :)
Dry food freely and wet at night for a moisture food so they don't get dehydrated.
Always..they need fresh water at all times when giving dry food.(wet too).but I'm sure you and 99% of the population know this. ;)
I just throw it out there anyway.

12-03-2007, 08:01 AM
I don't know about these food either as they are not available in Italy where I live. I feed Royal Canin to my 5 cats. I free feed dry and give wet when requested by my masters. The eat all natural wet food called Almo Nature which contains only meat with cooking broth and 1% rice. I have always given wet a couple of times a day for added fluids. My RB cat Mytsi was never a big drinker and my vet suggested wet food to help keep her hydrated. It has worked well for me. :)

12-03-2007, 08:22 AM
My vet for nearly 30 years, who has since retired, recommended Purina Cat Chow and I've stayed w/that w/no problems whatsoever. And now my new vet has recommended all Purina products. Some people may disagree and perhaps for their cats this isn't the brand to use but my cats all love it and have had no problems, so I stick w/what they'll eat and w/what works. I don't give them canned food. They love it but none of them can seem to keep it down. They have a water fountain that they adore and they stay well hydrated. Hope this helps.

12-03-2007, 09:02 AM
I use the Innova Evo as a "treat" for my guys. From what I understand about the differences is that Innova regular contains some grains but the Evo contains no grains. (Since one of my guys has irritable bowel syndrome and the grains make him sick, I use the Evo and a raw diet).

12-03-2007, 09:56 AM
My Cats Love Innova Canned Food. The Only Problem Is That There Are Only A Few Stores That Carry Innova , And Its Hard To Get To. They Adore The Innova Canned With Turkey And Chicken And Its Worth The Nearly 3 Dollars ;) A Can To See Them So Happy!!!!!

12-03-2007, 11:31 AM
I had to switch to a grain free diet because my cat Starr has colitis and IBD problems. I now feed them all Innova Evo dry and give them a little bit of wet too. It doesn't contain much fiber so I also give then Evangers Organic Turkey and Butternut Squash Dinner canned food and I mix in a little bit of the Innova Evo wet food with it and I also add some water to it too for more added moisture. They all love this food.:)

I don't free feed because some of my cats are little piggies and they'd eat everything in sight and the others wouldn't be able to get their fair share. If you do free feed I'd measure a certain amount and just leave that out for your kitten to munch on throughout the day. The Innova Evo has a lot of calories and is very high in protein so cats don't need to eat as much of it as some other foods. I was also told that you shouldn't feed them too much of the wet food because this will cause some cats to have diarrhea.

I've also tried the nature's variety dry food but they didn't seem to like it as well and the Innova Evo. Good luck.:)

12-03-2007, 03:05 PM
My cats are on regular Innova and they love it. They also look great, people have commented on how amazing their coats look and feel. When Corkscrew was getting over his fatty liver disease and was finally starting to show an interest in food I decided to let him pick out what he wanted to eat. I offered him many different dry foods to eat and he chose Innova so I stuck with it. They are both great foods in my opinion. I also choose to free feed and it seems to work well for us.

12-03-2007, 03:46 PM
Thanks for all the replies. The reason I switched in the first place is because my kitten has had soft stools for a couple months now.
He was eating Royal Canin, so I tried switching to Nuro Natural Choice. Didnt help at all.
Im pretty sure he doesnt have any parasites as Ive dewormed him about 3 times and given him meds for giardia about 3 times as well.
His last two stool samples that were sent to the lab came back negative.

So I have no clue what to do, I heard Innova was really good, so I decided to try it.
I went to a local pet store, but they only had Innova Evo, so I decided to try it out.

12-03-2007, 04:53 PM
If you switch their food all at once, and not mix it in gradually, and make the previous food less each time, that can also cause diarrhea as well. I've made that mistake before.

My cats Sophie and Honeybun both have sensitive stomachs, and they have done well on the Nutro and California Natural. I've tried the EVO, and only one of my cats was super fond of it. I kind of used it as a treat. I do free feed because I have a few that were strays when I took them in, and they still act as though they are going to starve if only leave out so much food. Sophie, for one, will gorge herself as soon as you refill a bowl that was empty and then promptly, throw it up. :rolleyes: So, dry food stays out here all the time.