View Full Version : Hello From Frankie and Riley

11-28-2007, 11:57 PM
Hey everyone, Frankie here. I stole dad's laptop and decided to update everyone on my sister and I. Dad keeps taking me to the white coats! I don't remember much from the first time, but when dad picked me up I felt real sleepy and he made me wear a cone. Once we got home and I started to wake up I pulled the cone off and made it clear that I would have none of that. Dad then put some big round thing on my neck, but I learned how to get that off too and I think he finally gave up after the 100th time that I pulled it off. A few days ago the nice lady white coat said I was well enough to start hiking again, and that same day dad and I headed off to our favorite boulder spot! It was the first time in weeks that I got to go further than around the block and it was great! Here I am posing in front of one of the climbing rocks:


I also got to play with Riley again! For the longest time dad wouldn't let us rough house, but he finally gave in and let us loose in the back yard! Riley got to go camping with grandma and grandpa, but they didn't take any pictures. Riley says hi too, but she knows she'll get in trouble for using the laptop; I just don't care... I know he can't stay mad, especially when we pose pretty like:


Anyhow, dad's been keeping a close watch on me and my new nickname is crazy cancer dog, but he seems to be more positive than before and he's starting a new job Monday that is really close to home, so he can come home on his lunch breaks! I'm sure he'll check in sooner or later, but I got to run! I hear kibble being poured!

Frankie & Riley

11-29-2007, 12:10 AM
Thanks for the update Frankie! :) Tell Riley that dad won't care if she takes a turn on the laptop. ;) I'm glad to hear you're feeling better, I've been worried about you! I love the photos. :) That looks like a great hiking spot, I bet the huskies would love that trail too. Keep us updated Frankie!

Keva wanted me to add that she wants some of that kibble! :rolleyes:

Ginger's Mom
11-29-2007, 05:38 AM
Hi Frankie, it is good to hear from you, and to see you and your pretty sister Riley. You both look very pretty in that picture. I didn't know that you gave Dad such a scare. I am glad to hear that everything seems to be alright now, and that you got to go hiking again. Hope to hear from you and Riley again, soon.

11-29-2007, 06:00 AM
Good to see you girls again! Frankie you aren't allowed to scare daddy like that, we humans have weak hearts when it comes to you guys and we can't take that! It's great to see you and I hope that the nasty cancer just stays gone for good. We are so happy to see you smiling to pretty. Make sure you convince dad he needs to put up more pictures more often! Lots of hugs pretty girls.

11-29-2007, 07:42 AM
I must be out of the loop with Frankie's cancer, but I'm very glad to hear she's doing good now and gets to go hiking again!
It's great to see you girls again!

11-29-2007, 09:44 AM
I must have missed the cancer thread. Sorry Frankie. :( But I'm glad to hear you are all better now and can go hiking again with Dad. :) It is very nice to see you and Riley again. Go ahead and keep stealing Dad's laptop so at least someone is keeping us updated. :p ;)

11-29-2007, 07:20 PM
Thanks for the kind responses! I guess I never did post about Frankie's issues.

A few months ago she developed a knot on her back left knee and I assumed it was from wrestling with Riley. Unfortunately the knot grew rapidly into a mass so I took her to the vet to have it removed and biopsied. The initial word after having it removed was that it was a fatty tumor and the entire mass was removed.

Unfortunately the biopsy wasn't so good. The removed mass was a peripheral nerve sheath tumor. We've been in and out a few times now and the vets are not sure that enough tissue was removed and this kind of cancer has an extremely high re-occurrence rate. Luckily it is relatively low grade so that chance of it metastasizing is relatively low.

Right now I opted to not perform another surgery because there is still the chance that it was all removed the first time. Technically if it returns it should be in the same general location, so I've been checking her daily and if it does come back then we'll go in for the surgery with wider and deeper margins. If it comes back and they're not able to remove enough tissue due to her tight skin on the knee then we'll consider other options. Hopefully it will simply not return and we'll go about our happy hiking ways :) .