View Full Version : Back from the Shelter Event (PICS)

11-17-2007, 05:19 PM
Oh boy was it a good day. Started at 2 and ended at 7 tho we went around 3:30 and just came back. There was over 200 dogs, one cuter than the next All size and shapes. I saw this huge Black Dane oh boy what a beauty i think he was the cutest out of all the 200 dogs. Lots of Westies, one Cairn Terrier and yet NO Scotties (that i saw) The happiest thing is that ALL dogs taken there where adopted and i mean ALL not even one was left, and when i got there only two where left for adoption. I went with my godchild and he just loved all the doggies. Here are the pics enjoy.

Before we left:




At the event, Nena and my Godson (I dint take any pics with other dogs because i was too busy holding Nena LOL)


And here we where leaving.



Enjoy :)