View Full Version : uploading video

11-23-2007, 09:22 PM
i tried uploading a video of with it fritz didn't work but it worked when I sent an email to myself.

Laura's Babies
11-24-2007, 08:39 AM
Sometimes, after uploading, it takes that sight awhile to process it before it will come up.. Try again and wait awhile, see if that is all it is..

Also, make sure the format of what you are uploading is accepted by where you are uploading to.

11-24-2007, 08:47 AM
Hi Barry,

I use photobucket, not sure if that is what you are using?
There is a bar across the top, the vid has to be loaded throuh that link.
You should get an error message if it didn't upload properly. It may be too large, as an example.
Then the rest is just like photos, you click ont he IMG codes and insert in the thread.
Good luck; I'll be looking for a vid from you!
