View Full Version : Flutter's hurt :(

11-21-2007, 09:55 PM
I came home from work tonight and greeted all my kitties who were in bed. Harry immediately told me he was in the final stages of starvation, so I fed everyone. I didn't think too much about Flutter not getting up to eat (though it should have been a sign because that girl can eat)

Then a bit later, she started crying, sat up, and held up her front paw. She hurt her front leg somehow -- HOW?!?! She can't walk. It loks a little swollen (either that or I ruffled the fur a lot when rubbing my hand up and down in search of a boo-boo) Of course its the same side where she's missing the back leg. A three legged kitty can't walk when one of their good legs is "out of order". I felt up and down her leg. No scratches, no bumps, no abraisions. Possibly a pulled muscle? Lets hope its not a break of anything serious!!!

I feel just awful for my sweet heart and she looks so unhappy and pitiful. OF COURSE this happens on a holiday. I'll make sure she gets to the vet on Friday, and in the meantime I think I have some pain meds around here (I basically have a kitty pharmacy :rolleyes: )

Can someone please spare a few prayers for my little princess?

11-21-2007, 09:59 PM
Oh Flutter, you poor baby. I hope it's nothing serious, just a minor boo-boo.

Happy Thanksgiving, Kim.

11-21-2007, 10:31 PM
Aw, Flutter girl! Were you playing too hard and hit your widdle leg on a piece of furniture when the other kitty ducked?

I hope the painkillers help you and you will feel better soon...your meowmy will look after you.

Get well soon, pretty Flutter!

11-21-2007, 11:09 PM
Aww poor baby. I hope it's nothing serious. Has she gotten into a fight or had a wound on that paw a week ago, maybe it's an abcess? Of course everything always seems to happen in the middle of the night, on a Holiday, or on a weekend. They certainly know how to worry their meowmies!

11-22-2007, 12:09 AM
Ok, a concerned mommy here. I gave her some pain meds and a 1/4 pill of prednizone in case there's some inflamation. She's laying in bed looking pitiful and doing a weird blend of growling and whining. Which is worrying me to no end.... I'm probably not going to sleep much tonight. I laid in bed and softly probed her leg from the shoulder down and its definitely something in the paw/toe region. I turned on the light to get a closer look at the toe. Nothing's amiss that I can feel. I don't feel anything unusual compared to her other toes on her other paw.

BUT I did notice that her little black pads are smokey grey- white. Do you think she could have stepped in something.... maybe a burn? She's not able to get up on the stove because she can't jump onto the counters. My hot rollers weren't on tonight, so she couldn't have burnt herself on them. Maybe a chemical burn? Everyone's been cleaning for tomorrow... bleach? carpet cleaner? Any ideas?

Do you think I could put some salve on her foot? Aloe ok for cats? Neosporin? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

11-22-2007, 01:33 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this.:( I sure hope that it's nothing serious and that she'll start feeling better tomorrow. I think that you can put some Aloe Vera lotion on her without any problems. Maybe you should call the closest animal ER and ask them what is safe to use. I'll keep Flutter in my thoughts and prayers.

Killearn Kitties
11-22-2007, 03:24 AM
Poor baby. How is that paw today Kim? Is Flutter moving yet, or do you have to carry her to the litter box?

11-22-2007, 04:01 AM
Poor baby. Prayers on the way for sweet Flutter girl.

11-22-2007, 07:30 AM
As predicted, I didn't sleep well at all last night. She's still pretty sore. Thankfully she can get to the litter box with hopping and some struggle, but she is somewhat independent. I simply can not see what might be bothering her :(

Hubby was feeding the others wet food and she KNEW there was wet food but she stayed in bed... so we delivered a bowl of wet food to her. I'm glad she has a good appetite.

I've wracked my brain as to when it happened and how it could have happened (in addition to WHAT happened) She was fine all day til I left for work at noon. I have no idea what happened between then and 9:30.

11-22-2007, 07:34 AM
Prayers for Flutter. ALoe should be fine, so I hope you used some.

Poor little girl. Guess you'll have to wait on her hand and foot ALLLLLLLL day! ;)

Laura's Babies
11-22-2007, 07:50 AM
Poor Flutter! What did you do to hurt yourself? You got Mommie and all us worried about you now. I sure hope it is nothing serious and you feel better real soon! But in the meantime, I will keep you in my prayers.

11-22-2007, 08:08 AM
I swear it's programmed into a cat's DNA to only get hurt or sick on a holiday or a weekend. Sweet little Flutter, we're sending out lots of prayers that you'll heal quickly and the vet will find that you just landed wrong on that paw and twisted it.

11-22-2007, 09:45 AM
It Sadly Could Be Just About Anything, Maybe She Jumped And Fell Or Stepped On Something Thats In Her Paw.
We Are Sending Prayers For Our Friend Flutter That It Was A Minor Accident And That She Will Be Back On Her Paws ASAP!!

11-22-2007, 10:38 AM
I swear it's programmed into a cat's DNA to only get hurt or sick on a holiday or a weekend.

Me too!

Flutter, lots of prayers for healing for you dear. Enjoy a piece of turkey, it will help you sleep while you heal!

11-22-2007, 12:38 PM
She's laying in bed looking pitiful and doing a weird blend of growling and whining. Which is worrying me to no end.... I'm so sorry that Flutter has a boo-boo. Pepper does the same growl/whine/purr thing when she's sick. She seems furious that she doesn't feel good. Many prayers for you and Flutter. Could she have walked across a warm burner?

11-22-2007, 01:20 PM
get well wishes for Flutter!!!!!!

11-22-2007, 09:29 PM
Thanks everyone for the well wishes. My little princess seems to be getting better. She spent the majority of the day under the bed, refusing to come out.... but thats because we had a houseful of people. She'd have done that feeling sick or not. She greedily ate the turkey out of the palm of my hand as I laid flat on the floor trying to wrench myself under the bed for her :rolleyes:

She's up and walking much better tonight. You can tell she's very sore but she's much more mobile. I'm wondering if we've got a blood thirsty insect in the house because I got some type of bug bite on my upper foot and Cam got one on his face. It hurts like the devil! I'm sure if the bug bit her on the paw she'd have a hard time walking. Mine hurts and its on the top of my foot; I'm not bearing any weight on it like she has to!

11-22-2007, 10:37 PM
poor lil girl -
hope she feels better!

11-23-2007, 12:12 AM
Wow, it sure sounds like the three of you were bitten by a spider or something. They can be terribly painful. I'm so glad that Flutter is beginning to feel better and hope that you will be on the mend soon too. Maybe there is a non-chemical way you could de-bug your house without endangering your furries.
I made the mistake of having a pest control person come to our house a month and half ago to spray for carpenter ants. I really really didn't want to do it but we had to because we are putting our house on the market and we had to resolve the problem. We took all the animals out of the house for the day and then we all went back in that night. The cats all seemed okay (I washed all their bedding and put every catfood dish and water dish through the dishwasher etc..) but every muscle in my body was sore the next day and I could barely move. I won't ever use pesticide again.

Maya & Inka's mommy
11-23-2007, 03:47 AM
MaybeFlutter has an ingrown nail?? Or a torn nail? :confused:

11-23-2007, 09:19 AM
We Are Of Course Pleased Thatflutters Feeling Better, And The Pet Angel Conveslant Squad Will Stay There Until Shes Able To Walk And Run About As She Has Always Done.

Nugget Angel Brought Her Some Shrimps At Night So She Can Have Sea Food.

11-23-2007, 12:27 PM
Poor Flutter. I hope she feels better. Get well Flutter!

11-23-2007, 08:22 PM
How's Flutter feeling??

11-24-2007, 08:06 AM
How's Flutter feeling??
My little green eyed girl is much better today. Out and about like normal but still favoring the other paw.

The more I think about it, the more likely it seems that she was bitten by a bug.

I was just so upset to see my poor 3-legged kitty down to two legs. I wouldn't have worried so much to see any of the others limping a bit for a day or so.... but Flutter couldn't walk! :(

11-24-2007, 08:36 AM
I'm so sorry that she was hurt.It hurts you just as much seeing her like that.
I wish our pets could talk.It does sound like a spider.
Are you still bringing her in to the vet?
Is she still limping?Oh my...What a STUPID question.LOL :rolleyes:
I mean..is she still in pain?
I prayed for her to get better and I'll send more to her and you kim.
I left the limping question in only so you could get a little needed chuckle from all your worrying.
She's lucky to have such a caring mom.

11-24-2007, 12:54 PM
Poor Flutter! How is she doing now?

It really sounds like she had stepped into something that caused an reaction... Poor baby! Hope she's better now!


11-24-2007, 07:57 PM
Of course there are plenty of prayers being prayed in Trenton for sweet Flutter! The only thing worse than our furbabies not feeling well is not knowing why or how it happened. Has Flutter seen the vet yet? Please keep us up on how she's feeling? Feel better scritchies and lovies being sent just for Flutter!