View Full Version : Digital video project idea - suggestion(s)?

11-14-2007, 07:02 PM
Basically, this are the rules:

Create a time-based event. There is no set time limitation. Your event could be 1 hour or one day. The end result of your event (or performance, or installation, or kinetic sculpture) will be a recorded time-based documentation (audio or video).

Your event must not produce anything tangible as a work of art other than the recorded documentation. In other words, you cannot simply record yourself painting a painting over time. You may, for instance, create a large scale “painting” the size of the entire oval and let the painting be destroyed by weather over the course of 10 years (just an example).

AND it must be SIMPLE, at least keep it simple..

I could create do an extended durational performance (every day for a week at 3pm something happens on the front steps of Hayes Hall…)

So, any suggestions?? I WILL *be* HOME over Thanksgiving break to film.. back in my hometown..

11-14-2007, 08:46 PM
What about a flower blooming? Or is that not one of the kinds of things your looking for? And I don't even know what flower would be blooming. One of the cool things I thought of ((but I know you wouldn't be able to do this, but just a cool idea)) is a hurricane passing by a beach. I'll be thinking of more though!! Sounds like an AWESOME project :) :)

11-15-2007, 06:20 AM
I had a similar project in college. I did my makeup box (anyone remember Caboodles?) and it was a fun project. The idea was to show how it went from an organized box on Monday to chaos on Friday. My teacher loved the idea since it was original and funny. I wish I still had the photos (being that it was 1990, we didn't have video classes for the average student, this was just photography class)

Dio you have to show everything but speed it up in one seamless shot or can you show clips then break them up to take out stagnant moments?