View Full Version : Dog rescues owner from fire

11-27-2007, 11:19 AM
This made me think of the line in the movie "Pretty Woman": "She rescues him right back." :D

Rescue me: Dog from animal shelter saves new owner from Idaho mobile home fire
The Associated Press
November 24, 2007

BOISE, Idaho (AP) - Sometimes rescuers need to be rescued, too.

Candace Jennings was sleeping on the couch when she was nudged awake by her dog, Anna, to find her mobile home engulfed in flames early Thanksgiving Day. The blond heeler, an abused stray dog Jennings had adopted from an animal shelter, whined and howled until they ran outside.

"I had an awful headache. The place was filled with smoke," she told the Idaho Statesman for a story published Saturday.

But Jennings said she ran back into her burning home to save some items.

"I'm a janitor in town," she said. "I had everyone's keys in my backpack. I had to go back and get them."

She crawled back into her burning home in Idaho City, about 40 miles northeast of Boise, with Anna close at her side.

But Jennings said she became disoriented and was nearly overcome by smoke. She tried to get back out but crawled in the wrong direction, heading toward the pantry instead of the door.

Anna showed her the way out.

"She pushed on me; she nudged me out the door," Jennings said.

The roof collapsed as Jennings, barefoot and wearing only pajamas, ran to some trees in the 15-degree weather. Jennings suffered burns to her feet and then frostbite. Anna and two other dogs Jennings has were not injured.

"She's a hero," said Jennings, an artist who has lived in the mountain town since 1975.

Grant Hawk, owner of the trailer park, said an electrical problem might have started the fire in the mobile home, which he said is a total loss.

11-27-2007, 12:21 PM
What a great story!!

I'm so glad no one was hurt!

11-28-2007, 07:08 PM
Good girl Anna! Thank goodness both human and dogs all got out safe. :)