View Full Version : Care2 mobilizes thousands re: Puerto Rico Pet Massacre

11-20-2007, 08:13 PM

11-21-2007, 02:04 AM

I keep telling people that Care2 (and the people that visit there) CAN make a difference. What i like about that place it that it seems those that actually are willing to take action flock to that site. More than just petition signers with a loud mouth (or typity fingers.)

I'm frequently told that "online petitions are worthless and don't mean a thing." BULLLLL Ticky!!!! ...you just have to know where to look.


Good Job Nadia!!!


Side note: I thought the letter got a little egotistical towards the end on Care2's part... since it was thanking only Care2 members (and you don't have to be a Care2 member to sign a C2 petition... and certainly there are non-Care2 members making a big stink about this issue elsewhere.)