View Full Version : Do you wait for company too?

11-15-2007, 09:54 AM
I am embarrassed to say I am not Suzie Homemaker who vacuums every day and never has dishes in the sink. Typically my house is a disorganized jumble of mail, drink glasses, laundry, homework, etc.

So now that we're having Thanksgiving at our house next week, and today is my only day off between now and then, I'm on a frenzied cleaning schedule for the day. Why do I wait til someone is coming over to clean my house? Does anyone else?

11-15-2007, 09:59 AM
Every week Alexa and I invite friends over to watch our favorite show America's Next Top Model. The only reason why we do that is because then we will at least pick up the house once a week! During the summer when all the tv shows are on reruns our house becomes a mess because we never get visitors!

Pawsitive Thinking
11-15-2007, 10:01 AM
For the last month or so (since we stayed in a pristine apartment in Germany) I have been doing 30 mins housework every evening and I have to say the place looks so much cleaner!!! Also means that my weekends aren't spent dusting, hoovering and ironing :rolleyes:

11-15-2007, 10:05 AM
Sounds like my home :rolleyes: :D It's hard to walk across a room without encountering toys, books, or clean clothes waiting to be folded :D

11-15-2007, 10:07 AM
I MIGHT sweep or vacuum one day of the weekend. But deep cleaning is usually only done when I know people are coming over. Bruce has even said - we should have parties more often. The house gets cleaned! LOL
But our kitchen is always pretty clean, as far as dishes not piling up in the sink. And we typicallly do not leave "stuff" laying around the house.

11-15-2007, 10:13 AM
I voted "other" because I don't clean, I just move!!! :p

Just joking. I wait till I can't stand it any longer then I clean. I almost never have company so it is what it is.

11-15-2007, 10:42 AM
Well, I have a housecleaner who arrives every other Thursday afternoon and I come home to a wonderful clean smelling condo.

I generally keep my living space tidy with few piles of junk hanging around. I hate clutter of any kind. The sad, and somewhat embarrassing part, is that I do a light cleaning a day or two before the housecleaner arrives. Figure that one out will ya????:rolleyes::o

11-15-2007, 11:03 AM
My kitchen HAS to be clean all the time.
It bugs the crap out of me if it's not.
I do dishes as soon as I dirty them.

My bedroom... now that's another story! :o

I can have dog fur tumbleweeds the size of a small child under my bed and the floor of my closet is heaped with dirty clothes and it's doesn’t' bother me.

The living room needs dusted twice a week during the winter because we have a wood stove. (Notice I said it needs dusted, I didn't say that it gets dusted twice a week! ;) ) and the carpet in the living room needs vacuumed at least twice a week for the same reason plus because I have 2 massively shedding monsters living in my home. :o

If I know people are coming over, I can spend an hour and have the house ready for company.

Miss Z
11-15-2007, 11:20 AM
My mother is a clean-freak. In our home, we have a no-fingers on windows/mirrors at any time policy, and the house has to be clean and tidy before the cleaner comes in, to make sure she doesn't think we have a dirty home. :p

Edwina's Secretary
11-15-2007, 11:23 AM
The sad, and somewhat embarrassing part, is that I do a light cleaning a day or two before the housecleaner arrives. Figure that one out will ya????:rolleyes::o

Sad, embarrassing????? No quite normal! I justify the fetish as "I am making it easier for the housecleaner!" Makes me nice instead of nuts.... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

11-15-2007, 11:53 AM
I try to keep my place clean but I only vacuum and sweep once a week and I usually mop every other week. I also dust as needed. I never ever have any dirty dishes in the sink or any where else except in the dishwasher. This is one of my pet peeves. I do have too much stuff for my condo but I try to put it away in my storage lockers or in my closets so there isn't too much clutter lying around. My bedroom is probably the messiest part of my place but company would rarely see this room any way.:)

critter crazy
11-15-2007, 11:57 AM
I always try to do some cleaning daily, but even with that, my house never looks completely clean, unless there is company coming, especially if it is my mom!! Hubby loves it when my mom comes to visit! He says it is the only time he sees the house look so good!:rolleyes:

11-15-2007, 02:23 PM
I HATE cleaning!! So, under most circumstances, I wait until I know people are coming over. Of course the REALLY sad part about that, is that it happens so seldom (I never get company).............. Plenty of fur and scattered litter, not to mention dust. :rolleyes: As a matter of fact, I wouldn't show you the inside of my house right now if you PAID me. :o

11-15-2007, 02:37 PM
I do laundry, dishes, and vacuum daily.

Papers of all sorts are a different story though. We generally have newspapers on the table, mail on the kitchen counter, newspapers in the livingroom, etc.

11-15-2007, 02:40 PM
My mom generally cleans the whole house. Her job is paying bills, being a mother, cleaning, shopping, etc. and she cleans alot. She's somewhat of a neat freak. The only thing I MUST keep clean is my room, bed, fish tank and bird cage/area which is generally clean unless I am super busy, which reminds me of what I should be doing right now. :o My future house will be pretty clean, I can tell you now, I can't live in a dirty place!

11-15-2007, 04:21 PM
My mum is a proud clean freak. :]
She's the only reason we can pull off having as many animals as we have in the house!
I help, though. Daily chores are a must.

11-15-2007, 04:55 PM
LMAO!!....... hahaha........ well I do wait for company to fully clean....

there is a saying here "clean where the MIL sees". which practically means just overall view, but in my case I have to clean even the most unthinkable place ever!!....

I HAVE to make the bed.... unless I´m in a hurry.... then I don´t :p
the dishes I TRY to wash as I use but sometimes I leave them till the end of the day.... or the next :rolleyes:
Moping/dusting/ironing every other day
Washing clothes once or twice a week
Vaccuming..... two or three times a day...... yeah this is my HAVE TO DO chore.... with the bird feathers and seeds.... :rolleyes:

I soooo use to "hide" stuff under beds, behind doors, or anyplace that can hold something hidden..... if you see my closet you can see a big pile of colors which unless you knew which is which clothe you´d freak LOL.... but I DO know, sooo....who cares??....

11-15-2007, 05:05 PM
My house is always neat. I'm a nut case about it. I always put EVERYTHING away all the time. Nothing is ever out of place. I need help, I know. :rolleyes:

Now, I didn't say my house was always clean. It's never filthy, that would drive me crazy. But the carpets generally needed vacuumed, the floor needs mopped ... you know, pet stuff.

So, if I have company coming, I'll vacuum and mop, clean the bathroom extra well. Unless it's just my parents, they are used to me by now. lol

11-15-2007, 06:48 PM
Oh my, none of you have seen my bunny room. Yes there are little black poopies here and there, hay is in the corner. Hair on the carpet, but it's their bedroom and they rule.

11-15-2007, 07:16 PM
I have horrible pack rat tendencies so while my house is always clean, it looks like a disaster. When company comes I try to hide most of the junk. :o

11-15-2007, 07:19 PM
Does anyone else?

clean one week in advance of company even if it was my only available day off? I'd have to get up extra early or clean again in between cooking.

I do like the look of a neat house and have been known to put unused softener sheets or a few drops of lysol in wastebaskets. I would probably do it the night before or soon before company arrived ;)

11-15-2007, 09:03 PM
We generally clean once a week- except our bedroom which is always messy :o (though the dishes, sadly, need to be done more than once a week). But, we are generally sloppy in between cleanings so the house NEEDS it once a week. I do a far more complete job when company comes, though.

11-15-2007, 10:23 PM
I never have company but I do keep the dishes and laundry up to date, the heavy work gets done when the arthritis permits it. I love seeing cat hair all over the place, feels more like home! :)

Lori Jordan
11-15-2007, 10:58 PM
When you have kids it is impossible!In order to have a home that you can eat off the floors,That would mean i would have to follow them around and watch there every move****I REFUSE TO DO SO*****

My house is clean,But i have kids that use a different glass everytime they get a drink,So i always have dishes,But now they know to put it in the dishwasher.

I have a teenage daughter who is a disaster!!!Literally she did her laundry i told her for 2 days to get it out of the laundry room,It was moved from there to the upstairs hallway,So instead of her putting it away she started throwing her dirty laundry ontop of her clean.Makes no sence,So i got rather mad at her and told her she better move it the hallway is not a laundry basket.

Needless to say i have to scream at them to get there stuff done :rolleyes:

My space in the house is always cleaned,The kids on the other hand.....I hope they keep a better house when they have there own lol!!!

11-16-2007, 12:05 PM
I'm afraid I am one of those people who loves simplicity and a clean, straight home, but I am the WORST housekeeper, ever. We just have too much stuff, period, and it drives me crazy!!! I wish Scott and I could have one week, no tv, no phone, no work obligations, and maybe even no pets, and go through this house, room by room, and clean up and clean out. It would be so much more manageable. Cleaning would be easier if there wasn't so much "stuff".

Did anyone watch Oprah yesterday about the hoarders? I have it recorded, and haven't watched it yet, but what little I saw makes me want to clean up right now so I'll never be accused of being like that lady. They are following up today.

My house is not filthy, too cluttered. I think I need Peter Walsh to come here and straighten me out. :o

11-16-2007, 12:19 PM
I have a teenage daughter who is a disaster!!!Literally she did her laundry i told her for 2 days to get it out of the laundry room,It was moved from there to the upstairs hallway,So instead of her putting it away she started throwing her dirty laundry ontop of her clean.Makes no sence,So i got rather mad at her and told her she better move it the hallway is not a laundry basket.
LOL! that sounds very familiar. My youngest is a pretty good kid, typically on the ball, except when it comes to laundry. I prefer to wash and fold their laundry so I don't mind at all when she dumps a couple week's worth of laundry into the hamper at once. But what I DO mind is when I fold it and it sits on the sofa for a few days until Cameron scatters everything over the livingroom floor for the hundreth time and they move it to sit on the mantle. Then someone steals my laundry basket and puts the clothes from the mantle into the basket, where it moves to the hallway outside their bedroom door for a few days. They step over it every day a hundred times a day... do you think they could pick it up and take it with them? nooooooo. :rolleyes:

Last month I got tired of waiting for my laundry basket to be returned so I simply dumped the clothes on the floor at the bottom of the steps and took the basket back to do MY laundry. Somehow its MY fault the laundry got covered in cat hair and wrinkled. (it wouldn't have anything to do with the fact it sat for a week and half before I got to the point of dumping it?)

Anyway, I had off this morning too (only work a few hours tonight) and got OODLES of work done (even while babysitting Cam -- he's so helpful -- I would put one thing away and he'd be hading me something completely random. My favorite was being handed 3 hotdog rolls). I feel so accomplished! :D

Now all I have to do is tackle my office :eek: (I might be here all night)