View Full Version : Question about appendicitis?

11-18-2007, 10:47 PM
Has anyone ever had it? tonight I have been having little sharp pains in my right area around my abdomen(*Sp) almost like little cramp spasms and I dont know the signs of it. I looked it up online and saw that the appendix is in the right side where it seems to be alittle crampy... do you know the signs of getting it? What it might feel like? Should I be worried?

11-18-2007, 10:51 PM
Do you have a fever? How acute is the pain?

11-18-2007, 10:58 PM
No i dont think I have a fever atleast I dont feel hot when I feel my head. Its not horribly painful just more uncomfortable, almost like crampy.. I dont know why but the first thing that came to my head was my appentix even though I dont know anything about them. So I got on the computer to see where its at and its actually on the right side of the body where im getting these little cramps, its like a tight squeeze pain then it goes away and comes back a couple mins later. Yesterday and the day before I did have lower back pains and some pains in my legs but those pains went away.

11-18-2007, 11:03 PM
I never had an attack, but from what I know from friends, they had a fever and vomited. I also heard that if you lay on your back and can't bend your knees, it may be appendicitis. If the pain worsens, I'd call the doc right away. Don't take apsirin or a pain killer to mask the pain either. Hope you feel better. I hate those aches and pains you can't decipher. :(

11-18-2007, 11:12 PM
I never had an attack, but from what I know from friends, they had a fever and vomited. I also heard that if you lay on your back and can't bend your knees, it may be appendicitis. If the pain worsens, I'd call the doc right away. Don't take apsirin or a pain killer to mask the pain either. Hope you feel better. I hate those aches and pains you can't decipher. :(

thats weird I hope its just gas pains or something haha... Friday I thought I was getting the flu because I felt like I was going to throw up and had alittle fever but that went away and I got the pains in my knees and lower back pains and now tonight its the right side pains.

11-18-2007, 11:26 PM
if it persists you should get it checked out -
if it isn't appendicitis it might be a kidney stone and those aren't fun either! :eek:

11-18-2007, 11:59 PM
I hope it's nothing serious!
I've heard that if you can't stand on your tippey-toes and you have pain, it could very possibly be appendicitis.

11-19-2007, 12:23 AM
I had sharp pains in the same area last month along with headaches and dizziness so bad I couldn't stand for more than a few seconds. I went to the doctor and they thought I had appendicitis or an ovarian cyst, but they said with the symptoms that it was more likely to be appendicitis. It ended up being an ovarian cyst. I had to have ultrasounds done to confirm it. I would say get it checked out because if it is appendicitis it's nothing to wait around for, it can be very serious. Or, it may be a cyst like I have or something else. I actually wish mine had been appendicitis because it would be out and gone but instead I get recurring pain from the cyst during that special time of the month ... and I'm actually not feeling too snazzy right now because of it. It really, really sucks!

11-19-2007, 01:01 AM
When I was 24 years old I had a pain in the middle of my stomach and it kept on getting worse. I was housesitting at the time and I drove to my parents house the next morning because I was in so much pain. I didn't even have a regular doctor back then so I ended up going to my mom's doctor and they saw me right away.

The nuse thought that I just had a flu virus and I think that I was also running a fever. They took some blood and found out that my WBC count was sky high and that it probably was appendicitis. I had to go over to another doctor who is a surgeon and by then I could barely walk and I was doubling over.

It turns out that it was appendicitis and I had to go into surgery right away and I was in the hospital for 4 days. The doctor later told me that when he removed my appendix that it didn't look too bad but when he later looked at it under the microscrope it did look bad. I guess it was caught in the early stages. This was the worst pain that I've ever felt in my life. If your pain persists I'd definitely go to the doctor and get it checked out. I hope it's nothing serious. Good luck.

11-19-2007, 02:43 AM
A burst appendix can kill you, go to a doctor if the pain gets worse.

11-19-2007, 07:15 AM
Thanks everyone... Dont worry if the pain comes back and gets worse I will call up to the hospital and ask them about it.. I dont really want to go unless its an emergency since I dont have insurance and it could cost alot of money. Hopefully its nothing, this morning its not as bad it comes and goes not nearly as frequently so im not as worried now.