View Full Version : So what do you use for deicer?

11-24-2007, 08:51 AM
OK, maybe this should have been in health.

I got my first dog last year in December. Sugar was 9 at the time, and blind with cataracts, so we only went out in the back yard for most of the winter.
She had sucessful cataract surgery with lens implant and sees fine now, and I have a total of FOUR dogs. (Goodness, things do seem to multiply when you are a member of PT!)

So do you make a point of buying Safe Paws deicer for your front driveway, and any places the dogs regularly cross when you take them for a walk?

Do you rinse off their paws when you return from a walk?

We don't have ice or snow here yet; just a matter of time, so I am trying to plan ahead (for a change!)

11-24-2007, 09:32 AM
I use a deicer that is not harmful for pets. I can't think of the name of it, but it comes in a red and white bag.
I'll let you know when I remember the name! :o

11-24-2007, 08:51 PM
So weird..I just noticed Safe Paws today at Petco.

Can't remember what brand I use either, but it's safe for animals. Regardless, yes, I always wipe Logan's paws after a walkie in winter. If I'm good, she'll let me get inside her paws just to be sure nothing's stuck. So far, so good. I wipe her feet off if she trods in the rain/mud. She hates it as much as the camera.

11-27-2007, 01:15 AM
I can't remember the compound, but we use some kind of fertilizer that is safe on roofing shingles.

I try to always remember to wash the dogs paws off after a walk on non-dry days (cold or warm weather.) besides the salt there is all sorts of other chemicals out there from vehicles and such.