View Full Version : Are your dogs allowed indoors?

11-25-2007, 08:59 PM
Are your dogs allowed inside?
My dog's arent. 12 dogs is too much for my dogs to be inside. Instead, we have a heated barn outside with beds and kennels for the pups when it gets cold outside. If it's spring or summer they are kept out of the barn and sleep in their dog houses :) I have thought about keeping a few dogs inside, but didn't think it'd be fair.

Also, I apologize for deleting my other poll I made, but I forgot to say if my dogs were allowed inside, as well as I forgot to put a poll in the thread.

11-25-2007, 09:01 PM
My dogs live indoors.

critter crazy
11-25-2007, 09:02 PM
Yup my two boys are inside only. :D

11-25-2007, 09:10 PM
Yes, mine all live inside and I wouldn't have it any other way. They're rarely ever outside - they all much prefer to be inside unless I'm outside with them to keep them occupied. Otherwise they just stand at the door whining to be let in.

11-25-2007, 09:29 PM
Mine are mainly inside, although they are allowed to stay out as long as they like.

11-25-2007, 09:39 PM
mine are all indoor dogs, they go outside to potty and thats it, any other time they are outside its with me.

11-25-2007, 10:09 PM
Yes of course, I would never keep my dogs strictly outside. They love to be outside and Nebo will often spend a lot of time sleeping the yard (his choice..only during the day when I'm home) and they play out there all the time...but the rest of the time they are in the house.

11-25-2007, 10:25 PM
YES they are!! I could never let any of my animals live strictly outdoors. it's just inhumane.

11-26-2007, 12:41 AM
Yes. I do not believe in "outside dogs". Dogs are social creatures.

11-26-2007, 01:32 AM
12 is not too many to be indoors. All of my dogs have indoor access. A minimum of 14 sleep inside every night. The ones that don't do so by their own choice and are welcome inside if they change their minds, which they occasionally do at 3am--my hubby calls it the magic doorbell bark that gets me up to let them in.

11-26-2007, 05:52 AM
My 6 are inside dogs. We take them outside to go potty and to play, but then they come back inside.

Pawsitive Thinking
11-26-2007, 09:26 AM
My two are indoor dogs although they try very hard to bring the outdoors in with them on their pawsies :D

11-26-2007, 10:45 AM
Mine are inside dogs, both were picked up as strays before I adopted them, so I think they've had enough of living outside!! :D

I don't know how Sierra ever survived without a comfy bed to sleep on. :rolleyes:

11-26-2007, 10:58 AM
I don't believe in "outside dogs" - my 4 dogs live inside and are allowed outside whenever they please. :)

11-26-2007, 11:20 AM
Yes, all 5 of mine spend most of their time indoors and are only outdoors when supervised. I wouldn't have it any other way.

11-26-2007, 11:20 AM
Our girls are inside. They hate being out alone. Angel will crawl under the gate and come to our back door if she's left alone outside.

11-26-2007, 01:09 PM
Zoee is indoor only. I wouldn't have it any other way. DJ was mainly outdoor with access to the garage all the time. Since he passed away from an abcess on his lung, Bruce swears it was from living in the garage. So Zoee is indoor only. Which is fine with me since that was how it would have been anyway. I'll let him think it was HIS choice. LOL :p

11-26-2007, 01:20 PM
Yes all three of my dogs are inside. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if they were outside away from me.

11-26-2007, 04:47 PM
My three are inside.

although i'm sure they would rather be outside on a nice night then cooped up in their crates.

11-26-2007, 11:01 PM
Reilly is an inside only boy!!!

11-26-2007, 11:16 PM
Keegan is inside only and doesn't even like to be outside without someone with her.

12-05-2007, 10:32 PM
I have 4, and all sleep indoors.

The Shih tzu is always indoors unless he's going for a walk or in the back playing/peeing. The other three spend alot of time in our large yard and hate to be indoors the entire day(rainy days). they also learned to whine when put outside to pee. :rolleyes:

12-15-2007, 07:34 PM
Mine are indoors, though I wouldn't dismiss the idea of an outside dog if it were a working dog and it had access to an area out of the elements. I don't know how you do it with all those young puppies, especially with most of them being large lab mixes. If I were going to adopt a dozen dogs, I'd probably choose older dogs who have less of a chance and don't need as much attention. 12 adults is easier than 12 puppies. I take it they aren't really housetrained then? So they really aren't very adoptable if you for some reason need to rehouse them. I hope for your sake they never get in a fight when left together in this barn, or are these kennels closed at night? Are the pugs able to hold their own with these big dogs around?

12-16-2007, 08:14 AM
Mine sleep in the back sun room (well Harri sleeps with me ;) ). But at this time of year they are out in their dog run during the day, in Winter they spend most of their time up inside.

12-26-2007, 08:58 AM
I have heard that no dogs should be outside during some of the summers or winters we have here, so Reggie stays inside with us 24/7.

12-30-2007, 09:31 AM
My three are indoors only. They go out to potty and run around, but they are indoors. I couldn't keep my dogs outside. Too much of a chance for something to happen to them.

I don't see how you handle 12 dogs like that. I'm sure you have a system worked out, but when they aren't in the barn and out in their doghouses are they on chains?? Chains are no life fora dog!

12-30-2007, 10:32 PM
Mine are indoor/outdoor. They can spend their days inside with me in my workspace unless they want to stay outside - which they often do. As Star gets older, she spends more time indoors overall. I often let them stay indoors to sleep, too, but they seem to prefer to go out in any weather except rain. I think they get too warm inside. They like to sleep outdoors on the lawn furniture, and both have cozy igloos inside the garage they can get to thru a dog door.

Suki Wingy
12-31-2007, 01:14 AM
Niņo is an inside dog but he loves the yard and is allowed out or in whenever he wants. Summers he usually insists on staying outside several hours a day though.

12-31-2007, 07:16 AM
Our dogs are all inside dogs. Duke and Champ have a doggie door with free access to our fenced in back yard at all times so they come in and out as they please. They love to lie outside in the sun on nice days. Chopper only goes out if someone is with him because he is so small.

01-03-2008, 06:27 AM
Duke is indoor only. I couldn't keep any dog outside espacially in winter where it's freezing and snowy. I think that would be cruel.

01-04-2008, 09:44 PM
My two are indoor dogs. Outside time for potty and play only.

01-04-2008, 10:28 PM
My dogs are entirely indoor dogs. I say entirely because I do not live in a house with a fenced-in area for them to be outside unsupervised in. Plus I do not know my neighbors or this area too well to know if I can trust to have my dogs outdoors unsupervised. I'm not worried about the dogs, I'm worried about someone letting them out, or if they get out if they'll be returned...

My Charlie LOVES to be outdoors though so when we visit my parents he is pretty much out in their backyard the whole time :)

01-07-2008, 01:29 AM
Kirby only goes out for walks an to do his business. other than that hes an inside dog.

01-07-2008, 04:57 PM
My three are inside dogs too. However, they come and 'get us' when they want to go outside to potty or play. Astra likes to stay outside for long periods of time. If she gets tired or thirsty, she scratches on the door and somebody lets her in.

02-14-2008, 03:49 AM
My dogs are COMPANIONS. They are wherever I am... unless I am somewhere that dogs aren't welcome.

If I'm on the couch watching a movie, so are my boys. If I'm on a walk, they are too. If I'm at the computer, they are nearby. If I'm in the backyard, so are they. If I'm at the park, they are right there with me. If I'm gone and they can't come, they are inside of the house where it's safe.

Dogs are pack animals. They are happiest when they are with you. I cannot imagine depriving my dogs of being inside, with the family, where we are; not only would both of them be devestated, we would all miss out on their amazing company.

02-14-2008, 08:20 PM
Yes, and I wouldn't have it any other way. My current dog and future dogs will ALWAYS be living indoors and will ALWAYS be supervised by someone trusted outdoors. I WILL never leave my dogs outside alone after what happened to my mom's friends dog. He was stolen right out of the backyard and never found. :(

02-15-2008, 06:55 PM
All three of our boys are allowed inside. Infact, they are inside a bit too much at times! I will always have my dogs inside, and couldn't imagine it any other way for myself.

Hopefully I won't be eaten alive for saying this, but I believe a dog can be outside all the time and still be just as happy. It all depends on the location and the dog itself. I know a dog who prefers to be outside 24/7 rather than inside a house at all... and this is one of the most spoiled and happy dogs I have ever met. He's 10 years young and guards cattle owned by my uncle. He doesn't have any fences or boundaries, just acres upon acres of land to run until his heart is content. He's mean as a snake to anyone who isn't family so we don't have to worry about him much. :)

02-15-2008, 07:37 PM
Mine are indoors only. Tyson loves it outside.. and at my mom's He spent a lot of time outside *cause we had a doggy Door* But, he dug in the yard.. BAD.. and so did Falise, so we had to close the doggy Door. I lived in a very Country area for a year with Tyson, and the Trailer we lived in .. didn't allow us to have any pets inside. So he had to Live on a chain :( I HATED IT.. so I snuck him in at night :-) Even tho the Dbl bed barly fit in the room! lol We had to sit on the bed to get into the Closet! So.. He slept with us in bed! lol

02-18-2008, 02:11 PM
Mine are indoor dogs too. Outside to potty and play and watch the yard....aka squirrel chasing. If they want to stay outside longer I will let them as they will bark at the door when they are ready to come inside.

02-18-2008, 04:20 PM
:rolleyes: well, it depends on which one of my dogs you ask :D .. Thunder is a German Shepard Lab mix, and it can be 5F outside and he rolls and rolls and rolls around in the snow like it is nothing, kinda like it is summer for LMAO!! :eek: ... no matter how cold it is outside he LOVES it outside.. now, if you ask Cinni, who is a Lab/whippet/anything else cute mix LOL, she will only go outside if the sun is up and it is above 50F LMAO :rolleyes: ... she is more of the princess type, it is sooo funny, unless she really really really has to go, then she does. Of course if thunder starts to bug her and taunt her, then, she will chase him around and visa versa LMAO!!!

but, as for the indoor thing they are really a split, since we have only had them since September 2007, we really do not know what the summer will bring, i am soo glad we have a huge backyard and a kiddie pool to entertain them all summer, that way my son will be there with them as well. ;) ... i agree with some posters on here as some dogs just prefer to be outside ALL the time. but, with my babies, if i am inside they are too, if i go somewhere they go with me. LOL, they are my precious babies of courses. Hek, they are the reason we are getting a bigger car, to tote their big butts around.. :rolleyes: lol...

02-18-2008, 04:27 PM
Hopefully I won't be eaten alive for saying this, but I believe a dog can be outside all the time and still be just as happy. It all depends on the location and the dog itself.

I agree ;)

03-12-2008, 04:25 PM
My dogs are indoor dogs. They are let out to potty and play. When its nice out they stay out as long as they want which is usually most of the day.

03-23-2008, 09:35 AM
Hopefully I won't be eaten alive for saying this, but I believe a dog can be outside all the time and still be just as happy. It all depends on the location and the dog itself. I know a dog who prefers to be outside 24/7 rather than inside a house at all... and this is one of the most spoiled and happy dogs I have ever met. He's 10 years young and guards cattle owned by my uncle. He doesn't have any fences or boundaries, just acres upon acres of land to run until his heart is content. He's mean as a snake to anyone who isn't family so we don't have to worry about him much. :)

I think working dogs are an exception. Working dogs are dogs with a job. They earn their keep and are very happy. The kind of outside dog I don't agree with are the dogs kept on chains(who deemed this acceptable??) or the dogs shoved in the backyard and thrown food. Never leaving the yard.

03-23-2008, 05:32 PM
@lute: I definitely know where you are coming from and I agree. I hate driving around seeing dogs on chains or cooped up in pens that are only 10'x10'(if they are lucky enough to have one that big). The majority of the dogs I know would hate being outside 24/7.

03-27-2008, 01:42 PM
my dogs are indoors all the time because we don't have a private garden. Given the chance I think the boys would love to be outside 24/7. Lord knows they are chomping at the bit to go for a walk constantly.

Lori Jordan
04-07-2008, 10:31 AM
My 4 are indoor dogs,I could not leave them out full time.
Molly is outside all day in the summer she loves laying under our big maple tree.
Maggy if i let her she would live outdside,she loves it.
Lacy will stay outside if im out there,the second i come in she is screaming at the door.

And Storm...im lucky he even goes out to the potty,he dont like it when we are out of his sight.

04-08-2008, 10:15 PM
Mine love being outside but seeing as the yard is currently not fenced they are only out with surpervision and 1 if not 2 of them are usually on a leash. It makes things a bit tricky at times. Hopefully this new house will go through and I can fence in the wicked large backyard. If not, this one will get fenced in.

05-29-2008, 09:29 PM
Mine are indoors.
they only like to go out to potty and then they whine to come back in, they'll only stay outside if i'm out there with them.
as i type this Eli lays next to me in bed snoring away and the other 4 are downstairs hanging out in the living room with my brother

09-25-2008, 11:53 AM
My dogs are indoors all four of them. I am lucky that they are well behaved and potty trained. :)