View Full Version : Dobermann

08-08-2002, 01:40 PM
Does anyone own a Dobermann?

08-08-2002, 04:28 PM
I don't own a doberman, but my cousins did. I don't have any pics of it though.

08-08-2002, 11:03 PM
My friend had one, what a great dog, very loyal and protective.

08-11-2002, 11:23 AM
I don't "own" a doberman but their happens to be 2 Dobies in the next room that RULE THE HOUSE!

No one ever "owns" a Doberman Pinscher...they are just way to smart for that!

08-11-2002, 01:21 PM
Of course! I should have remembered! Please excuse, its been a while since my Max went to the Rainbow.
Would you ask the Two Who Rule if they would mind answering a few questions?.
Are you male/female/both? What are your names? Would you let your person post some pictures? Please.

08-11-2002, 01:30 PM
Our names are Callihan and Quincey. Callihan was the very first pet of the day. You can see him here:


My buddies name is Quincey. We are both MEN!

08-12-2002, 10:07 AM
I was owned by an incredible male Dobie many years ago. He was the smartest animal I've ever seen. I taught him to go to the door and bark when he needed to go outside, by showing him. I "barked" two times, opened the door and went outside, twice. Ten minutes later, he stood at the door and barked twice. From then on, he never had another accident in the house. He would go to the door and bark.
I don't have any good pictures of him, but here's one of the few I have.


08-12-2002, 04:38 PM
Thank you all for your input. I think I can say we all agree that Dobies are a real smart and beautiful breed:D

Sottice, I also had a dobie named Prince, he was the first one of the two who owned me:) He was a real smart cookie too, but sadly, when he still so young, 10 months, he developed an inoperable tumour and had to be put to sleep:(
My second dobie was named Max and he was everything you could ever want in a dog, loving, protective, smart, handsome and also a clown. I loved that dog so, and still miss him although its been 14 years since he`s been gone. Here`s a picture of him. (notice his ears, we don`t crop them here in the UK)


08-12-2002, 08:55 PM
ChrisH, I read your last post and it really choked me up. I know their will be a day when Callihan and Quincey won't be here and boy that is something I don't want to think about.

My wife and I have had the pleasure of residing with Callihan and Quincey for the last 7 years and we love them oh so much!

Sottice, it looks like you know a beautiful dobey...

It's really neat to see that Dobermans have the same effect on everyone who is blessed to have them in their presence!

I have to admit that I have become a Doberman bigot!


08-13-2002, 01:42 PM
bnormal, I love all dogs and am partial to the German Shepard but Dobies are something else, SO special. I think you have had to have lived with them or know them well to understand what I mean, thats why I posted the question, to find out who did! lol

I really love that pic of Callihan & Quincey, they are such handsome fellows, I do envy you! I am sure they will have many many more years to share with you, and I KNOW you are going to enjoy them! If they like belly-rubs (Max loved them) give them some from me.

I went well past the middle-aged marker a while ago and so it follows as I have nearly always lived with a dog or two in my home I have had to say goodbye to a lot (10), and it never got any easier. I do have to say that though I loved/love them all, Max was especially hard to let go. I still wonder though, even if he was 10 years old, and the vet was really good and did all he could for him, I think if it was today with the increased knowledge we might have had a few more years... anyway...
I`ve had two dogs since then but neither one a Dobie, first time because I didn`t want be comparing and second time, (the one I have now) well, getting older I thought Id get a smaller dog, which didn`t turn out quite what Id expected... but thats another story:)

08-13-2002, 02:01 PM

They are such beautiful dogs!:) ;)

08-13-2002, 02:24 PM
Couldn`t agree more:D Thanks for sharing the pics:cool:

08-14-2002, 04:25 AM
The Doberman is a great breed, although they can be very vicious. If you get to know them and they begin to trust you, they are such sweeties!!

08-14-2002, 04:35 PM
Sure dobies can be vicious, as can any dog if ill bred and/or ill treated or trained to be. I can remember when GSDs were considered the bad guys, then it was Dobies, then it was Rotts and then Pit Bulls. These breeds, along with a number of others, were originally bred solely to work and used as protection/guard, sometimes of cattle or other animals, of some kind of human property, so fierceness had to part of that. But, to be trained or used in that way they had to be receptive to humans and be willing to work FOR us. Now these breeds are in our homes and live WITH us and those that are bred well, trained and cared for right with thought for what they need are just wonderful dogs. As I`m sure that many members of Pet Talk who own one of these breeds of dog can testify..... oh :o I have been on my soapbox haven`t I? Its just that the two Dobies I had were such sweeties, and someone I talked to just yesterday was saying negative things about GSDs and I`ve owned them too so.... I just got carried away there.
FloppsyLadySally, I was writing in general here and there was no offence meant to you, hope none taken?

08-15-2002, 01:35 PM
None at all. ;)

Dobie Lover
08-15-2002, 02:36 PM
blue hey large hey i lov dobiermans soo much but i have never had one before!! i want one soo bad but my mom n' dad don't want another dog in the house. i was just wonderin for u ppl that do or have owned one. r they great, easy to train dogs? :confused:

Dobie Lover
08-15-2002, 02:42 PM
i really don't get how this chat thing works :confused: :mad: :confused: :mad:

08-16-2002, 10:23 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk, Dobie Lover. As for messages, it's pretty simple. I really don't know how to explain it, but I figured it out, it's pretty easy.

Dobie Lover
08-16-2002, 01:09 PM
ok thanx a lot~! :)

08-16-2002, 04:35 PM
Welcome Dobie Lover. Pet Talk is a fine place and the members are really helpful and nice people.
Its a long time since I had my Dobies but I recall that they were both very bright dogs and caught on very quick to what was required of them. Having said that "a firm hand" so to speak is what is required, NOT in a physical way but rather a firmness and most of all a continuity in everything. No letting them get away with something one day, for example, letting them jump up, then stopping them the next day. Same as in training all dogs I suppose, except that maybe Dobies are a little quicker in taking advantage and trying to gain the upper hand.
But, like I already said, its a long time since one owned me and I`m sure there are others, (maybe especially bnormal who is actually owned by two beautiful ones right this moment!), who are much better placed to tell you what you want to know:)

When you say "chat" do you mean sending a private message to one of the Pet Talk members? If so, and you haven`t figured it out yet, this is what you do. Click on the profile of the person you want to message and (if the person has enabled it) you will find a part that reads - Send (whatever the members name is) a private message - just click on that and go from there. Hope this helps:)

Dobie Lover
08-16-2002, 05:56 PM
thanx alot~! :D :D

08-26-2002, 02:43 PM
Just joined today. Seems like this is very nice site. Glad to see some other people who are 'owned' by Dobes. My Dobergirl is
five years old and the light of my life. I was reading about the Dobe who barked twice to be let out. Sooo smart. I taught my girl to ring a bell. I attached a jingle bell from Christmas to the wall when she was just a baby of 12 weeks , took her paw and and rang it before letting her out. After 3 or 4 times, she was ringing the bell to go out. :D . She has been doing it ever since. Of course, she now has a doggy door, but Dobes being Dobes, she would MUCH rather ring the bell and have her slave (meaning me) get up and open the door!
I will look forward to getting to know all of you and your dogs.

08-26-2002, 05:18 PM
Your welcome!

Any dog can be viscous, if you train them to.:) ;)

08-26-2002, 08:45 PM
I've yet to come across a viscious Doberman...However, I've come across some viscious humans though...

08-27-2002, 07:23 AM
Thanks for the welcome. I used to groom dogs for a living and the worst bite I ever had was from a Schnauzer! Nine stiches in my hand. The sad part was that I didn't even pull his hair, he just didn't like being groomed. Are any of you familiar with the
BREED SPECIFIC legislation some states are passing. It is a terrible thing. Instead of a dog being judged on it's character it is judged by it's breed and in some states banned or the owners can't get homeowner's insurance. Even mixed breeds if they are suspected of having one of the banned breeds in them. Of course this is important to me because I have a Dobe. If you love dogs, no matter what kind you have, this is important. Hope you will all write to your congresspersons and speak out against it.
Remember the old saying.....then they came for the Jews and I said nothing because I wasn't Jewish...then they came for me.
Ok, I will get off my soapbox. I just think this is so important that I had to share.

C.C.'s Mom
08-27-2002, 07:46 AM
We had a Dobermann for a while when I was in kindergarten. It ruled the house and refused to let my dad come into the house when my mom, my sister and me were there. My parents weren't happy, especially since we were so young.

My parents knew somebody with a boxer who wasn't happy that that dog didn't protect him or his house. So, they swapped pets. Sounds terrible, but it turned out to be the best thing to do. Both pets were very happy in their new homes and with their new people.

08-27-2002, 08:10 AM
I just loved looking at the Dobie pictures. Thank you for posting. I love Dobermens!

My mother was owned by 2 before she married my father. Ozzy and Roxanne (Rox for short). They were gorgeous! I will have to scan a picture of her with them.

08-27-2002, 12:29 PM
Dobermom, welcome to Pet Talk, and of course your Dobergirl too! :D

08-27-2002, 02:12 PM
:D ChrisH, thanks for the welcome...what a gorgeous Springer you have.
Years ago, when I groomed I had one that I did every month....such a sweetheart!

08-27-2002, 02:32 PM
Thanks for the nice comment about my boy:D I would LOVE to see some pictures of your Dobergirl, what colouring is she?

08-31-2002, 09:33 AM
Dobie Lover...Dobermans are easy to train. In fact I've read that the primary reason that Dobermans are used by law enforcement is because of their quickness to learn more so than their ability to bite. However, as someone else previously mentioned, consistency is the key in training a Dobe.

If and when you are allowed to adopt a Doberman you should know that Dobermans DEMAND your attention. They want lovin all of the time!

However, you should be aware of the problems that will surface once you adopt a Doberman:

Say goodbye to sleeping comfortably in your bed.
Say goodbye to sitting comfortably on your couch
Say goodbye to ever being bored

One last thing, your local pizza delivery guy will never forget delivering to your house...their bark is intimidating!


08-31-2002, 09:50 AM
DoberMom, at least in Columbus the only breed currently considered viscious is the Pit Bull. Don't know if that is true for the entire state or not.

I've not ever been in the presence of a Pit Bull. However, my experience is that dogs are dogs and it is how they are trained and treated that makes them the way they are. Is it unfair to say all Pit Bulls are viscious?

What I do think is intolerable is that some humans treat dogs in such a dastardly way. I've heard horror stories about Doberman "owners" doing things to their dogs to make them more viscious. It is very disturbing.

I have a fenced in backyard. It isn't there to keep my 2 Dobes in my yard. It is there to keep people out of my yard. I had a Columbus Policeman tell me that Dobermans are great dogs to steal by the people who have fighting dogs. They steal the dogs and let their Pit Bulls train on them. Can you imagine going up to a Doberman Pinscher and stealing it? That takes some real brains!

Labelling a particular breed as viscious is easy to do. Does that solve any problems? Probably not. Why is it that politicians just never seem to understand what the real problems are? Oh well, I guess that question belongs in a different forum.

09-03-2002, 03:30 PM
she is a black and tan....always has been my favorite. I hope to post some pics soon.
:) DoberMom

09-03-2002, 03:34 PM
I don't have a Dobermann, but I love them! Besides the fact that one of them nearly bit off my hand from giving him a shot once, they are such great dogs! Besides, doesn't every dog hate the vet? ;)

09-03-2002, 04:12 PM
Qunicey is lovely, what a shiny coat! All the dog's posted are just beautiful.