View Full Version : What did you have for Thanksgiving?

11-23-2007, 03:34 PM
We had:

-Garlic mashed potatoes
-Pinto beans
-Cranberry sauce
-Pea Salad
-Broccoli and cheese

It wasn't quite so elaborate this year, but then again there was only four people and a baby

11-23-2007, 04:33 PM
We had the traditional Thanksgiving pizza! :p
I flew home from Prudhoe Bay yesterday and the flight was 3 hours late. Last thing any of us wanted to do was cook, so.....

11-23-2007, 04:42 PM
I forgot to mention the pies!

-sweet potatoe

Actually the pizza sounds nice. Thanksgiving food isn't my favorite.

11-23-2007, 04:52 PM
We had the traditional Thanksgiving pizza! :p

OMG... me too!!! LOL

we had salad (aka lettuce) LOL
tuna and philadelphia cheese
and pizza

oh but I did a yummy yummy butter cake......hhmm....

everything else was bought and mixed and or heated

11-23-2007, 05:00 PM
I love to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV. I am the only one who cooks. So we get the precooked dinner from the grocery store, which permits me to watch the parade.

turkey (NOT stuffed)
herb stuffing
butternut squash (mashed)
mashed potatoes (white potatoes, not sweet potatoes)
cranberry sauce
dinner rolls
pumpkin pie (sugar free)

I made some green beans with slivered almonds to go with.

My brother brought an apple pie (sugar free), and Rocky Road ice cream.

We didn't start the pumpkin pie until this evening. I had ordered an apple, and the market messed up. We enjoy it, but the apple is the traditional for us.

In a few days, when there is room in the fridge, I will make "our" dinner:
roasted chicken ( we really don't like turkey, too gamey)
candied sweet potatoes (made with Sweet N Low brown sugar substitute
meat stuffing with cashews
home made cranberry sauce with orange
some non starch veggie, not sure which one I will make.

11-23-2007, 07:26 PM
He didnt have any thanksgiving food yet, I made myself a grilled cheese sandwhich :rolleyes: But Tomorrow my grandfather, uncle, friend, son, sister and brother in law as well as my parents are having a thanksgiving meal.. Not sure what my mom is making yet other than turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, strawberry dessert, pumpkin roll and some other sweet stuff..

11-23-2007, 07:32 PM
Mashed Potatoes

and for dessert,
Apple Pie
Pumpkin cookies

and later a Tollhouse cookie.

Others at the table also had stuffing, carrots, green beans, cranberry sauce ... and maybe something else, but I couldn't have those because of my allergies.

11-23-2007, 07:53 PM
acorn squash with wild-rice & veggie stuffing
Brussels sprouts
mashed potatoes
cranberry sauce with whole berries, oranges & raisins
& I made pumpkin pie with a graham cracker crust --- it was soooo delicious!

11-24-2007, 06:18 AM
I went to my friend's house, and she was cooking for herself, her husband, myself and another friend of ours.... and 4 teenage stepdaugters! We had turkey
asparagus and snow peas
homemade creamed corn
mashed potatoes
sweet potato casserole
and..... 3 kinds of stuffing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:
(one was the traditional, another was traditional but with very hot sausage for her husband, and the last was Stove Top since thatis all that one stepdaughter will eat)
and apple pie ala mode!

It wasn't the "traditional" Thanksgiving dinner that I had as a kid.... but it was DELICIOUS! And the house smelled wonderufl when I arrived!

11-24-2007, 07:08 AM
I made the turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes.

My guests brought a veggie/dip platter, rolls, green bean casserole, macaroni and cheese casserole and a broccoli/cauliflower/cheese casserole as well as sodas. Several folks brought wine too. ;) :cool:

For dessert I made cranberry bread and I picked up a store bought pumpkin pie (due to a Wednesday evening pie disaster in my oven....don't ask! :rolleyes: ) and my SIL's fiance baked a yummy butter cake. (Ya gotta love a man that can cook! LOL!)

There were 13 adults and my four month old nephew. If my daughter and her family had been here (they were at her in-laws) I would have had four more! :eek:

11-24-2007, 07:31 AM
well we usually go to my aunts house for the BIG thanksgiving get togher but this year my dad wanted the turkey the way my mom makes it ( my aunt fry's it)

but anyway I had

main course:

-home made mashed patoes
-and my mom makes these cool little frie thingys theire so yummy!!!

for desert:

-choclate cream pie but a really fancy one that tasted soooooooooo good!
-and chesse cake just and ordnary cheese cake

11-25-2007, 11:40 AM
I couldn't even begin to name every dish we had. We had one table of food and another table of desserts.
But I can tell you what I ate: ham, mashed taters, corn, dinner roll, and another kind of potatoes that my cousin made with cheese and yumminess. :D
And for dessert (not all at once) I had chocolate cake, cherry cheesecake and the next day some coconut pie. Oh, and some chocolate my SIL brought from her work, a chocolate factory.