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11-14-2007, 03:35 PM
I didn't know where to put this - the Cat Health or the Dog Health so I thought I would put it here.

I'm having mice issues in my apartment. I bought some DECON TRAPS (they contain no poison - they're just mouse traps). And I bought some peppermint. I'm going to buy some Irish Spring soap, grate it and put that around the apartment too (somebody told me to try it - they said it works).

Anyhow, I was talking to the woman who lives below me and she says she has DECON REPELLENT all over her apartment. I'm like, what?! She has a cat too! And she told me her cat catches the mice. I asked her if she realized it was poison and it could kill her cat and she said she watches her cat closely and the cat doesn't eat the mice, just plays with it. This woman is really stupid.

I said well now I'm going to be afraid if Fenway or JoJo eats a mouse! I was so pi$$ed and disgusted at this woman that she would be so careless. And her Grandkids spend time in her apartment too!

So I have several questions:

1. Any ideas on how to make sure the mice don't come into my apartment (besides mouse traps, peppermint and Irish Spring soap)?

2. What should I be on the look-out for? What are the symptoms? How would I know if JoJo or Fenway ate a mouse?

3. Should I contact my landlord? I already did (about the mice) and she suggested DECON herself (as well as mouse traps). She said the DECON won't kill pets.

So now I'm all confused and upset. What should I do? I wish I could buy my own home so I wouldn't have to worry about stupid people hurting my pets. I just want to cry. I would die if anything happend to JoJo or Fenway. :(

11-14-2007, 04:09 PM
I can't imagine how it could kill a rat but not be harmful to a cat or dog, that is just impossible. The symptom that I know of is bleeding from the behind, my stupid sister in law had this happen to her dog and let him die. If you rush them to the E.R. they can begin vitamin K treatment and save the pet usually/sometimes.

Those mice get in all kinds of nooks and crannies, I would plead with her not to do that.

11-14-2007, 04:43 PM
The mouse problem is a health violation in most cities.It is up to the
landlord to fix the problem ASAP. If your neighbor already has mice, your
apartment will probably get them too. :( I would find out what the Mngr.
plans on useing to kill the mice & make sure it's safe for pets.

Laura's Babies
11-14-2007, 06:03 PM
This is a situation I would not want to be in with my babies. I would be as worried and upset as you are. Lets just HOPE and PRAY that the mice that have eaten it are to sick to make it to your apartment!

11-14-2007, 06:05 PM
My friends Rottie(RB:() got into poison in the garage and we rushed her to the ER vet where they gave her activated charcoal. Come to find out she was pregnant at the time and a few weeks later gave birth to about 4 or 5 puppies and only one of them lived (2 were still born).
But a Rottie is a large dog, your Fenway and JoJo are small animals so I'd be more concerned.
Maybe do a search online to get more suggestions on safe ways to rid your home of unwanted rodents. I would look, but I'm at work...shhh! ;)
But definitely make sure the landlord has a plan of action on this as well. Like getting pest control to set traps along the perimeter of the building.

Good luck!

11-14-2007, 09:03 PM
Well, instead of poison, i would reccommend using one of those humane mouse traps that are poisionless and you can let the mouse go somewhere away from your house instaed of making a innoccent animal suffer with mouse traps and poison while its just trying to keep alive. Im not saying that mice arent pests but i am saying that mice are just little animals who just ended up in human homes. I hope that you do get a humane mouse trap instead of poison and regular mouse traps.

11-15-2007, 12:21 AM
I've heard of using shed snake skin powder as a deterrent.

Perhaps you could look up all the non-poisonous ways to control the rodent population, print it out, and hand a packet to the other tenant and landlord. Include information of course on just how dangerous Decon is and how it makes any animal that consumes it suffer. All the gory details of what it does internally.

(We were SOOOOO mad when we did the inspection on this house and it was almost perfectly clean, then when we moved in there was Decon EVERYWHERE. ARRRRG!!! :mad: )

(We mostly use snap traps, but we also use the humane traps.)