View Full Version : Oh My Gosh!!!!

08-08-2002, 07:12 PM
I just about had a heart attack! I am sitting here finishing my paper and Noel is in the window keeping me company. Basil comes over and starts eating the cat food. I let him do it for a few seconds when he starts CHOKING! I didn't know what to do...I offered him water, I rubbed his back...I panicked. :eek: I then ran to my purse to get the business card of our new vet and couldn't find it. I prayed to God that he would help Basil and by the time I got back from my purse, he was OK and trying to eat more!!! :rolleyes:

So, two questions....what do I do if he does that again? Or ANY of the cats start choking?

And, how do I make the cats stay to their own food? Noah and Noel keep getting his food too...what do I do?

Miss Meow
08-08-2002, 07:40 PM
What a scary experience. Made me think too that I have no idea what to do if the same thing happens to me.

I did a google search on 'choking in cats' and this web site came up.


Looks like the Heimlich can be applied to cats and dogs too - the prospect of broken ribs isn't nice, but better than having a pet choke to death.

As far as your babies eating each other's food, the only thing I can think of is feeding them in separate rooms at the same time until Basil is big enough to fight for himself.

08-09-2002, 12:44 AM
I would think if it happens again, there's nothing you can do unless you see something in their mouth. You just have to wait and see if it stops soon, if not then rush them to the vet, or after hours emergency vet. mine have choked before, and then stopped, and I know it is very scary.

08-09-2002, 12:54 AM
Sometimes Pepper will start choking after I give him his medicine. He stops after a few seconds. It was scary at first but now I just watch him to make sure he's okay. I've also given him some furball medicine and that seems to help. I would also feed the cats in serparate rooms. When Pepper was little Storm would try to eat all of his food. Later on Pepper wanted Storm's food. When Pepper was about 6 months old I gave up and let them eat each others food. Good luck.

Sara luvs her Tinky
08-09-2002, 01:06 AM
:eek: OMG:eek:
Tinky and Jupiter have never choked on their food but Tinky tries to cough up a hairball sometimes.... havn't had one yet though.
That remimded me of this one time Tinky was behind Eric's fishtank and was makin these aweful noises like she does to the stray cat at the door and Jupiter was over there so I just thought they were wrestling.. but after she kept doin it and Jupiter was just sittin there and not bothering her I walked over to her and she wedged her arm in a small hole he has for running wires out from the base of the tank and couldn't get out and when I tried to help her she would wail and try to bite me... and I started to panic and I was runnin around all crazy thinkin how am I gonna move this 1000 pound fish tank to help her... by that time I heard a SUPER LOUD scream and she was free... I guess she got tired of being stuck and bared the pain to get out.... IT SCARED ME SO BAD!!! Choking is a bit worse I must say...!! I would probably end up in worse shape than T or J if they were choking.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-09-2002, 09:31 AM
That would be real scary!

But I have to stress that the number one main thing to do in any panic situation like this is....don't panic! I know it's hard, but animals will pick up on your panic and panic themselves. If you are calm and talk to them in a gentle voice, it will help calm them down which will be a big help in many cases.

As an example (not a panic situation though) the first time I took Tubby and Peanut to the vet since I've lived with Terry started out as a not too good situation. Terry was so worried about the cats being in a panic in the car and at the vet, that he was all upset himself (just what I need :rolleyes: ) Right when we're ready to go, it started pouring - and I mean buckets! He ran to the car with Peanut in the carrier, and I ran holding Tubby with his leash on. We were both soaked in the few feet it took to get to the car. Anyway, we started out and Peanut started yowling in her carrier while Tubby is all over the car exploring - I think he likes riding in the car. :) So Terry, being all upset himself, and thinking Peanut is upset because of her yowling, is ranting and raving about why do they need to go to the vet anyway, they're completely healthy, and how ridiculous it was to take them out in the rain like this, and on and on. All the while, I'm talking to Peanut and trying to pet her through the bars of the carrier, but she keeps yowling and moving around. Finally I told Terry that he had to calm down and talk nice to her, that he was only making her more upset with his ranting. He was quiet for a minute, then started talking sweetly to her and almost instantly she calmed down and settled into her carrier for the trip. He looks at me with this look of total shock on his face and it was the hardest thing in the world for me to not say I told you so. :p

Anyway, she could tell that her daddy was upset and that was making her more upset than the car ride was. He calmed down, she calmed down and the rest of the visit was a breeze. :)

So remember, don't panic. Take a deep breath, analyze the situation, then do what you can to help, even if that means leaving the cat for a minute or two to make a phone call or to get someone else to help.

PS - needless to say, I now take them to the vet by myself. The cats were fine as soon as we brought them home, but Terry was upset all day.

08-09-2002, 12:03 PM
Oh my! I don't know anything about choking and cats...must have been terrifying!

PS - needless to say, I now take them to the vet by myself. The cats were fine as soon as we brought them home, but Terry was upset all day.

I can so relate. I have four ferrets and 1 kitten(2 if you count Joey's kitten that now lives with me.) Anyway, I was clipping Lola ferret's nails one time and he was in the room. She squirmed and I nicked the vein and she bled. I felt horrible but Joey freaked. He grabbed her away from me, told her I was mean, and it took me the rest of the night to get her back to finish clipping her nails. I've clipped nails hundreds of times since then without incident, but he has never forgotten that time. He refuses to stay in the room when I clip and didn't want me touching his new kitten Gigi with clippers. I had to argue with him that her nails were little needles and Gigi was not staying in my apartment to scratch up everything including us if her nails were not clipped. He left and I clipped her nails fine...she slept the whole time. For being a cop and a Marine...He is such a wuss when it comes to the babies!

08-09-2002, 12:26 PM
One thing I've heard, at least with humans, is that if you can hear them making a sound, it means air is getting through, and that's the most important thing.

I also once read that if you have a drowned cat, that you can swing it by the hind legs to get the water out. (quite the mental picture :eek: ) Doesn't really apply here - but I though I'd share.

08-09-2002, 12:38 PM
THANK YOU Miss Meow!! Now I'll know what to do if it happens again...it's so scary not knowing what to do!!! :eek:

Catland, that's really good to know too! Thanks...that made me feel better that he WAS getting air.

Chinadoll, I bet that was scary for you! I think my hubby would do the same thing!! :)

Sara, YES! I know that noise!! Noah once got his paw stuck on the table chairs!! You try and help and they snap at you too! I felt so bad for him! :(

Tubby&Peanut's mommy, I know, it's so important not to panic. But, that's so HARD!!! I'll try and remember that though. :)

KrazyaboutKatz, I have figured out a way to stop the kitten from eating the cat food. I put Noah and Noel's bowls on the computer desk. They know its up there and know how to get up to it. The kitten food it put up as well. Every hour or so, I put the kitten back in his room and give him food and then let him out again....jeeesh! :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-09-2002, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by Chinadoll
For being a cop and a Marine...He is such a wuss when it comes to the babies!

Ah HA!!! That's it!!! Terry was a marine too!!! I guess that's part of why they join the service (especially a cop) is because they want to serve and protect and can't stand to see anyone or anything in pain or being mistreated. Terry always says he's the eternal big brother - watching out for everybody - and it's true. Gotta love 'em for that. :D