View Full Version : Whats your favorite part of Thanksgiving?

11-21-2007, 09:12 AM
I'm in the mood for something fun, so lets see what is the best part of Thanksgiving! :)

Mine is having everyone together and enjoying each other's company. No fights, no drama, just a quiet day with each other laughing and having a nice time.

11-21-2007, 09:15 AM
My homemade pumpkin and dutch apple pies :D :D Family time is good too, of course :D :D

11-21-2007, 09:29 AM
Since Bruce and I rotate Easter and Thanksgiving, sometimes there is a whole year when I do not see some of my extended family. Except weddings or funerals. So I enjoy getting to see everyone. All of my cousins kids are getting so big, they are almost adults now. :eek: I feel so old. I used to be the "baby". LOL

11-21-2007, 09:54 AM
When hubby started work he has always had to work on Thanksgiving so my mom throws a dinner for him so I would definately say the company. You just can't beat a great dinner with your family.

11-21-2007, 09:57 AM
The Chirstmas Shopping!!! Whoopee :D

11-21-2007, 10:00 AM
I voted for the start of Christmas season. I love how in between Thanksgiving and Christmas everyone is just... nicer! Fresh snow (we got some last night!) Christmas songs playing in stores, warm fires, hot chocolate and cider...

I have to confess... I'm one of "those" that pulls out the Christmas CD's after Halloween! I decorated the house for Christmas two weeks ago.

Yes, the spirit of Christmas is most definitely my favorite part of Thanksgiving.

11-21-2007, 10:19 AM
After lots of thinking I came up with a rational dicision!

I voted other.

My reasoning? To me, it's a mix of all of these things that makes Thanksgiving so special to me.

11-21-2007, 10:28 AM
Being with my family.

11-21-2007, 11:23 AM
I love the food. It ties the generations together - my mom's stuffing & gravy, my dad's turkey, my aunt's sweet potatoes, my grandmother's desert.... all of these people have been gone a long time, and I love spending a day remembering them & carrying on their traditions. Now I've passed on recipies to my sons, along with a few I've created as well.

Ginger's Mom
11-21-2007, 11:27 AM
After lots of thinking I came up with a rational dicision!

I voted other.

My reasoning? To me, it's a mix of all of these things that makes Thanksgiving so special to me.
Hehehe, you beat me to it. It starts off with the parade, and beginning to get the food started while watching the parade, then watching Miracle on 34th Street after the parade (sorry, I absolutely have to watch it on Thanksgiving-the orginal of course), then smelling the turkey cooking and the pumpkin pie cooling, and talking and laughing with friends and family. Yes, it is the whole package that makes it so special.

11-21-2007, 11:29 AM
My Mom's sage stuffing. Stuffing Stuffing

11-21-2007, 01:17 PM
Not to be a downer but I don't have much family left, lost my Mother, Father and brother and now its down to my sister who sort of stresses me out on the holidays.

I get an invitation written like an invitation to a business meeting, be there at 1, socializing from 1-3, eating at 3, bring enough mashed potatoes to feed 23. Its just sort of cold but I do need to let my girls enjoy the holiday, I will make sure I drink wine :D

11-21-2007, 01:43 PM
I enjoy getting together with my family.
Can't say the day off b/c I have to work holidays.
*when I don't have a broken foot!* ;)

11-21-2007, 02:37 PM
Watching the Macy's parade on TV. Sigh! I am a parade NUT, I just LOVE parades. Always have, even as a child. I got to walk in one twice!

The family is just the 3 of us, Dad, bro and me. I end up doing all the cooking, and the food aspect is tricky what with Dad being diabetic.

I was almost going to miss the parade this year; got up this AM and our cable box is not working. :rolleyes: Tried and tried but they can't squeeze in a repair visit to get us a new box until Friday. :( My 5th call, the support tech told me I can move the cable connector to the co axial input ont he TV and get the 3 local stations, one of which shows the parade! :eek: Hooray!!! Gotta run, have to figure out which cable to undo and where to reconnect it; I even got the TV Owner's Manual out for this one. Wa hoo!

11-21-2007, 04:01 PM
I voted for the day off but actually I get 4 days off! :D I also love the food and the start of the Christmas season. :cool:

11-21-2007, 04:05 PM
Caseysmom, I hope you have a stress-free Thanksgiving with your sister and all the others. Please tell me she didn't really ask you to bring mashed potatoes for 23 people. If she did, I hope you ordered them from a restaurant!

I like Thanksgiving because it's a relatively low-key holiday for my very dysfunctional family. A nice meal, no gifts, and it's okay to only stay a few hours because of having to work the weekend.

11-21-2007, 04:11 PM
I've never had Thanksgiving with family, but have been treated like family by some generous friends. Because of that Thanksgiving has always been my favoritie holiday. I like the idea of giving thanks and being appreciative of all that I have in life. The kind of food served at Thanksgiving also just happens to be a favorite of mine. Bring on the pumpkin pie... :D

11-21-2007, 04:13 PM
Being with my loved ones.
Food came in 2nd. :)

11-21-2007, 04:16 PM
;) Spending some quality time with my furr babies.. I Voted the Time Off.. Ok the ham, dressing & apple pie is good too.. :D

11-21-2007, 04:22 PM
Three way tie between food, company, and parade for me. I voted parade though.

11-21-2007, 04:27 PM
Being with my loved ones.
Food came in 2nd. :)

Me too. :) I wanted to vote for both.

11-21-2007, 05:20 PM
Caseysmom, I hope you have a stress-free Thanksgiving with your sister and all the others. Please tell me she didn't really ask you to bring mashed potatoes for 23 people. If she did, I hope you ordered them from a restaurant!

I like Thanksgiving because it's a relatively low-key holiday for my very dysfunctional family. A nice meal, no gifts, and it's okay to only stay a few hours because of having to work the weekend.

I really don't mind bringing food, its hard to explain my sis but I can sum it up with a story. One year my mom brought a friend with her for one of the holidays I can't remember but I think it was christmas, the lady was a widower and would have been alone. My sister griped about it for months that my mom brought her "since she only had one arm and could hardly even help" okay, can anyone believe that?

11-21-2007, 06:09 PM
I really don't mind bringing food, its hard to explain my sis but I can sum it up with a story. One year my mom brought a friend with her for one of the holidays I can't remember but I think it was christmas, the lady was a widower and would have been alone. My sister griped about it for months that my mom brought her "since she only had one arm and could hardly even help" okay, can anyone believe that?

What a sad person she must be. :( I think I'd start my own family
tradition & it would not include any negative people. :rolleyes: Don't know
about you but, it's so draining emotionally to be around people like that.

11-21-2007, 08:46 PM
i love the dog show on NBC. in past years, i've taken the wonder dog to the park for a very long late morning walk, after a big breakfast (cinnamon rolls! and coffee! midweek!). at 11:45 am put the turkey in the oven, sides are ready to be turned on at the right time. alex and i sit on the couch to cheer for the retreiver group, altho' the terriers do catch my eye as well. after the dog show, dinner with the skin family and a nap in the lazyboy with the dog snoring on my lap. so i've got to say my favorite part is my many many blessings, and watching the dog show with my dogs, and the food. happy thanksgiving everyone!

11-21-2007, 08:46 PM
My favorite part is being with family and friends, laughing, eating, playing board games and talking about old times.

11-21-2007, 10:59 PM
Definitely the company..Nothing better than sitting around a big table and eating a great meal with the people you love :)

11-22-2007, 01:24 AM
I voted the food:) Since both of my brothers and their families don't live in the area any more it's been just my parents and I spending Thanksgiving together. I usually have dinner with them every Sunday so it's not much different except for the food. I also get 4 days off so I enjoy this very much and so do my furkids.:)

11-22-2007, 07:53 AM
Just call me Scrooge! :p

The FOOD!!!>>NO, I'm not getting Turkey, I am getting ham. I HATE ham! :(

The company>>NO, it is just the same few people I see 3 times a week. My family doesn't celebtrate TOGETHER!

The day off>>POSSIBLY, but I am spitefull because my generous :rolleyes: boss took away our traditional long weekend and is making us work tomorrow and Saturday.

PIE (of course! )>>YES

The parade>>NO, don't enjoy parades.

The football games>>NO, I HATE football

The start-off of the Christmas season>>BAH HUMBUG, enough said.

Reflecting on what I am thankful for>>I can do this. ;)

So the winner is.........PIE !

11-22-2007, 01:49 PM
I put pie, because I love my mom's apple pie, but what I really should have put is "other". Just the mix of everything, food, family, fun, conversation, and the start of the Christmas season.. No school is always a bonus for me as well! I am EXTRA excited for Christmas this year, because I will be spending it in the BAHAMAS!! :D :D :D I'll let you all in on that little story when the time comes to leave. ;)

11-22-2007, 02:18 PM
Gosh, I am sooo excited for tonight's dinner! I voted the food, but I also love the company, the weekend off, and the pie! :p

11-24-2007, 10:48 PM
This was my favorite part of Thanksgiving:

Mike came over for my family's, then I went over his family's. :)


11-25-2007, 11:27 AM
The company. No matter who it is. This year, my parents were out of town so I spent the day with my boyfriend's family then hung out and partied with my sister and a bunch of friends. It was fantastic.