View Full Version : Ugh.... Left My Animals There!! (Home: They Are Okay!)

11-17-2007, 10:37 PM
everyone please, I need your prayers right now. that all of my furkids (except crayola who's with me here) ARE okay. I'm upset, restless and in tears now.

when I got home from ice hockey game, there was two police cars right in front of our building and they wouldn't let me near to my door. they asked me if I know anywhere I could stay for tonight and asked me to leave out of there asap. I demanded for my dog, hoped I'd get to check on my animals before I left - no, the cop walked up with me with flashlight and gun in his hand pointing everywhere, told me to hurry back down. I only got to open the door and called for crayola. :(

they were too busy to tell me what happened but gave me a phone number and I left my street. while sitting here in car, trying to reach someone to stay over, I called the department and asked what's going on - they don't know yet, "just arrived there." then I told him about my kids - the dispatcher(?) said "if you're not there then they should be fine." :mad: :( :( I can understand he probably means if suspect(?) doesn't see/hear anyone inside then wouldn't bother to go in??

gosh I have NO idea what's going on in there - I want to drive back there now... I'm so scared for them but I may get shot :rolleyes: :( ....

11-17-2007, 10:41 PM
Oh hon - did Crayola seem ok? If so, maybe the suspect or whoever wasn't near there.

I hope you can go back soon...just keep checking with dispatch and see what is happening....

I wish one of the cops could check for you - I am sure they are ok, but you can't get to them. :(

I'll TRY a search to see what might be happening...hopefully the police will fix whatever is happening, or go elsewhere. This couldn't be related to the fire?


11-17-2007, 10:53 PM
Couldn't find info...probably not even on the local news yet...

Have you reached a friend who might be able to find out more the dispatch for you? In case it's a hassle with TTY (that's the Canadian term...TDD where you are?)

PT Prayers for you and your babies.

11-17-2007, 10:58 PM
They are probably searching for a suspect, and I bet your animals will all be fine. Recently most of a neighboring town was on lockdown, and all the schools kept the kids inside a couple hours after their usual hours, because there was a murder suspect at large. The suspect had killed one person and injured another that he knew, but didn't hurt anyone else before he was captured. Whatever is happening, I am sure your animals will be fine, and I bet they let you go home once the crisis is over, and you'll find everyone okay. Most criminals wouldn't bother harming small animals - they are worried about escaping, and the kitties would likely hide even if someone broke in.

11-17-2007, 11:28 PM
what's going to happen to the baby kittens?
will they be alright that long b/n feedings?
I just don't understand...
your poor animals
and I'm sure that if they appeared busy to you it was b/c they WERE - they were trying to keep you safe.


11-18-2007, 12:10 AM
Gina, I hope you can get back into your place soon. I know you will not be able to relax or sleep until you can check on your ark.

Hugs to you and Crayola for now.

11-18-2007, 08:22 AM
If the cop you talked to had a gun, I assume that there was someone potentially dangerous nearby. Don't be too mad at the cops, they are only doing their job. Poor kitties. I'm sorry this happened, Gina. I hope you can go back home as soon as possible.

11-18-2007, 09:04 AM
I am home with them now, checked on everyone - they are all okay, just a little starled, wasn't sure who I was when I opened the door. :(

malt, I'm definitely not mad at them 'doing their job'. some people can be just plainly so rude, too busy or too lazy to write and tell me at least something. it is my home, my kids and they asked me to leave. when I approached, one guy started talking, I said "(you'll need to) write...I can't hear." - he shook his head no no, shooed me back with his hand. I mean that less-busy-than-others guy was standing by his car talking to a radio, ABLE to write something - there were five of them around. he can get in trouble for that because what if there was a fire, would they let me write who's in there? or anything they need to know. when I gave up, walked to next cop who was interviewing a woman - he then realized I live there! passed me the card, pointed my car, "go." he just didn't put in much of effort for people like us.

anyway, back to what happened - the dispacther finally was able to tell me what went on this morning. I will email everyone who responded to this after I recharge myself, am too distraught and I feel like there's 8 watermelons in my eyelids.

thank you for prayers, relieved now.

11-18-2007, 09:06 AM
I am glad you are home and the cats are well....


11-18-2007, 09:07 AM
:confused: Why can't you just post it on here?
I'm sure everyone is wondering what happened.
I'm glad everyone is ok.

11-18-2007, 09:57 AM
At first I thought one of your snakes ate one of your cats. Whew!!!!!!!SOOOOOOO relieved everyone is okay.

11-18-2007, 10:29 AM
Glad you're back home.. you had me worried!!! Will talk to you later on... Hugs for now!

Cinder & Smoke
11-18-2007, 11:15 AM
I am home with them now ... they are all okay ...

anyway, back to what happened -
the dispacther finally was able to tell me what went on this morning.
I will email everyone who responded to this after I recharge myself ...

http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/confused.gif Why can't you just post it on here?

I'm sure everyone is wondering what happened.

Is there some reason for all this drama that requires individual E-mails rather
than a simple POSTING of the details?

I think I'll wait for the "condensed version" to appear here on the forum ...
unless it's a *secret* - in which case I guess I'll never know.

/s/ http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/confused.gif Phred

11-18-2007, 11:51 AM
I'm glad your kitties are ok and your back home.

11-18-2007, 01:51 PM
I am glad everyone is okay, and curious as to what happened that caused the police to be there. Have a nice nap, and get lots of snuggles and nose-rubs in! Thank goodness this happened this week, when the Peanuts are big enough to wait a bit before needing to eat!

11-18-2007, 02:01 PM
think I'll wait for the "condensed version" to appear here on the forum ...
unless it's a *secret* - in which case I guess I'll never know.

/s/ http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/confused.gif Phred
me either! It's funny that people think PT is so clique-y - b/c I've never been in this clique.

11-18-2007, 02:25 PM
She said she would email people who responded...maybe she thinks others who didn't don't want to know???

Whatever...it's only life.

Glad all worked out ok. :)

11-18-2007, 02:44 PM
Glad everyone is okay :)

11-18-2007, 04:55 PM
Is there some reason for all this drama that requires individual E-mails rather
than a simple POSTING of the details?

/s/ http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/confused.gif Phred

Give her a break Phred, she's got" 8 watermelons in her eyelids" :p

Hey, if she & her critters are all right now, does it really matter? :)

11-18-2007, 07:11 PM
malt, I'm definitely not mad at them 'doing their job'. some people can be just plainly so rude, too busy or too lazy to write and tell me at least something. it is my home, my kids and they asked me to leave. when I approached, one guy started talking, I said "(you'll need to) write...I can't hear." - he shook his head no no, shooed me back with his hand. I mean that less-busy-than-others guy was standing by his car talking to a radio, ABLE to write something - there were five of them around. he can get in trouble for that because what if there was a fire, would they let me write who's in there? or anything they need to know. when I gave up, walked to next cop who was interviewing a woman - he then realized I live there! passed me the card, pointed my car, "go." he just didn't put in much of effort for people like us.

I understand you were upset but I had to respond to this. If it was urgent enough for the police to have had out their firearms, then they certainly wouldn't have had time to write down anything. And it wasn't because they were rude or lazy, it was because of the urgency of the situation. The officer talking on the radio could have been relaying suspect information, etc. Sounds like it might have been something like a robbery or a home invasion. Getting info quickly on crimes like that is very important. The more time that goes by, the more the chances the suspect won't be caught.

I'm glad all your animals are safe. I know it must have been upsetting.

Cinder & Smoke
11-18-2007, 07:26 PM
Hey, if she & her critters are all right now, does it really matter? :)

Does it really matter?

NOPE, not a bit!

11-19-2007, 01:31 AM
dukedogsmom, not only he was 'too' busy (all cops are occupied when on duty anyway), he scoffed his head, rolled his eyes and shook his head out of frustration - I and others consider that discrimination too. and I can't understand they'd be too busy if they'd let me get inside to get my dog out.

"all this drama" is exactly why I don't post anything very much anymore here - nothing is secretive - I asked for prayers and go to those who I know would support.

google up the news if you must. and thank you everyone else for hugs - I wish they were real, was not a good day for me.

11-19-2007, 02:56 AM
I have to agree with Gina. If it had been a hearing person, they would have taken the time to tell her what was going on, or at the very least briefed her about the situation at her HOME (not that she was a passerby). Brushing her off and not finding someone to let her know or write it down (it's not like the building was burning and there were firemen there or anything from what she stated... so not anything super urgent, ya know...).

If they would have taken the time for any other person, hearing or blind or whatnot, then they should have taken the time (I'm sure ONE cop could have helped her understand what was happening), instead of treating her like a bother, a problem, and blowing her off. What they did was discriminatory if she is the only one they treated in this way.

11-19-2007, 03:03 AM
So sorry that you and your animals had to go through whatever it was that it was.

Glad that you're all safe now though.

11-19-2007, 07:19 AM
Jenn, if it wasn't super urgent, the officers wouldn't have had out their weapons. That means something is in progress (hostage situation, burglary, robbery) or just occured. That is urgent. In situations like that, they do evacuate the area, at times. And they certainly don't have time to explain the situation at hand to everyone that inquires, resident or not. I tried to explain it nicely and diplomatically. I mean, I'm one of the ones that's been defending Gina the whole time. Why am I the bad guy now?

11-19-2007, 09:53 AM
and I can't understand they'd be too busy if they'd let me get inside to get my dog out.
They knew what was going on and maybe they knew the animals would be safe. And quite frankly their job isn't to go and protect our animals it's to protect the humans which is exactly what they were doing.

She said she would email people who responded...maybe she thinks others who didn't don't want to know??? I'm not trying to start a argument here or anything, but if they don't want to know then they don't click the thread.

I agree with you Val.

11-19-2007, 11:13 AM
Jenn, if it wasn't super urgent, the officers wouldn't have had out their weapons. That means something is in progress (hostage situation, burglary, robbery) or just occured. That is urgent. In situations like that, they do evacuate the area, at times. And they certainly don't have time to explain the situation at hand to everyone that inquires, resident or not. I tried to explain it nicely and diplomatically. I mean, I'm one of the ones that's been defending Gina the whole time. Why am I the bad guy now?

I'm not saying you are the bad guy (I never accused you of anything or even mentioned your name :confused: )...

I'm saying that any person who would have been in Gina's situation would have been frustrated if they didn't know what is going, especially when it's your home. There still should have been at least ONE person who was able to let her know (or any tenant/occupant of that home) what was happening. If it had been me, and they wouldn't tell me why I wasn't allowed in my home, I'd be ticked off and demanding an explanation from someone, whether they had to put me in contact with the station or someone else.

11-19-2007, 12:18 PM
the cop walked up with me with flashlight and gun in his hand pointing everywhere, told me to hurry back down. I only got to open the door and called for crayola.

That must have been extremely scary, I'm glad that you, Crayola and all your pets are okay.

11-19-2007, 12:53 PM
Gina did they ever tell you what happened hun? I mean its the least they can do after putting you through all that stress. I'm sorry I didn't get to this thread earlier I've been under mom arrest because doc said I needed rest. (I could only sneak on the computer a couple times a day without her knowing) Where you at least able to get Crayola out?????

11-19-2007, 04:48 PM
Gina, I'm only seeing this now, and I am so glad to know you and your babies are all safe!

Hugs and purrs,
Pat and cats

11-19-2007, 06:49 PM
"all this drama" is exactly why I don't post anything very much anymore here - nothing is secretive - I asked for prayers and go to those who I know would support.
if you are posting on a public forum - the format is PUBLIC.
I understand why you wouldn't want your home info etc publicized all over the internet but making posts like you do - makes them public knowledge. Giving just enough info to some people and not others. I understand (really I do) not trusting people but insulting people by saying - if you really care you'll email/pm me isn't the way to do it.
I think you are just lucky that you didn't get SHOT by going up to the cops with their guns drawn.

11-19-2007, 08:32 PM
I looked at the original post and it doesn't say anything about her going up to the cop who had his gun drawn. She did state that a cop took her up to her apartment with a flashlight and gun.
Maybe if there wasn't drama on every thread she would feel more comfortable to post more info.

11-19-2007, 08:36 PM
I looked at the original post and it doesn't say anything about her going up to the cop who had his gun drawn. She did state that a cop took her up to her apartment with a flashlight and gun.
Maybe if there wasn't drama on every thread she would feel more comfortable to post more info.
this is what I'm talking about

I demanded for my dog, hoped I'd get to check on my animals before I left - no, the cop walked up with me with flashlight and gun in his hand pointing everywhere, told me to hurry back down. I only got to open the door and called for crayola

11-19-2007, 08:38 PM
Yes, she is saying the cop walked up to her apartment WITH her to get Crayola.

11-19-2007, 08:39 PM
Yes, she is saying the cop walked up to her apartment WITH her to get Crayola.
yea - I GET it.
WITH his gun OUT.
mmmm -k-

11-19-2007, 08:43 PM
What do you mean drama? She is simply stating what happened.
I don't understand why you still read her threads if you have nothing nice to say.

11-19-2007, 08:45 PM
oh I'm done now.
b/c I think what's happening is exactly what she wants.

11-19-2007, 08:50 PM
It's okay Staci, I'll buy tickets to the movie. ;)

11-19-2007, 08:52 PM
It's okay Staci, I'll buy tickets to the movie. ;)
true dat!! ;)

11-20-2007, 06:29 AM
Thanks for having that, Staci. I knew I wasn't mistaken about the gun part. I looked last night and noticed the original post had been edited.

11-20-2007, 08:29 AM
Thanks for having that, Staci. I knew I wasn't mistaken about the gun part. I looked last night and noticed the original post had been edited.huh? I edited nothing except for deleted breaks and added second title.

wow. just got to read all of this, it's amazing where this have gotten to again. why me?? I hope karen can check into that, I know I did not change a thing. :mad:

maybe I should just leave for good.

11-20-2007, 08:59 AM
That must have been pretty scary, Glad your critters are all safe and sound! :)

Everyone on this forum should understand this -

Her pets are safe and that's ALL that matters, stop sparking the fire.

Yes this is a public forum but not everything has to be posted for everyone to see.

I really don't care much for the rest of the story, I'm just happy everything is O.K....

If you really want to know what happened e-mail her like she said.

critter crazy
11-20-2007, 09:00 AM
google up the news if you must.

well I googled and this is what came up with!

Three Dead in City Homicides Over the Weekend
Alex Crichton <!--table for audio buttons--><!--end table for audio buttons-->ROCHESTER, NY (2007-11-19) As Operation Zero Tolerance entered its seventh week of increase police patrols, the RPD is investigating three deaths over the weekend.

All stemmed from verbal confrontations, according to police.

48-year old Hector Merced of Rochester was found beaten to death on Flower City Park on Saturday morning.

Saturday night, 16-year old Christopher Jones died after he sustained a gunshot wound to the chest after an altercation on Pierpont Street.

Police later arrested 17-year old Deshequan L. Nathan in connection with that shooting.

And on Sunday afternoon, a State Trooper pulled over a car that was driving erratically.

Inside, he found two people shot.

One of them, 23 year old Jeffrey Mullin of Rochester, died.

Police are continuing their investigations into these deaths.

11-20-2007, 09:12 AM
Come on guys, can't we just be thankful and glad that Gina or the animals were not hurt?

11-20-2007, 09:31 AM
I agree, Cindy. :)

11-20-2007, 10:30 AM
Come on guys, can't we just be thankful and glad that Gina or the animals were not hurt?

I agree. The most important thing is not why they were there, but that Gina and the babies are safe and sound.

11-20-2007, 10:40 AM
Maybe if there wasn't drama on every thread she would feel more comfortable to post more info.

Everytime she posts something, it's DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA.

11-20-2007, 10:41 AM
Everytime she posts something, it's DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA.
Because others make it that way.

11-20-2007, 11:33 AM
Remember, we all ARE grateful that Gina and her animals are safe. No one said otherwise.

Pointing out "drama, drama, drama" is not helpful, and not in the spirit of Pet Talk. It just makes everything more, well, dramatic.

11-20-2007, 11:43 AM
I honestly don't ever remember saying that I wished her harm or her animals? :confused:
C'mon Donna - let's stop giving her what she wants - and I'm just as guilty...

11-20-2007, 12:23 PM

Okey dokey!! :D

11-20-2007, 01:52 PM
I am still scratching my head at her rendition that the cop, with his gun drawn, allowed her to go to the building at all. Everytime I watch CSI or Law and Order, and see the cops with their guns drawn, civilians aren't any where near the premises. They aren't allowed.

I can't believe that the situation was so dire- remember, gun drawn, waving it everywhere- yet a person was allowed to go retrieve a pet from the building? Sounds a little different from what I see on TV. Course, TV is the only thing I can relate this to, since IRL, nothing like this sort of thing happens to me. Not even close.

11-20-2007, 02:24 PM
Course, TV is the only thing I can relate this to, since IRL, nothing like this sort of thing happens to me. Not even close.

What's IRL??

11-20-2007, 02:24 PM
Maybe if there wasn't drama on every thread she would feel more comfortable to post more info. Sorry but she is the one posting dramatic threads. If she doesn't want to have drama in her threads maybe she should reconsider posting such dramatic threads.
It's a public forum where people share their views on the post, wether it be good or bad if she doesn't want that simple DON'T POST! Noone is asking to hear her life problems.

What's IRL??<!-- / message --><!-- sig --> In real life I belive.

11-20-2007, 02:40 PM
Sorry but she is the one posting dramatic threads. If she doesn't want to have drama in her threads maybe she should reconsider posting such dramatic threads.
It's a public forum where people share their views on the post, wether it be good or bad if she doesn't want that simple DON'T POST! Noone is asking to hear her life problems.

In real life I belive.

So her posts contain drama... yours are normally mean and nasty, and not just on this post. You make snarky little comments on bunches of threads, yet you complain if someone makes any kind of suggestion to you about anything you write (whether your cat be pooping blood or whether you're quitting school... if you don't want people to comment or express their opinions, then maybe you should take your own advice and not post either).

Although, as you pointed out, it is a public forum where people post their views, so I guess anyone can post anything they want to talk about, whether it be Gina and her dramas, or you and your snotty remarks. Lucky us.

11-20-2007, 02:47 PM
I think everyone needs to move on......

11-20-2007, 02:51 PM
I think everyone needs to move on......

I know, I'm sorry... just annoyed.

11-20-2007, 02:54 PM
I know, I'm sorry... just annoyed.

I wasn't directing that at you or anyone specific it just seems to be going nowhere.

11-20-2007, 03:02 PM
I think everyone needs to move on......Done, taken to pm's:)

11-20-2007, 03:15 PM
I can't believe that the situation was so dire- remember, gun drawn, waving it everywhere- yet a person was allowed to go retrieve a pet from the building? Sounds a little different from what I see on TV. Course, TV is the only thing I can relate this to, since IRL, nothing like this sort of thing happens to me. Not even close.
Just clarifying a couple of things....not meaning to be nasty or mean, at all.
But she did not say the cop was "waving" the gun everywhere. He escorted her to the apartment to ensure her safety and to retreive her service dog, which is not just a "pet".
This might sound like something from TV, but it does happen IRL, unfortunately. It's just too bad it has gotten to this....again.

11-20-2007, 03:17 PM
PM whatever you'd like.....and don't get sucked in to this mess...oh, wait, I AM sucked in! ;) :confused: :eek: :(

I bet we could find something much more productive to "type about".... ;)

Miss Z
11-20-2007, 03:28 PM
I think everyone needs to move on......

Agreed. I'm glad, in a way, my PT time is limited during school weeks, so that I don't end up in the middle of arguements like this.... :(

Glad all the animals are OK, Gina. You have my support. ((hugs))

11-20-2007, 03:40 PM
I try to stay out of this stuff anymore, in fact, I try to stay out of PT period, and threads like these are why. Senseless bickering.

I have an idea for those who have a problem with Gina's "drama" so to speak... ignore it. Think she's lying, causing drama on PT, or what not - ignore it, report it to Karen, whatever it may be - just don't make it into a huge long drawn out thread like this one. You're just making this place look bad for anyone who may be lurking to join.

Gina, as always, I wish you well for whatever comes your way. Glad you and the animals are okay.

*edited to add*

I'm not trying to take sides, or say I agree or disagree with any of you, I'm just sick of seeing threads turn out like this. There's too many stresses and sorrows in life to have it continued onto Pet Talk.

11-20-2007, 03:44 PM
Well said, Kay. :)

Do those who bicker in Gina's threads not have anything better to do with their lives?

11-20-2007, 03:49 PM
I try to stay out of this stuff anymore, in fact, I try to stay out of PT period, and threads like these are why. Senseless bickering.

I have an idea for those who have a problem with Gina's "drama" so to speak... ignore it. Think she's lying, causing drama on PT, or what not - ignore it, report it to Karen, whatever it may be - just don't make it into a huge long drawn out thread like this one. You're just making this place look bad for anyone who may be lurking to join.

Gina, as always, I wish you well for whatever comes your way. Glad you and the animals are okay.

Very well said, Kay. I also wish you well Gina. (((Hugs)))

11-20-2007, 04:19 PM
I am closing this thread, it has gotten far, far off topic.

And it is NEVER okay to post mean, nasty, or "snarky" comments on Pet Talk. Ever.

We are glad Gina and her animals are okay, and hope they continue to be so.