View Full Version : Looks Like We're Going to the Vet

12-02-2007, 02:50 PM
Well, Charlotte and Shirley, my two rattie girls, are sneezing up a storm. They are also doing what appears to be wheezing. We're most likely going to the vet on tuesday, but tonight and tomorrow night to make them more comfortable I'm going to bring them in the bathroom while they're in their carrier, and take a nice hot shower so hopefully the steam will help with the sneezing. The same vet office we go to for our dog, Roscoe, treats rats. In fact, the vet has pet rats. Hopefully it's not extremely expensive, but I have quite a bit in my savings account plus my parent want to help pay, so we can definately afford it. I know it's not their bedding, as I use kaytee aspen shavings and have been using them for six months, and I know it's not a cleaner or anything because I only use hot water and a tiny bit of cage cleaner to clean their cage and I don't use anything harsh to clean my room. It looks like just a normal respiratory infection to me. Please send good thoughts as I want them to get better and I've never had to take them to the vet, and I don't know how they'll behave, :p . Well, sorry for the long post but I'm just worried about them, even though I know lots of rats get these infections.


12-02-2007, 02:53 PM
Good thoughts coming your way. I've got two on antibiotics right now for respiratory infections.