View Full Version : Local TV News report On Pet Shop Pups( Update Part3)

11-26-2007, 05:52 PM
One local station is doing an investigation tracing the pipeline that
funnels pups for sale into local pet shops. I am so glad this subject is
being exposed & talked about more. It's long overdue. The first report
will be shone tonight.


11-26-2007, 06:05 PM
I'm glad they're finally investigating these pet store puppies. Maybe it will come to an end! :(

11-26-2007, 06:30 PM
I'm glad they're finally investigating these pet store puppies. Maybe it will come to an end! :(

Can't say better than this.

11-26-2007, 08:47 PM
Wished that you didn't have to live in IN to see that report.

People do need to realize where those puppies came from. But even those that do and 'rescue' them it's just gaining more income for the stores and keeping up the demand so they keep getting more puppies. It's a vicious cycle. The stores/puppy mills don't care why you bought the puppy, just so there's income generated because of it.

11-26-2007, 09:01 PM
That's great! More pound adoptions to come without people buying 'pet store puppies'! Woohoo!

11-27-2007, 12:47 AM
Wonderful!!! More people need to see that.


About a week ago i was investigating something else i seen in some newspaper ads and i found one for a pet store. I wondered what it was so i went to their website. UGH! They were calling themselves a small family store specializing in puppies. On their FAQ page they covered the issue of puppy mills saying the store buys their pups from USDA certified and inspected breeders. Arrrrg! If they were close to me i'd start a campaign against them.

One local station is doing an investigation tracing the pipeline that
funnels pups for sale into local pet shops. I am so glad this subject is
being exposed & talked about more. It's long overdue. The first report
will be shone tonight.


11-27-2007, 09:23 AM
Last night's report was very interesting. I had not realized how many
commercial breeding operations there were here in Indiana. :( Another
thing they did was show one dog breeder's method of raising & selling
Miniature Schnauzers as opposed to a commercial breeder. A private
breeded wouldn't dream of selling their pups through a pet store.

The part where the pet store guy tried to defend keeping breeder dogs
confined to cages all their adult life, & tried to say that dogs don't mind
living that way. :mad: They're only dogs. :mad:

here's the first report & videos..... Tonights report will cover "dog auctions"
were commercial breeders sell or trade off the dogs to other breeders.


11-27-2007, 12:31 PM
This made me want to throw up:

"Uncle Bill's sells about 2,500 puppies a year"

OMG! :eek: :mad: :(

This weekend reading my local paper I saw a HUGE ad for PetLand advertising $100 off puppies and $100 gift card for "Christmas Puppies"

:mad: :(

With as much exposure as puppy mills have gotten lately, you'd have to be living in a cave not to know how horrible it is to buy a puppy from a pet store. But some people still do it. :( It's sad because some of those people think that they're saving those puppies when in reality all they're doing is making room for more.

11-27-2007, 12:54 PM
good greif, that petstore owner going "without a doubt puppy farms are the BEST way to raise puppies" and "puppy farms are completely moral and ethical" uh huh, of coarse they are :rolleyes:

11-27-2007, 12:56 PM

Thank you for the link, now I can watch the show too and see what you guys are talking about.

11-27-2007, 04:07 PM
That's just horrible! :mad: I'm so glad we don't have any petstores near us that sell puppies. We used to have one in our mall years ago. If more people were educated about where these puppies come from maybe it would help put an end to it. :(

11-28-2007, 01:02 AM
I felt so bad for not being able to post the news link this morning when i found it, but i was so tired and had to get to bed.

Here's another useful link i found... sort of related http://thewrongpuppy.org/index.htm

11-28-2007, 09:45 AM
Last night they had Part 2 of the report & it was on dog auctions. The news team attended & filmed the auction. :( One woman interviewed
showed her dog she had bought at an similar event. The dog was deaf
and blind, but was being sold as a breed dog. :(

Report & video here......


11-28-2007, 11:17 AM
It's so freaking sad to know that they can't see, can't hear, have no teeth, and some have never touched grass... but as long as they keep popping out puppies they see $$$$.

:( :mad:

Oh it makes me so sad......

11-28-2007, 09:12 PM
These people make me sick. :mad: Just think how many puppies they are 'producing' and how many puppies/dogs are sitting in a shelter right now. :(

11-29-2007, 10:05 AM
Part 3 was last night. What happens when breeding dogs don't produce
any more puppies? They are left in cages to die if they can't be sold. I had
heard of a different fate :( , but wasn't in the report.

Here's part 3 & few dogs bought by the TV investigaters & turned over
to our local Indianapolis Humane Society for adoption.


11-29-2007, 03:01 PM
Ok I was reading some of the responses on the link you posted and I totally don't understand this person. I don't have sound on my computer at the moment so I am unclear on the reference to PA. Is she saying that the poor Amish are somehow being persecuted by the evil AR dogooders in PA?

Patsy, Indianapolis, IN
So, are we supposed to do what those AR dogooders in PA have done and shut down "Amish puppy mills", run out of small breed pups? There, they're breeding them speutering them and "adopting" them out for high adoption fees. Leave Mr. Graber alone. His religon forbids his picture being taken. If you were true journalists you would have found out what "Amish" means before you went there. As far as I'm concerned, my dog is my dog is my dog and I'd NEVER sign a contract!

I have also never heard the term speutering before...I guess that is an amalgamation of spay and neuter. :rolleyes:

11-29-2007, 04:25 PM
Ok I was reading some of the responses on the link you posted and I totally don't understand this person. I don't have sound on my computer at the moment so I am unclear on the reference to PA. Is she saying that the poor Amish are somehow being persecuted by the evil AR dogooders in PA?

Patsy, Indianapolis, IN
So, are we supposed to do what those AR dogooders in PA have done and shut down "Amish puppy mills", run out of small breed pups? There, they're breeding them speutering them and "adopting" them out for high adoption fees. Leave Mr. Graber alone. His religon forbids his picture being taken. If you were true journalists you would have found out what "Amish" means before you went there. As far as I'm concerned, my dog is my dog is my dog and I'd NEVER sign a contract!

I have also never heard the term speutering before...I guess that is an amalgamation of spay and neuter. :rolleyes:

Unfortunately, once an article is published & online, any nutcase can make
a reply to it. :rolleyes: I didn't really read through the published replys.

11-29-2007, 05:39 PM
Yea. I know. I was just hoping someone who might have a more open mind than I apparently do could figure out what this moron was trying to say because frankly I think she qualifies for some kind of idiot award.

What I read of the articles themselves was really great. Kudos to the news for doing the expose. I hope it makes a dent in the problem.

11-29-2007, 06:25 PM
I wish they would do something like this on Spanish television, god knows we need it over here. :(