View Full Version : *sigh* more prayers for my family

11-18-2007, 08:46 AM
I was going to post earlier for my uncle. He went into the hospital yesterday with liver issues, which then turned to renal because of the toxins in his body. From what my mom said, they were hopeful, just get him over this hump and keep him in dialysis until a new liver came available. The doctors were VERY optimistic. I somehow had a different impression of things. I am sorry I was right: His body is shutting down and doctors think he'll pass sometime this afternoon. :(

I am shocked because I had NO IDEA my uncle had a major drinking problem. He always had a drink whenever we had family get togethers, but so did everyone else. He looked fine a few weeks ago at his son's wedding. Thank goodness he made it to see his son's wedding and meet his daughter's twin girls!

He's my favorite uncle and I'm shaken to hear this. My mom is inconsolable at this point because she loved him like a brother (he is my dad's sister's husband) and my aunt already told mom she expects to lean on my mom for support. Mom says that is a lot to ask someone.

I asked mom about Thanksgiving.... she hadn't thought about it. I told her if she wants she can forget Thanksgiving or she can bring my aunt with her (we're having Thanksgiving here). Either way, Thanksgiving is going to have a black cloud over it.... he always held Thanksgiving and carved the turkey, etc. It won't feel the same without him.

11-18-2007, 10:02 AM
{{{{hugs}}}} Alcohol kills so many people...it is just not fair.

I pray for a miracle for your uncle...or a peaceful passing, if nothing else.


11-18-2007, 10:26 AM
Oh Kim... I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope for your uncle's sake that his passing is peaceful. Some people are just really good at hiding their problems, like their drinking. They don't realize how much damage it does to their bodies. My grandfather was a drinker, and he was also diabetic. Problem was, he would still buy a ton of candy, but then take extra insulin! He ended up in the hospital for a pacemaker, but his body was just too drained, and his organs ended up shutting down. Even after all that, when they picked him up to wash his body and do whatever else, they found THREE HERSHEY BARS underneath him :rolleyes: . Some people just don't want to stop, even if they know they have to.

Prayers for you and your family... hope your mom and aunt will join you for Thanksgiving.

Laura's Babies
11-18-2007, 10:27 AM
Death takes no holidays. I am sorry to hear this and will keep your family in my prayers.

Scooter's Mom
11-18-2007, 10:36 AM
I'm so sorry to hear of your uncle. Your entire family is in my prayers.

We lost my mom 2 days before Christmas... and somehow managed to have a Christmas dinner and everything. I think my sister-in-law's parents helped make that possible, though... if it was left to us we'd have never done anything.

11-18-2007, 11:07 AM

Having cared for an ailing alcoholic parent, I understand where you're coming from. After losing my mom at the early age of 44 then losing my stepmother, he lost his will to live. You will be in my thoughts and prayers, honey.

11-18-2007, 05:02 PM
Kim, I'm so sorry to hear this sad news.:( You and your family will remain in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

11-18-2007, 06:21 PM
Thanks everyone. My uncle passed away tonight. We're all in shock. :(

11-18-2007, 07:15 PM
((HUGS)) I am so sorry, Kim. Sending prayers for your family.

11-18-2007, 07:28 PM
Prayers are sent out to you & the family.

11-18-2007, 07:50 PM
I'm sorry to hear this Kim, but I'm confused to the reference to alcohol? Toxins in the body are not just alcohol and drug related. If his kidneys aren't working properly, the toxins could be urine related.
**hugs to your family**

11-18-2007, 10:59 PM
Aw, Kim, I'm so very sorry. I guess we can't ask for more than to go quickly, but it doesn't ease the pain. My dad died the day before Thanksgiving in 2002. We had our turkey etc, as we thought dad would like it that way. His favorite saying was "life goes on and you'll survive" I always try to remember that, although sometimes I think it's impossible. Please hug your mom for me too. Again, I'm so sorry.

11-19-2007, 12:30 AM
Oh Kim please except my condolences from my family to yours. You all will be in my prayers and thoughts.

11-19-2007, 03:06 AM

Know what you mean about the holidays just not being the same :(

So sorry that this was all so sudden for you.

11-19-2007, 07:59 AM
I'm sorry to hear this Kim, but I'm confused to the reference to alcohol? Toxins in the body are not just alcohol and drug related. If his kidneys aren't working properly, the toxins could be urine related.
**hugs to your family**
Sorry for the confusion. His liver had shut down from drinking and the toxins in his body from the liver shutting down affected his kidneys. The doctors are saying this is a completely alcohol related death. I had no idea he had a problem. He hid it very well. At the wedding last month, we were all getting a laugh out of my dad's drunk uncle who always gets drunk and makes a fool of himself, but nobody noticed my uncle even looking the slightest bit drunk.

Lori Jordan
11-19-2007, 08:47 AM
I am so sorry this has happend!
I know the feeling,Understand one thing,Most times you do not see it.
My Neighbor lost her husband a few years ago,Long story short i did not realize how much she drank until we went on vacation to Flordia this past August.

She would go out every day and get a 26er of Vodka and two 6 packs of coolers,and after all that she was still able to have a conversation and she still made sence!

I am trying to get her to help herself,But she is wont she does not think she has a problem,And she has two young boys 13 and 9.

I do not know what to say to make this any better.Hugs to you and your family.

11-19-2007, 09:21 AM
{{{hugs}}} to you and your family.

Death is hard anytime of the year, but during the holidays makes it so much harder to deal with.

My thoughts will be with you and your family during the holidays.