View Full Version : An update on me...

11-26-2007, 02:01 AM
As you all may know, I'm moving to Oregon. Due to many factors the move has been delayed to December (one of which was I wanted to spend Thanksgiving with my family). Banana is living with my mom. He is getting on in years and since Wenisrubber has a snake, I don't want to cause a conflict. My mom absolutely LOVES him and is spoiling him so much! I'll get her to post some updated pictures of him soon :D Onyx is living with my friends moms roomate. He is not the type of cat that gets along well with other cats and the longer he was with us the more he got irritable with them. It got to the point where he actually broke skin on Spook and Remus. Keeping them seperated was impossible. Onyx is great with people, especially little kids. He is doing great in his new home where he gets a lot of love and attention isn't devided between a whole bunch of cats. Spook, Remus, Hoodini and the lizards are going with us, though. :) Other than getting everything ready for the move, Im not doing much but trying to pick up some side work so I can have more money saved up for when I get to Springfield (anyone know anyone in Reno that needs some yard work done lol? :D )

I've been lurking but I am thinking of all of you. Heathwise Im feeling better but emotionaly I'm not sure how Im doing. One day at a time I guess.

*HUGS* to everyone!

Laura's Babies
11-26-2007, 07:27 AM
Take care of yourself.. Darn, everybody is moving to the northwest! My sister says it is COLD up there...

11-26-2007, 10:51 AM
{{{hugs}} and wishing you all the luck in the world!!!!

11-26-2007, 11:14 AM
Hugs, big hugs to you! Um, I'm not in Reno, but there's yard work to be done here! (Okay, until the leaves stop falling from the trees, that's a constant!)

11-26-2007, 08:17 PM