View Full Version : Need rat advice NOW!

11-26-2007, 06:42 PM
I was feeding Winkie and noticed a red "mole" on one of his testicles. I know rats are prone to tumors so I thought I'd ask. What should I do??

11-26-2007, 08:33 PM
Aww, poor Winkie! Sounds like a testicular tumor :( . I whipped out my handy Rat Health Care book by Debbie Ducommun, but unfortunately wasn't able to find much about these types of tumors. I googled it, and here you go:


The recommended treatment is neutering him. Definately talk with your vet about what to do, and about treatment. I have two girlies and dread the day one of them gets a tumor, as about 50% of girls get tumors. Give the boy a neck scritch for me, ok?


11-27-2007, 12:46 PM
Thanks Abigail! I'm going to make an appt asap.

I didn't realize that you need to do a check once a week, just like a self-breast exam!!! That was great information!

11-27-2007, 12:49 PM
Oh oh, let us know what the vet says.

11-27-2007, 01:13 PM
Hope everything is ok, I've had dudley neutured and it all turned out ok so I hope its all he needs.

Dont want to sound like im dumbing it down to you because ive made the same mistake, is it an actual mole of are the testicals hanging further out? I know they do that when they are hot, I panicked when that first happened to ronnie.

I hope its nothing bad. Please let us know.

11-27-2007, 04:05 PM
I'm sending some good wishes for the little boy. Hopefully you'll have caught anything that was about to happen before it could. Try not to tell him too many jokes about neutering ;), he may be a little sensitive.