View Full Version : If you could be any animal ...

Miss Meow
08-09-2002, 07:13 PM
I am very interested in all your opinions.

I am doing some life coach training as part of my job. The coach/psychologist chappie said that in order to understand other people, you need to truly understand yourself, which sounds fair to me.

BUT, one exercise in he gave me in self-awareness was 'If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?' So I thought long and hard and said cat of course! So I wrote down it was because they are independent, street smart, they know exactly what they want and like, they smell nice (he really raised his eyebrows at that one!) and they have humans wrapped around their paws. Who wouldn't want to be a cat???

So he said that wanting to be a cat was a sign as wanting more affection and security in my life ... what do you think???

And what animal would you be if you had a choice? :)

08-09-2002, 07:28 PM
If I could be any animal, I would be a parrot. I would love to have the ability to soar across the skies. I would know how to talk and have great fun teasing my humans by saying silly stuff! I would have beautiful colors and if God wills, I would live a long happy life. Parrots are great acrobats and always find something to do. They always have fun. And best of all, if I was a parrot or any other animal, I wouldn't have to worry about my deeds and fear God's questioning in the hereafter. May God help us all to steer onto the right path since God created us as humans. Amen!

08-10-2002, 12:08 AM
Hmmmmmmm - I'd want to run that by some feral cats first! Of course, I'm not a psychologist, but I believe most people project onto cats that which they perceive. Sounds more to me like that might be his perception of cats.
I think that whenever people respond to that one with "cat", it's because they would want to have those qualities that they find particularly fascinating about cats they've known. These can be varied, depending on the person and the cats they have interacted with. Some people have cuddly, spoiled housecats (ahem, Grasshopper!), then some have independant barn cats, marvelous mousers!
Cats have always fascinated pepole throughout history (watch the Discovery Channel's cat features.) I think a lot of it is their independence, their purr, their aloofness, their grace, their hunting ability in the midst of all their cuddliness, and the unique way they often relate to human beings, when they chose to. Then, too, a lot of it is cultural; we tend to view them as somewhat like us. And in fact, their physiology is studied by many disciplines, as they are structurally more like humans than any other animal. Maybe we came from cats? Sorry, no offense to Darwinians or Creationists!

08-10-2002, 12:35 AM
What I have heard about that whole psych animal thing was that the qualities you chose that you liked in the animal were qualities you prized most in yourself.

This was back when I took Psy 101 and the professor asked us what 2 animals we like the best or would want to be and name a few characteristics of the animal to show why you chose it. I chose a cat(surprise, surprise) and a dolphin because they are affectionate, intelligent, independent, and graceful. Hmmmm...wonder what that psychologist would say about me?!

08-10-2002, 02:10 AM
I was thinking about what animal would I like to be while I was fixing dinner - I like your choices! I thought I'd like to be a whale.

08-10-2002, 02:48 AM
I would also like to be a cat. I would prefer to be a spoiled housecat though. Then I could sleep all day, play whenever I wanted to, and eat whenever I wanted to. My owners would love me so much that they would do anything for me. This would be a great life. :) This is actually the life of my three cats.

08-10-2002, 06:54 AM
When I said "cat" , this is not just because I have one !! I admire this animal because of his way of life : independant , loving , smart , supple , ... ! A cat always stays his own boss , no matter how caring his humans are ; if a cat says "NO !!" , it is definitely a "no" ; this something I like in people too !:rolleyes: :D

08-10-2002, 01:57 PM
If I could be any animal, I would be a cat. They are so agressive and smart. I've also heard they can see through darkness. I don't know if that's true, but I'd sure like to find out. Cats are so friendly, and so independant. They don't have to perform tricks or do anything, basically. They can just lay back on a windowsill and warm their fur all day. :cool:

Miss Meow
08-10-2002, 05:33 PM
I agree with Kohala and Chinadoll in that we'd probably select animals with qualities that we admire and share common values with. Who WOULDN'T want to sit on a sunny windowsill all day and watch the world go by?!

I'll ask about whales, parrots and dolphins this week as I'm very curious re his interpretations!!!

08-11-2002, 01:06 AM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
I agree with Kohala and Chinadoll in that we'd probably select animals with qualities that we admire and share common values with. Who WOULDN'T want to sit on a sunny windowsill all day and watch the world go by?!

I'll ask about whales, parrots and dolphins this week as I'm very curious re his interpretations!!!
The only reason I disn't pick "cat" is that I'm afraid I might not be able to enjoy them if I was one; if you're covered in fur you might not be able to appreciate the softness of it like you can when you have smooth (well, try to :D) skin.
As for whales, they seem to have the most freedom, and I love their pods, their family structure, their music, their grand size. And the places they go!!! Also, they're not so likely to be hassled by predators - although nothing is truly exempt. That's nature's beautiful paradox. Dolphins would be another choice, but I think whales come first!!!
Dadcat definitely would like to be a horse - again, he says!