View Full Version : Gerbil Piccies! 4 week old babies!

11-14-2007, 11:14 AM
tomorow the pups will be 4 weeks old already, can you believe how time flys? now this time I took pics of them just in the cage, there are more od SC cuz she wasnt afraid of the camera, so she didnt change her cute little self in its presance lol

ok, Little SC!



she was so funny to watch on the wheel, cuz she kept wanting it to go faster so she would jump from one end to the other, but it would be to forcefull and she would wind up doing a half backwords flip while just standing on the one spot lol

LS, she is pretty shy, mostly just hid under the logs

Lexi is a sweetie, she takes after her dad, very calm and relaxed, though still a little moter baby lol

I like this one, it has an almost mirrored effect, but its actually all 3 of the "silvers". left to right: Jorden(dad), Lexi, and LS

mommy, Sass

Daddy, Jorden

and..umm...this one speaks for itself lol

Miss Z
11-14-2007, 01:09 PM
How quickly they grow up! They're all looking very happy and healthy. :D

critter crazy
11-14-2007, 02:28 PM
Awwww......they are just so cute, and boy are they getting big alreay! WOW!!:eek:

11-14-2007, 03:10 PM
You got great pics of all of them. And have grown up alot and are so cute! Are you going to be keeping the babies?

11-14-2007, 03:24 PM
yup, LS will be Kats companion, SC will be bred, and Lexi will be Sass's companion when Sass and Jorden are seperated. we are expecting another litter soon, LS will move in with kat once the new litter is born, as according to research, Gerbils show fewer stress behaviours when they have watched their mother give birth. SC and Lexi will be staying with their mom to help raise the next litter, as SC will need to learn that skill, Lexi is staying just to avoid having to reintroduce Lexi and Sass once Sass and Jorden are seperated lol.

11-14-2007, 04:02 PM
Awesome, that is so great, specially since they already have such a great home:D