View Full Version : Could my 'Tiny' be part Munchkin??

11-16-2007, 06:31 PM
I had never heard of a breed of cat called Munchkin before discovering it on this message board last week when I was reading about that orange and white Munchkin that was in a shelter on another thread who was in need of a home. I then googled Munchkins and started wondering if the little cat I rescued almost 5 years ago could be at least part Munchkin? We named her 'Tiny' and we also call her various other names like 'squirt', 'shrimpers', 'frogs' (her little face reminds us of a frog) and of course, 'little munchkin'!! What do you guys think? Here are two groups of pics I put together and uploaded to photobucket. I'm leaving them large enough for you guys to make out her features, like her little legs and funny sweet face. Thanks!



Laura's Babies
11-16-2007, 06:43 PM
I wouldn't venture to guess if she has any in her or not but she sure does have some short legs. They look muscular too. I love the way she is built, that is so cute! I will check back and see what everyone else says...

11-17-2007, 09:52 AM
He Does Have Some Short Legs. My Friend Janice Had A Munchkin At One Time Who Sadly Had Spinal Problems And Is Now An Angel.
Every Time He Ram Somewhere , He Was Like A Little Dust Mop Dragging Dust Bunnies With Him.
Tiny Is A Very Very Handsome Cats, And He Must Be A Funny Yet Endearing Sight When He Runs And Palys With His Cat Companions.

11-17-2007, 09:56 AM
Hmm it is definately hard to say. My little Kalypso is still extremely tiny as well...but her mom was a really tiny cat but not a munchkin.

It wouldn't surprise me if maybe there was some munchkin in her. I mean look how much smaller she is compared to the normal sized cats. But that's okay right, cause she is so darn cute!:D

11-17-2007, 11:05 AM
I have a munchkin, and looking at your sweet kitty, I would venture to say "maybe". She could very well be a non-standard Munchkin, which means she's a Munchkin with standard legs.

Here's a link that explains the Munchkin and shows pictures of their short legs. It's difficult to say if your kitty is a purebred Munchkin or a MIX.


11-17-2007, 11:53 AM
Thanks for all the responses! I checked out the link you included in your post Moosmom and it was very interesting. I think that Tiny might be a Munchkin mix. Her back legs are quite a bit longer than her front stubby ones but the rest of her is also small (the Munchkins are supposed to have normal sized bodies for the most part I think) which makes me think she could be mixed. Her tail is short and her head is small too. She is so spunky despite her miniature make up though. Her main squeeze has always been my Maine Coon, Tiger and they made quite a pair because he is very large. But with his recent health issues he won't tolerate her. She has since decided that our new guy Paddies might make a good catch. It's funny how she cozies up to the BIG guys.
Back in 2003 she belonged to an elderly woman who had 10 or so cats and some chickens. She passed away and her son was supposed to do something with the animals, either take care of them himself or take them to a shelter. He did nothing for weeks and the neighbors reported the situation to the SPCA who in conjunction with another cat shelter went into the home and discovered most of the cats had sadly died because they had no food or water but the lucky ones that were not locked inside the house were still alive. Tiny was one of them, along with another cat we think is her daughter and an orange manx. Tiny had a laceration that ran the length of her stomach and continued up to her left paw. The vet couldn't tell what had made the wound but it was thought that it might be either from broken glass or from someone trying to intentionally injure her. The wound on her stomach had healed up on it's own but her paw had a bone sticking out of it and they had to remove all but one toe on that foot. I was involved with the animal shelter at the time and picked Tiny up at the vet to drive her back to the shelter and as you can imagine, this little cat with one arm bandaged up to the shoulder was more than I could bear. I immediately called my husband and asked if we could have her. But of course, we didn't want to separate her from her daughter or sister, not sure which, so we adopted her too and named her Teenie. She is also small but not nearly as small as Tiny. Teenie is on the left in the group shot. I have 2 other cats that are not in my siggy because I couldn't fit everybody. Teenie is one of them and Oliver is the other. :) Anyway, Teenie and Tiny are such characters and they are very bold and often boss everyone around. They do not like my other cats, Stinky and Jimmy so I make sure they are never in the same room. Kind of like rival gangs. Fortunately we have a big house and each group has their own 'room' for sleeping with their favorite beds and scratching trees. Paddy is one of the cats who has a membership with each gang and is well tolerated by both groups. Tiny is madly in love with him. One day I hope to get a picture of the two of them together because Paddy is the biggest cat I've ever seen and Tiny is so small. LOL

11-17-2007, 11:57 AM
Yup, from what you described about the long legs in the back and the short in front, she is a Munchkin. They are wonderful cats. They're perpetual kitten. When I took in Miss Feral Alicat, they became the best of buds. I think that was one of the reasons Alicat came out of her shell so quickly. Shortie now has her fun cut out for her.