View Full Version : How was your Thanksgiving?

11-23-2007, 12:23 AM
How was your Thanksgiving?
Happy Thanksgiving! My dogs had a blast. We went down to my sister’s house and I took all nine dogs! Tege had a blast with two chocolate labs named Beeg and Region. It’s been freezing…today, lower than 30*F. Did that stop Black Jack from swimmin? NOPE! He found water, that’s for sure! He ran down their hill and found a quickly flowing river and took a dive. The surface would have been frozen if it wasn’t so quickly flowing. The water had to be below freezing, but Black Jack had a blast. Goldy Locks wouldn’t even dare touch the water, it was so cold, and she normally dives right into water. Cracker, that big water-afraid baby, preferred staying inside with Curly, who lie at my feet, old girl. Tinny, my other Boston explored with the big dogs. Jack came up the hill freezing, but he jumped out of that state in a second and began to play chase. Tege didn’t stop running the WHOLE ENTIRE TIME!! He loved running with other dogs, rolling in the frost and the light coat of snow on the ground, and was happy as can be! They also gained weight, all of them, especially Cracker because he was inside the whole time. They got slipped pieces of ham, potato, cookie, cake, turkey…everything.Spoiled little guys…

I got some pictures a couple days ago. I watched the dogs in the lake, it was a sunny day but no more than 50*F out...the temperature dropped fast. I will be posting some pictures of the pups in action soon!

11-23-2007, 09:41 AM
Sounds like you -- AND the dogs -- had plenty of fun!

Thanks to another thread here on PT, my dogs shared a can of Merrick's Thanksgiving Day Dinner; they LOVED it, and we didn't hear a woof out of them for 3 hours afterwards, he he.