View Full Version : Please think of my AnnaBelle today!

11-29-2007, 06:30 AM
I feel just awful!!!! We had AnnaBelle groomed almost 2 weeks ago, and this morning we just discovered that her collar and suspenders (used to keep her diaper up) have rubbed a huge sore area on her neck. The reason we didn't see it is because I bought her a Christmas scarf for the first time! Apparently when we put her collar back on after her groom, it was tighter than before and the friction from the suspenders pulling on it, rubbed this big raw area. We didn't see it because her stupid scarf was covering it. :(

We noticed her trying to lick frantically this morning and we discovered this place underneath her scarf. It is a really bad area, and the skin is completely split open in one place. I know it is very painful! I cleaned and cleaned on it with peroxide, which I know had to burn, but I'm so afraid of her getting an infection. I feel so terrible for not knowing this was happening. I hate those darned suspenders, I'm going to go online today and try to find something better to keep her diaper on.

I wasn't going to mention this, but now I'm going to. I just ordered AnnaBelle a wheelchair cart and it is due here at any moment, possibly even today. I was so excited that she hadn't had any bladder infections over the past year and a half, and now this unnecessary thing happened. :( It kind of dampens my excitement over the cart now.

Well, thankfully I have an appointment scheduled today at 1:30 for Henna's puppy shots, so I'll take AnnaBelle as well. It's really going to be hard to handle a rambunctious puppy and a handicapped dog together. I am hoping that maybe they can fit AnnaBelle in earlier today, so I can make two trips.

Please wish my girl luck and that she can be seen early this morning! I won't be surprised if she has to have that one area stitched close. I feel like a terrible mommy right now. :(


11-29-2007, 06:57 AM
Annabelle I will be thinking of you today. Don't blame yourself, accidents happen. You are in no way a terrible mommy. Please give her some hugs from me. I hope that everything goes well at the vets and Annabelle heals quickly.

11-29-2007, 07:13 AM
Don't blame yourself!!
You've done a great job at taking care of her, things like this happen.

Sending speedy healing vibes to AnnaBelle!
I'm excited to see her cart!!

11-29-2007, 07:20 AM
I appreciate the understanding and support, WLPs and Pitc9. I've always hated the suspenders, but they did help keep her from scooting out of her diapers. Once her cart gets here, it will support her legs so we won't need anything to help hold them on. I'll just buy a diaper wrap to give it some extra support and comfort. Her cart is due here any day, maybe even today if I get lucky! I just hope she isn't too sore to want to try it out.


Daisy and Delilah
11-29-2007, 07:47 AM
Oh my goodness, Kim! I'm so sorry to hear that little AnnaBelle has a boo boo. You do such a great job of taking care of her and giving her a good quality life. Don't beat yourself up over this. These things happen and I believe everything happens for a reason. That adorable little girl will be just fine. You're doing everything you can do and more to help her.
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} Thoughts and prayers for you all today.

11-29-2007, 08:15 AM
Kim, most EVERY pet owner knows things happen. And when you are caring so lovingly for a handicap pet, and making your own way as the rules vary from one handicap to another, "things happen." This is NOT your fault and you are seeing it gets treated right away; you already started treating it.

I am SO excited for Annabelle to be getting her cart! She's gonna have wheels for Christmas! Oh joy!

Best wishes at the vet.

Ginger's Mom
11-29-2007, 08:21 AM
Yes, please do not blame yourself. Things sometimes happen, our dogs sometimes get sores. You are taking wonderful care of Annebelle. I know she felt very spiffy in her new haircut and Christmas scarf, none of that is to blame. It is just a boo-boo. I am glad to hear that you are able to get her in to get some medicine to fix everything up quickly. I am also excited to hear that Annebelle's cart will be arriving a few weeks before Christmas. It will take a little getting used to, so don't get discouraged. By Christmas she should be zip around with the rest of the pups. What a very exciting time this is for all of you. :)

11-29-2007, 09:41 AM
((HUGS)) Kim, if only they could talk and tell us what is hurting or bothering them. :( But you did what you could as soon as you found out about the sore area.
I hope she gets her cart today and can be suspender free by Christmas. :)

11-29-2007, 10:52 AM
My vet couldn't work her in early, so she will be going in with Henna at 1:30 p.m. No more suspenders for AnnaBelle!!! I went out a bought a velcro diaper wrap that hopefully will help to hold her diaper on when she scoots around. I pray that she will take to her cart quickly, so she won't have to do much scooting anymore ... just during rest times.

I will post an update when we get back from the vet. Please say a prayer for my girl and for me having to handle a crippled dog and a maniac puppy at the same time! :eek: :rolleyes:

11-29-2007, 10:54 AM
Kim, I will definitely have Annabelle and you in my prayers today. Bless your heart.....we know you would never do anything to hurt your sweet baby girl. You have gone above and beyond to extend her life in a loving way. The wheelchair will be so good for her! Hopefully her wounds are going to heal quickly and she will be scooting around on her new wheels soon.


11-29-2007, 01:25 PM
AnnaBelle, I hope your skin heals very quickly and the new fastener works great. I'll be excited to see a picture of you and your wheels. Please ask your mom to give you a pat for me, and one for Henna too.

11-29-2007, 02:42 PM
Annabelle my love, I am so sorry to hear through my mom that you have a boo-boo. Us doggies are way more able to bear pain and discomfort than our hoomans (don't tell anyone I said that). Often we suffer when we wouldn't have to. If we only had a voice (other than a bark or yap :p ). I am wishing and hoping that you will be OK really soon. My mommy said that your mommy is a special lady and I think so too. Soon you will be good as new. I can hardly wait to see you with your wheels. Oh Annabelle my heart is bursting with the thought that you will be able to "run around" soon. I can't wait to see some pictures.

Lovingly forever,
Ripley :)

11-29-2007, 02:45 PM
Well, we are home from the vet visit. What a day! AnnaBelle was terrified and they had to muzzle her to shave the area around her wound. She had a hard time breathing with that muzzle on! Poor baby, she breathes better through her mouth than her noze, just like her Mommy. She was blowing bubbles out her nose just trying to get enough air.

Anyway, she got shaved around the site, had it clean out good and has antibiotics for 10 days!

HEY, my doorbell just rang while I was typing this. HER CART JUST CAME!!!!! I sure hope she takes to it, but I think I am going to wait a few days and be sure she is feeling well before introducing her to something stressful and new!

Stay tuned!

Oh, and Henna did great, has gained over 3 lbs in 3 weeks! ;)

11-29-2007, 02:50 PM
Bless you for taking such good care of her, I think that wheelchair cart sounds wonderful.

11-29-2007, 03:20 PM
My Dearest Ripley,

I was so scared today at the vet's office. I thought the groomer's was bad, but this lady hurt my boo boos and then tried to suffocate me by putting something tight around my nose and mouth. I thought I was going to drown in nose bubbles while trying desperately to get enough air through just my widdle nosie! :eek:

Mommy got all excited when the doorbell rang a few minutes ago. She said that my new wheels came. I'm not sure what she's talking about, I can't drive a car! She said that she would wait a few days before stressing me out anymore. I have to admit that sounds like a fine idea to me!

You said that this wheel thing will help me runaround like you again? Well, if that is the case, then maybe I'll give it a good try! I'd love for you to see me back on my feet again!

Yours forever!

11-29-2007, 04:30 PM
Oh Kym, this ended up being a great day! You survived taking the two dogs to the vet together; Annabelle's boo boo isn't as bad as you thought (you thought she would need some stitches), Henna is growing by leaps and bounds, and the wheel chair arrived! Yahoo!

11-29-2007, 06:29 PM
Glad that you got her cleaned up and I can't wait to see her posing in her new cart!