View Full Version : ((Jack and Mini at the park. 33 pics))

11-24-2007, 04:00 PM
Yesterday I took the brats to the park. They had a blast as always, even if it was a bit chilly for me! There were a lot more dogs there than I thought there would be, I was a happy camper. We even got to see Sasha, Kimmy's "niece"!

I need to stop taking so many pictures when I go. I came home with about 300 and most of them look the same.

I chose a few to share, they're nothing super exciting, but I hope you enjoy them.

Here's Sasha in the front, a great dane, poodle and the cutest basenji ever

It was so much fun watching the Dane run around


He makes Jack look so tiny




Sasha in the woods

My handsome black dog

Jack and Sasha racing

More coming..

11-24-2007, 04:00 PM
My good dogs

I just love her nose

Sasha wouldn't stay out of the water even though it looked COLD

Mini meets some Jack Ruselly friends



Everybody was barking...I'm not sure why





11-24-2007, 04:01 PM
Jack meets Molly the Bassett




The Basenji loved Jackie Loo


Look at these cuties!


They were not impressed with Jack

Yep. He still can't resist a getting a couple humps in.

Just a couple more..

11-24-2007, 04:02 PM


And one last picture of Jack, Mini and Sasha

That's all...for now!
Thanks for looking!

11-24-2007, 05:09 PM
*blinks twice* Are those Salukis? They look a little chubbier to be salukis, but, wow, very pretty!

Jack always has the cutest little face and those ears are to die for! I just want to smush them around :p

11-24-2007, 05:23 PM
Great pics! :) It looks like everyone had a blast. :D

11-24-2007, 10:55 PM
aawww those are great pics Ash! :D
Its great you got to see someone you knew!!
I wonder if Keegan is looking forward to me being "whole" again (instead of 'hole') so she can go to the park.... :D

11-24-2007, 11:07 PM
Everybody was barking...I'm not sure why...
...because everybody was barking! LOL!
Wonderful pictures! Looks like they had a great time. I met two Silken Wind Hounds at the local dogpark a couple days ago- they weren't too impressed with my Jack, either. They look alot like those dogs. Hugs & belly rubs to your crew!

11-25-2007, 12:01 AM
Great photos! It looks like Mini and Jack had a blast with Sasha and all their other friends! That bernese mountain dog is gorgeous!

11-25-2007, 01:23 AM
What a nice park! Nothing like the ones around here. Your pups look great..and love the dane ;)

11-25-2007, 07:25 AM
Cute pics tho the beginning of "so I took the brats to the park" made me laugh

11-25-2007, 11:11 PM
Ha ha! How cool! Jenn called (but left no message...I assumed she was wondering if I wanted to go to the park) however, we were in Columbus, OH this weekend.

Andy is wondering who you recognized first... Jenn or Sasha! ;) :D

Gorgeous photos as always but it looks like it was cold!

11-25-2007, 11:19 PM
Ha ha! How cool! Jenn called (but left no message...I assumed she was wondering if I wanted to go to the park) however, we were in Columbus, OH this weekend.

Andy is wondering who you recognized first... Jenn or Sasha! ;) :D

Gorgeous photos as always but it looks like it was cold!

did you at least wave when you drove by Upper Sandusky? :eek:

11-25-2007, 11:39 PM
did you at least wave when you drove by Upper Sandusky? :eek:
:o I did. I thought about giving you a shout on Friday, but we got a late start.

I waved to Amy through Toledo, Diana through Findlay (we actually stopped there on the way home to wait out a backup on I-75 tonight), and to you. One of these days I'll have to leave early enough to stop by and visit everyone on the way down.

There was a comic con in Columbus and we stayed with my aunt and uncle. They just adopted a 3 year old cocker spaniel who thought Chipper was the best thing since sliced bread... if you know what I mean. :eek: ;) :o :rolleyes: :D

Chipper eventually made it clear to Max that he didn't want to be his bitch. :p

critter crazy
11-25-2007, 11:44 PM
Looks like the puppers Had a great time!!! Great pics!! I wish we had a dog park near us, I am sure my boys would love it!!:D

11-25-2007, 11:44 PM
:o I did. I thought about giving you a shout on Friday, but we got a late start.

I waved to Amy through Toledo, Diana through Findlay (we actually stopped there on the way home to wait out a backup on I-75 tonight), and to you. One of these days I'll have to leave early enough to stop by and visit everyone on the way down.

There was a comic con in Columbus and we stayed with my aunt and uncle. They just adopted a 3 year old cocker spaniel who thought Chipper was the best thing since sliced bread... if you know what I mean. :eek: ;) :o :rolleyes: :D

Chipper eventually made it clear to Max that he didn't want to be his bitch. :p
well I wasn't doing anything today but sitting outside throwing tennis balls, which has been the story of my life for the last 3 months. But tomorrow its back to work (part time)!

Cinder & Smoke
11-26-2007, 12:00 AM
Does look like it was a mite *chillie* out there ...

Where IS that Dawg Park?
Appers to be BIG and Nice!

11-26-2007, 12:15 AM
Where IS that Dawg Park?
Appers to be BIG and Nice!
That's the new one that opened up in Lansing, MI. :D

11-26-2007, 10:47 AM
Andy is wondering who you recognized first... Jenn or Sasha! ;) :D

I actually recognized Sasha first...and I thought, no, it can't be. Jenn came over from across the park and said, "I thought I recognized that bark!" :p

It was pretty chilly, Mini was shivering by the time we left and my feet were frozen, and it was extremely muddy...but we had a good time! :D

Thanks for the comments, everybody!

Ginger's Mom
11-26-2007, 02:24 PM
Great pictures. I love the group shots and the last picture in your second post. Sasha is very cute. But, brrr...looks cold out there.

11-27-2007, 04:34 PM
Ohh, I love dog park photos! Looks like you guys had a good day. I envy you that you have a dog park close by.

Thanks for sharing, Ashley!

11-28-2007, 07:11 AM
As always... Great pictures Ashley!!

I was LOL at the pic of Sir Humps a lot and the Bernese!! LOL!
Oh Jack.. you never stop do you?
Amy better make sure Sadie doesn't see that picture, she might get jealous! Or then again, maybe she'd be happy that he's moved on! :D

Sasha's nose is too cute! The pic of Jack next to the Dane was great!

4 Dog Mother
11-28-2007, 07:36 AM
Wow, Ashley, it looks like Jack and Mini had a great time at the dog park! I need to get mine out (or at least some of mine) to ours but things have been so crazy with sick kids etc, that I just haven't.

I waved to Amy through Toledo, Diana through Findlay (we actually stopped there on the way home to wait out a backup on I-75 tonight), ---I didn't here the door bell, Kimmy! LOL, we were coming home from Toledo about that same time and heard on the radio that there was a tie up due to an accident so we took some back roads. Christy and the kids were there though - with the nine dogs. I am sure you would have been welcome!

11-28-2007, 09:02 AM
Looks like the pups are having a blast. Love the pics ;)