View Full Version : Timpanogos tomorrow

08-09-2002, 11:12 PM
Erm, I'm hiking Mt. Timpanogos tomorrow. It's a mountain I look at every day from my house. We have to leave at 3 a.m. (oh boy am I excited) because it takes 4-6 hours each way. I took a face plant running with Nebo yesterday, my ankle hurts, so it should be even more fun. Ha. I'll take pics. Hopefully I'll still be alive to show them to you.

08-10-2002, 10:22 AM
Have Fun!!! and don't 4get the pix........ty :cool: :cool:

08-11-2002, 07:11 PM
I'm late but i hope you had fun today... and you BETTER ahve pics to show or ELSE.:D

08-13-2002, 09:48 AM
Wolf_Q: Nice to meet a fellow Utahn - how was the Timp. It's been a long time since I made that hike. It would probably kill me now:D :D

08-13-2002, 09:52 AM
Have fun I can't wait to see the pictures.

08-13-2002, 09:56 AM
Hi Purrley! I see you are from SLC? I'm from Pleasant Grove. :) The scenery on that hike was just gorgeous! We saw a big bull moose, a deer, and a pika along the way. I loved looking down and seeing the entire valley! We climbed all the way to the little silver shack. We went really slow on the way there though, because we were waiting for our mothers, and so that didn't do us much good. The way back sucked, my knees were killing me. We started the trail at 3:30 a.m. and didn't get home until 4:30 p.m. 13 hours. LOL we're pathetic. I have tons of beautiful pics I took with my digital camera, but I've been too lazy to post them.......maybe I'll get around to it now...if anyone wants to see :)

08-13-2002, 09:59 AM
Pics!!! Pics!!!! :cool: :cool: :cool:

08-13-2002, 10:25 AM
Oh, Amy! You are going to have so much fun! Andrew, Drake, and I go hiking all the time on the Appalachian Trail, 100s and 100s of miles on it! Are you taking Nebo? It may be too long for him to do at such an early age.

Take plenty of water!! Camelbacks work the best. Don't forget your First Aid Kit either. Wear sunblock and don't forget the top of your head. Coppertone makes this sunblock that you can spray onto your scalp. Insect repellant may be a good idea as well! Oh, and it is a good idea to have a cell phone in case of an emergency.

Have fun.

08-13-2002, 01:44 PM
100s and 100s of miles? No thanks! LOL. Although I bet it is beautiful! No, we didn't take Nebo. I saw a few people up there with dogs, even some who went all the way to the top. My friend and I might take Nebo and Lady a little way up the trail sometime, but I don't want to take them all the way. I did have one of those Camelbak backpacks.........not mine though. My friend's brothers...I think it cost $65 so I didn't want to ruin it lol. Those are nice, I wish I had one! My first aid kit consisted of 5 bandages, so it's a good thing nobody leaped off the cliff LOL. There was a cell phone, but the person carrying it was always miles behind. I didn't take sunblock, so I fried myself. Eh, I needed a tan lol.