View Full Version : leaf bags

11-20-2007, 08:14 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/bags.JPG These are the eight bags I picked up off our lawn with the Lawn Mower over the last few days.Our neighbors finally cleaned theirs off and there is more on their lawn.They have 13 bags out.I don't know if this the way you get rid of yard waste in the United States but this is how we do it here.It has been done this way for the last 5 to 7 years before this it was clear plastic bags.

11-20-2007, 08:21 AM
YIKES that's a lot!!! :eek:

11-20-2007, 08:26 AM
Yes, lawn clean-up is done much the same way here~ Yet, I've seen different types of bags, full of leaves, in different cities(locations).

You sure did have your day cut out for you!!!! That's a lot of leaves to rake up!!!!

11-20-2007, 08:51 AM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/bags.JPG These are the eight bags I picked up off our lawn with the Lawn Mower over the last few days.Our neighbors finally cleaned theirs off and there is more on their lawn.They have 13 bags out.I don't know if this the way you get rid of yard waste in the United States but this is how we do it here.It has been done this way for the last 5 to 7 years before this it was clear plastic bags.

That is how we do it in Central MI other than burning them. Hubby and Dad put out 157 bags over the last two weeks because of all the trees in Mom and Dad's yard.

11-20-2007, 09:31 AM
Open burning in Indy is against the law, so we have to bag leaves for
pickup by the city. The city mulches them & gives out free mulch in the
spring. There is a limit on how many bags you can set out at one time.

11-20-2007, 06:12 PM
i have 9 bags like yours sitting on the curb. and i'll bet there is at least 4 more bags of leaves in the trees still. i have a sweet gum and a maple, both are nearly 50 years old. there are many trees in our neighborhood, so the leaves blow all up and down the street, but we all enjoy the shade, but only the dogs and kids seem to enjoy the leaf raking ;)

11-20-2007, 06:32 PM
We can use leaf bags here or wait for the curbside pick-up with a huge machine that sucks them up. The only problem is that it comes only once a month and if you put your leaves to the curb and need that space to park there is no room for the car! :eek: My back yard backs up to woods. We get tons of leaves as we have 7 mature trees in the back yard and we get all of the leaves from the woods which blow into the yard as well. We load our leaves from the backyard into a wheelbarrow, after blowing them into a huge pile, and cart them off into the woods. It is still back breaking work but at least we don't have to bag them all and cart them off to the front of the house.

Barry do you use a leaf blower or do you rake?

11-20-2007, 06:42 PM
I love our leaf-blower/leaf vac as it mulches as I vac up the leaves, so what would normally be 8 bags comes down to 2! Like Pam, our yard backs up to woods, and we have trees in our yeard and the neighbors as well, so we get plenty of leaves, and there are still plenty on the trees! Our autumn is a couple weeks behind normal this year, probably because we had drought in August-October.

11-20-2007, 07:41 PM
Other than the leaves we rake over the garden for winter, we mow our leaves over and leave the rest to nature. Most people here just rake the piles to the curb and a big vacuum-like truck comes and sucks them up.
You can't see them once it snows anyway.

11-20-2007, 08:58 PM
I am so glad they do it differently here....

We just rake or blow them into piles on the curb and a big machine comes by once a week and sucks them up :D

11-20-2007, 11:18 PM
WOW! That's the only reason I hate this time of year. It's beautiful but messy. I had over 30 bags after the bushes were trimmed. Haven't even started the leave clean up yet. They're all from our neighbors yards so we're waiting until more fall since it's been wet and windy here.Can't wait. :rolleyes:

Growing up decades ago, we were able to burn the leaves. But now we HAVE to use brown bags for recycling. Luckily if we miss the curb pick up date, the recycling plant is only a few blocks away so I can take them there myself.

11-21-2007, 05:09 AM
What's all the hubbub about leaves anyway? Everybody in our neighborhood, with the exception of a few picky people, lets their yard be as close to natural as possible, no chemicals, no fertilizers, no fancy grass seed, no worry about leaves. And for that, we have the greenest, prettiest yards come summer.

11-21-2007, 07:22 PM
Most everyone around here rakes them up close to the curb, and then the village comes along with the vacuum cleaner thingie and slurps them up. Can't burn them. One good rake-up is about all we get, the rest stay on the grass beneath the snow.

11-21-2007, 10:05 PM
Our area we aren't supposed to burn them because of people with allergies/athsma but people do anyways. I personally hate leaves burning, most people here don't watch the piles, I don't like the smell and it just irritates my athsma if I go out when they're burning.

We aren't supposed to rake them into the street either because our street sweeper isn't equiped for taking care of large amounts of leaves. But people do it anyways then the street sweeper has to go around them and the wet pile sits there forever before they blow away or disinegrate.

We're supposed to put them in brown leaf bags out to the curb with the tops left open and separate from garbage pick up spot. They get picked up at least once a week, but if there are alot of houses with bags out they come more often.

We only have one bona fide tree on our own property however our neighbors nearby all have large maple trees that are late to shed leaves and they all go in our yard! We still haven't gotten out to take care of them yet because they aren't done shedding. When we do get out there I'm thinking it's like 15 bags we put out which stinks when we only have one tree!