View Full Version : Need some input....

Lori Jordan
11-29-2007, 07:05 PM
Ok after loosing Anna,Even though we did not have her back for long,We still had some real good years with her,Jamie made a remark to me that he really misses having her around.

So i went ahead and started contacting breeders,One was for an Alaskan Malamute,those pups are ready to go,I thought that it may be to soon for him.

But on the other hand there is a gentleman i found and he has a pair he will be breeding in January.I do not want anyone to think that i am replacing Anna,that would never happen,But once you have owned one there is nothing like having a sibe around the house.

Hear are the pictures of the Female

The father

They are beautiful,and there reds!I have always loved reds,We had one a long time ago we had her for 6 weeks and she was stolen.

My thoughts im doing this for Jamie it will be a surprise,Im not sure if i should tell him so he can pick out what he wants or if i should go ahead.

The poor guy sits in front of the computer looking at all the videos and pictures i have of Anna with tears rolling down his face.

I am going to take a drive out and have a look at his other dogs and the parents of course,I myself too really miss having a sibe in the home.

What do you think should i wait and let jamie decide when to get another or go ahead and surprise him?

11-29-2007, 07:14 PM
I can really relate to how Jamie feels. I did the same for months. And as cool as it would be to surprise him, I really think it's a good idea to involve him in choosing the dog. He might bond more with a certain one. The parents are beautiful! We all understand our special past dogs can't be replaced. But it's not wrong to make room for more in your heart. They bring happiness and healing. Can't wait to see the new dog!

11-29-2007, 07:22 PM
Both of them dogs are stunning.

If it was me I would go ahead with contact with the breeder and keep it a secret but take Jamie along with you to pick out a puppy, that way he will be able to make the initial contact with a puppy rather than getting one brought home which might be a bit of a shock if hes still rather tender about Anna.

I know alot of people are very sensitive about getting a new dogs quite soon but I find it does help, Especially when you are so used to having a set amount of dogs in the house.

Has he mentioned anything about getting a puppy or older dog again?

Lori Jordan
11-29-2007, 07:29 PM
Has he mentioned anything about getting a puppy or older dog again?

Actually he has,We were going to go back and get a Sibe from where we had gotten Anna,But with the message we got back from them Jamie refuses to do so.

I found a 5 year old husky who was being retired from breeding,I showed jamie her pictures and he said to me that he did not want her because of the colour she resembled Anna alot...He said no he could not have that.

He is always looking at breeders and rescues,I'm not sure which way we will go,To be honest i am more to looking to rescue a sibe,There is alot of puppies as adults needing homes,I just have not found anything near us.

11-29-2007, 07:29 PM
There's not a thing wrong with getting another dog. Sometimes it helps to heal a very broken heart. :) My opinion,I would involve Jamie in choosing another puppy/dog. I myself would not want to be surprised. ;)

11-30-2007, 07:38 AM
Only you (the ones involved) can decide if it is the right time. Different people, different pets, different life stages. When I lost my RB Amber, I didn't even THINK aobut another cat for a year. When we lost RB Dazzle, we had another one in 6 weeks. It varies too much; if you feel it is time, then it is.

I would involve him int he selectin process. You can decide where to look, talk to the folks and line things up, but then involve him. Just my thoughts.

11-30-2007, 07:38 AM
I wouldn't want a dog/puppy as a suprise.

Once you've found one that you think would work, set up a meeting and take him along. Just don't tell him where you're going!

11-30-2007, 07:46 AM
Wow the dad is stunning!
If you want to make it a surprise for him then maybe just surprise him by going to pick a puppy. I know I would hate for someone to get me a puppy and me not have picked it out.

11-30-2007, 10:07 AM
Oh wow, what beautiful lt. reds! I would be very tempted to wait on one of their pups, for sure. I think just letting your son know you open to getting another husky would be a wonderful surprise - then all go together to pick out whatever dog you decide on. Lots of options - wait on a pup, look for a rescue, check local sources... you know how many sibes end up in shelters & rescues, so you might find just who you want.

After we lost Sherman, I started checking rescues for older males available at rescues that would adopt to this area. I found several females available, but no males. Then Jack was offered to us, and, since I already had plans to be in the area - 800 miles from here - I went ahead & picked him up.

As we weren't quite ready for another dog, especially one so tempermentally different than Star or Sherman, it was a bit of a rough start. We were still grieving. It was especially hard for Star, (she was deeply depressed for about 3 months.) It's been 4 months now & we're finally feeling like Jack fits in. So don't rush it - you'll know when you are all ready (dogs included). At the same time, keep in mind that it may take a while to find just the right dog. But if you find one sooner rather than later, ask yourselves if you are ready to adopt now.

We'll be watching! good luck!

Lori Jordan
11-30-2007, 10:20 AM
Well it aint much of a surprise anymore,We share the same email account,He was up later last night,Everytime someone replys to a post i get an email.Well he seen everything.......

He was actually happy the first i have seen a smile on his face,It was just the pictures of the sibes,He loves the dad,But he is really a handsome boy.

Jamie was actually talking to the breeder and has arranged to go see his dogs tomorrow,So we will see how that goes.

The female has not been bred yet so we still have time,I dont know if he is ready yet,I think he just wants to see the sibes,And so do i there always a joy.

I will take pictures when we are there!