View Full Version : Christmas is coming need some advice

11-16-2007, 06:15 PM
I am looking at GPS as a gift. Does anyone have one? Also if anyone needs advice on Audio/Video advice please PM me as my hubby is in the business.

11-16-2007, 06:32 PM
Honey PM blue_frog (ali) she has an amazing GPS she bought for about 100? When she visited us we used it with her and it was MARVELOUS! I will also let her know in msn that you have a post up over it, she knows all the great places to find that kind of stuff!


ps ((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))

Laura's Babies
11-16-2007, 06:54 PM
A guy I work with has a Garmin Nuvi GPS and he raves about how good it is. We have to run those boat down out in the middle of nowhere and once he gets there he presses a button and it puts that spot in it's memory. I am looking into getting myself one and in researching it, I have come across nothing but good things about this brand. That is the brand I will buy when I get one.... Just so many models to choose from!

11-16-2007, 08:03 PM
We have a Garmin hand-held GPS, and it's just great. We take it in the car with us, and Paul has even used it when on foot in the desert outside Las Vegas ... I think everyone should have one! The best moment was when we were driving in New York City one day, and missed a turn because of construction. The GPS immediately rerouted us, and we made a couple turns and got where we were going without a hitch. In heavy traffic, and on seconds' notice, I could never have managed to figure out on a map which streets to take!