View Full Version : Cinnamon the bunny is on the run!

11-24-2007, 11:50 AM
I let her out of her cage last night. I have let her inside, in the guest room, in a Miley-girl (my RIP cat's cage) set up.....until last night.... Cinnamon hasn't enjoyed it as much as I had hoped and hasn't ventured into the top part or up any of the ramps. I know, I know, she's a bunny, not a cat or ferret!

Anway, I don't have any of my wires covered etc. and left her on the run all night. She slept under my bed all night and only comes out now, when I call her name, thinking she might get a treat or several. She must be so darn happy to have full run of the house like she did when she first go here. Once I acquired Denver, her recently deceased bunny friend, I banished them to the porch, as Denver ate my sofa skirts and many other valuables in the house.

So Cinnamon is using the litter boxes I have set up and has not eaten any wires YET! I am going out for dinner tonight and hope to catch the little devil before then. I can just picture coming home to a fried bunny and no electricity!

She spent most of last early evening being hurded around by the cats. They were frantic, seeing her hop all over the house......hehehehehehe. Juni did her usual drop and roll on poor Cinnamon. What a riot to watch.

Cinnamon is an older bunny - I suspect at least 7 or 8 years old but seems to be in good shape and has a wonderful personality as well.

I know, where are the pictures? My camera is not charged. A poor excuse is better than none at all.


11-24-2007, 11:52 AM
Hmm, have you tried a raisin as a lure?

Before you got out, I'd block all the wires you can - replacing a lamp or computer because someone chewed through the cord is just no fun!

11-24-2007, 11:57 AM
I will bunny proof the room she is in, if I cannot catch her.....then close the door....duh! She will come out - guess I need to get my bunny catchers out.....the cats enjoy chasing the bunny........it is mayhem at its best!

She is so darn fast.

I just gave her a hair cut last night so there isn't much to grab on to.....she must weight, oh 2 or 3 pounds.... I call her my little eye roast, after she gets a good hair cut......not that I would ever serve her up! She just looks like an eye roast, shape wise! :eek:

11-24-2007, 12:18 PM
Get that camera charged up please.

He he sounds like a fun home just now. I love the image of the cats and teh bunny you descibed!

Is there something safe you can put on the wires to turn her away? I know for the cats, I just coat wires and cords with Vaseline and they stay away. Do not use without verifying if it is OK for bunnies.

11-24-2007, 01:43 PM
Well, I coaxed her in the general area, then backtracked on her....chased her furry butt into the guest room...then closed the door behind us. She surrendered. She is safely behind bars, much to her dismay.

I will let her out tomorrow again, since she was such a good girl. I don't want to push my luck though! :rolleyes:

11-24-2007, 05:42 PM
LOL smart little bun. Had mommy on the run.