View Full Version : How do I decide THIS one - Update post 17

11-14-2007, 06:00 PM
Maybe you will remember this little girl, Smudge? She is one of the cats in the Bentley Street cat colony, the first feral cat colony I worked on back in April.

This is a small colony, and we trapped, neutered and returned a dozen or 14 of the cats in a 4 day spree of trapping. I kept my cat Bobby from that colony, as he has a handicap and could not be released.

Well, Smudge and one black female have been elusive and wary of the traps and have led us on a merry chase for the past many months.

UNTIL LAST EVENING. One of the caretakers caught Smudge, and brought her over. I took her in for her spay today. Smudge will be 2 years old in mid- to late December. She has had 3 litters, that we know of. She weighed 8.2 pounds today at the vet's. She is now staying with me for her 5 days of post op, while she recovers.

THE PROBLEM. One of the three caretakers has been making "friends" with Smudge, and getting this little lady to jump in her lap and such. That is how she caught the cat last evening. No trap! She just held the cat and then placed her in a carrier. So now I have this sweet girl who does not appear very feral AT ALL, who is letting me pet her, and I am supposed to put her back outside next week?

Each of the 3 caretakers has added a cat from the colony during the summer, so they have 4 cats each now. (OK, not very many by PT standards! :D )

I think I am in trouble here! I had the vet test her for FIV and FeLV (both were negative); I had to pay for that myself as the TNR group doesn't do that testing on cats to be released. And I have started calling this little girl "Sara." Oh my.

What do I do?????

11-14-2007, 06:12 PM
Um, if I'm reading you correctly, you're telling us that you're considering keeping Sara? If you can swing it, why not?

11-14-2007, 06:12 PM
The Lucky Found Paradise Hotel Cats Say Add One More, But I Know That That Sometimes Can Be Tricky Bringing A Feral Cat In Who May Not Be Used To The Litter Box, And Having A Lot Of Strange Cats Around.
Its Taking Tubster A While To Adjust, But I Know Taht You Will Do Your Very Very Best For Smudge!!

11-14-2007, 06:24 PM
Sounds like Sara, nee Smudge, has made up her mind :D :D
What a cutie!

11-14-2007, 06:27 PM
Don't return her to the colony. Keep her, if you can, or find her an adoptive home. You will feel MUCH better than if you set her back outside.

11-14-2007, 06:36 PM
she's decided. you are hers.

11-14-2007, 06:41 PM

Sounds like you answered your own question. Please don't put her back out. Especially if she's a lovebug.

When Kim told me they were going to put Alicat back out if she didn't come around, I was not gonna let that happen.

Hey, what's one more poop in the box, right???? She IS beautiful!

11-14-2007, 06:50 PM
Don't return her to the colony. Keep her, if you can, or find her an adoptive home. You will feel MUCH better than if you set her back outside.

I agree. It sounds like you are already attached to her. She is beautiful
& sounds like a sweetie. :)

11-14-2007, 07:16 PM
Ah geesh!

Mary, I really do WANT to keep her, you read that right. But I'm not sure I CAN. I have 12 pets in the house now: 8 cats, 2 dogs and 2 foster dogs. This week, I've been to 3 different vets and it is only Wednesday!

Bobby has a LOT of health issues and is going to have high vet bills all his life; he is only just a year old now.

Chaplin has a heart murmur; true, a mild one. But who knows what the future holds there? He is just 5 months. He was also from a colony a different one where none of the cats are socialized.

Donna, I wouldn't say she is a "lovebug," but hey she's only been with me 24 hours and part of that (9 hours) was at the vet today.

And ALL the cats in this colony are socialized, that is why they were so easy to trap. (We caught 9 of them on the first day, and it was my first attempt at trapping; unheard of!) The 3 caretakers really do a terrific job with this colony. The cats go in and out of their homes now and then; in bad weather if they can get the cats in they do. The cats get fed 4 times per day. They are quite friendly with the 3 caretakers; all except that one black female and this girl who has only recently come to realize humans aren't all bad. The caretakers have on several occasions pooled funds to buy meds and treat the colony, when they get URIs or some such thing.

Jen, hmmm, much as I hate to, that may be the thing to do, find her a good home. Sigh.

I'll see how things go over the next few days. Who knows? Once the anesthesia wears off, she may decide she really does NOT like me! :p

11-14-2007, 07:56 PM
Hmmm, sounds like you've been picked by Smudge! What a little beauty!!!

Laura's Babies
11-14-2007, 08:25 PM
She is so cute! What else can you do but keep her and find her a home? It don't take long for those little paws to dig into our hearst, does it?

11-15-2007, 06:43 AM
hmmmm.... it sounds as if she's already working her way into several hearts. Maybe another volunteer will take her (after all they only have 4 cats at the moment ;)) Tell them I have 5 and I say its the purrfect number. I'm sure that info will sway them :D

11-15-2007, 01:30 PM
Keep her inside, and foster her till you can find her a home. That sounds like the safest, and best decision if you really can't afford to keep her. I'm sure you'll be able to find her a loving home. She's adorable! Best wishes to you and Sara/Smudge. :) ;)

11-16-2007, 11:09 AM

I've still got the crate that Kim loaned me for Alicat. Wanna meet somewhere so you can use it?? If you do, please let me know.

Please, don't put her outside. It's getting cold out.

11-16-2007, 12:27 PM
;) Please try to keep her & or find her a good home.. Please do not take her back out into the colony.. Pics please..

smokey the elder
11-16-2007, 03:01 PM
If she's adoptable, maybe you can post her pic on Petfinder or something if you can't keep her.

11-20-2007, 08:08 PM
Things did not work out as any of us had hoped.

The night I picked her up from the vet after her spay, Smudge was very friendly, let me pet her, nuzzled my hand. So next morning when I opened her cage to clean the litter box, add food and water, I reached out to pet her. She BIT me! HARD!!! I had to go to the doctor, and got some antibiotics. The swelling went down, but I still have 5 wounds that are oozing (they ooze pus, GROSS!)

We had to move the cat, in case my doctor reported to the ACO. Can't you just imagine what would happen with a feral cat who bit and just had her first and only rabies shot the day before? **shudder** So we knew she had to relocate.

The colony caretaker was happy to take her in for the remainder of the post op recovery. The cat recognized her voice, and purred and seemed quite happy. Then as she got well, she meowed and meowed all night long the last 2 nights. So she was released again this morning, and happy to be back with her colony.

Many thanks to the PT member who helped me with all the ideas for dealing with the wound, and coping with the upset.

11-20-2007, 09:22 PM
Not good. I'm sorry that it worked out this way but sometimes that's just the way it is. You tried, which is more than a lot of people would do. She'll find the perfect home for her and you both will be happier. Peace to you and prayers going out that she'll find a home soon and that your hand will heal quickly.

11-20-2007, 09:26 PM
Oh Sandie,

Feral cats can turn quicker than the blink of an eye. I was fortunate in that Alicat has come so far and is in heaven here. I'm sorry Smudge has to go back out. But some cats are just meant to be with their kind.

Glad you got your hand taken care of. If a red stripe starts, go to the ER immediately!!!!


Laura's Babies
11-20-2007, 09:26 PM
OUCH! I have been bitten several times and they are not nice... Glad you were smart enough to get her out of your house in case your doctor reported it to the ACO..

11-20-2007, 10:13 PM
Hey you did your best for this little kitty, sad that it did not turn out as good as hoped, but at least she won't be having any more babies, it sounds like she will be just fine,rest assured you did all you could. :)

11-21-2007, 05:10 AM
OUCHIE!!! So sorry to hear this. :( But you did good by her.

11-21-2007, 03:41 PM
I'm so sorry she bit you. :(
You did a great job helping her and even though she didn't show it... she's grateful for what you did!
Sounds like she wanted to be back with her fur friends after all.


11-21-2007, 07:02 PM
I have a feeling that some ferals cats will never be willing to be tamed. There were some in my rural area that I trapped and had "fixed" and it was their first time having human contact. They were wild, beyond wild and couldn't wait to get outside again. I know that its hard to believe they would give up a warm and comfy spot in your home, but they are so filled with fear and the "greater outdoors" is all they know.

Thanks for trying. You never know which ones will tame and which ones will not..... Moosman got lucky with her latest addition but ....well, she probably smothered the kitten with kisses and hugs and the kitten had no choice but to give in! :eek: :D

I am sure you tried....and I am sorry to hear that your good deed was turned around for you and you were bitten!!! :eek: