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critter crazy
12-02-2007, 08:06 AM
As most of you know, I have a rather Intelligent dog. Duke has taught himself how to Open my Back deck door, so I have to keep the Deadbolt on Constantly. He has also learned how to open My downstairs sliding glass door, which we now have to keep a rod on the track, so it cannot be opened, as he learned how to unlock it as well!

Now for his Newest trick! Last night we were watching TV when we heard a strange noise, so I went to investigate. First thing I noticed, was that the door to where the dog food was kept was opned, so I went in, and there was Duke eating dog food!! we keep the dog food in a seperate room, and keep the door closed. On top of that, we keep the dog food in a large Rubbermaid Tote, with a latching lid! Duke managed to open the door, and to get the lid off of the tote!! Needless to say he is looking a tad fat today!!:rolleyes:

This dog is making me loose my mind!! I cannot get him to sit regularly, but He can open every single door in the house!!:rolleyes:

Just look at that innocent Face!!

12-02-2007, 09:19 AM
Duke, I am amazed at how smart and determined you are. You just need to let Mom know she would be SO bored without all your investigative techniques. She should try to find you some "work" to keep you occupied. Maybe as a safe cracker?

12-02-2007, 11:42 AM
I think you'd better lock up all the keys to the cars. :D
And how can you get upset with that precious face? :)

12-02-2007, 12:02 PM
Ha ha! I'm waiting to see what Duke does next! :D

12-03-2007, 07:55 AM
Are you sure that cute widdle puppy is the one doing all this stuff?! :D

12-03-2007, 12:54 PM
Oh Duke, I don't think you could possibly be nawtee! Just look at that FACE!!! :D Doesn't mommy understand that you are just trying to be more independent so she doesn't have to work so hard? ;)