View Full Version : Adobe Photoshop Lightroom

11-11-2007, 06:16 AM
Just downloaded the trial version of this program and I have to say I absolutely love it. (Got to get me the full version) It is wonderful for editing photos. This program was made by photographers for photographers. It is quite user friendly and pretty simple to figure out. It does a wonderful job too. Here is an example. This is the first photo I edited and I was just tinkering around. Did it in about 5 minutes or less.

Let me know if you can't see the detail cause I downsized the picture quite a bit. It is half the size that I usually post at cause I didn't want to watermark it.

Here is the unedited picture. It's of Bella.

Here is the edited picture.


11-11-2007, 07:37 AM
5 MIN?! That's absolutely beautiful!

Miss Z
11-11-2007, 09:01 AM
Wow, that does look good. Michelle, could you post a link to the trial version? I'd quite like to try it myself (parents are thinking of getting me some good software for my birthday in January, and need ideas). :cool:

11-11-2007, 09:25 AM
Zara, Here is the link (http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshoplightroom/) to the trial version. Let me know what you think of it once you play around with it.


11-11-2007, 10:15 PM
Wow!!! The edited version of the pic is great!!!!!

I loved the picture. How much does the program cost? :)

11-11-2007, 10:29 PM
For anyone who has regular photoshop, you can do that with it.

I did the photo in the attachment in like 5 seconds. I imagen this program is a lot cheaper though for those who don't have photoshop.

11-11-2007, 11:29 PM
Hmmm...can't you just play around with the levels in Photoshop? Would that produce the same effects? I'm just curious :)

11-12-2007, 07:09 AM
I had a go too, it took a few minutes, but it could be done a lot better. :)

This is what I would call a good Photoshop job... the original (last one), and then after some work. I'm impressed!

11-12-2007, 07:56 AM
I was going to make a post similar to Audrey's. Anyone who has regular photoshop can acheive the same effect.

Image -- Adjustments - Shadow/Highlight
Mess with the levels until you get a result that you like. Sometimes I also mess with the contrast if needed.

11-12-2007, 08:06 AM
That is what I was using was photoshop. The whole idea of this program is to make editing the photos quicker and easier. It was developed for that purpose. If you have a ton of photos to edit then it can be time consuming with 'regular' photoshop. Lightroom was made to speed things up so you spend less time editing and more time shooting.

Just thought I would be courteous and let people know what I found. As I know for many people photoshop is way to complicated and Lightroom is a much easier program made specifically for editing purposes.

11-12-2007, 08:10 AM
I didn't mean to get you upset with me about it. Just as you thought it was courteous to mention this to people, I thought it would be courteous to show those who already have photoshop don't need another program to acheive the same effects in a shorter amount of time. :)

I don't know about you, but I don't like having numerous programs that do the same thing on my computer. Less space taken, more room for photos. :)

11-12-2007, 09:10 AM
I didn't mean to get you upset with me about it. Just as you thought it was courteous to mention this to people, I thought it would be courteous to show those who already have photoshop don't need another program to acheive the same effects in a shorter amount of time. :)

I don't know about you, but I don't like having numerous programs that do the same thing on my computer. Less space taken, more room for photos. :)

Not upset with you at all. I am shooting in RAW format and elements was suggested but I wasn't overly happy with it. I was thinking about purchasing Capture NX as I have the free trial version but searching around I came across Lighroom and thought I would give it a shot. I really like it and seeing that space is not an issue for me (I have 2 internal HDs of 350Gb and an external of 300Gb) I don't mind having another program that does the same thing. Just makes it easier for me and quicker. I suggested more for those that want a quick and fairly easy program for editing.

I use my external exclusively for photos and I also burn them as a backup. I lost too many photos when my HD died that I had in Canada that I will not make that mistake again.

Thanks for letting people know that do have photoshop about the photoediting possiblities it has to offer. I think for those that don't have it and those that find it a complicated program Lightroom would be a great idea and it is a ton cheaper. :)


Miss Z
11-13-2007, 12:03 PM
Zara, Here is the link (http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshoplightroom/) to the trial version. Let me know what you think of it once you play around with it.


Thanks for posting the link, Michelle! I'll be downloading the trial once I find my old adobe account password (it's written down somewhere :p ), or failing that I'll use my dad's.

Ginger's Mom
11-13-2007, 01:00 PM
Just curious. I do not have photoshop because it is expensive and even the trial version takes around eight hours to download on dial-up (may be a slight exaggeration, but not much). So this new program you are talking about, it only deals with lighting and such, so it is a smaller program is that right? In other words it may be something I can download in a reasonable amount of time, right?

11-13-2007, 03:36 PM
Just curious. I do not have photoshop because it is expensive and even the trial version takes around eight hours to download on dial-up (may be a slight exaggeration, but not much). So this new program you are talking about, it only deals with lighting and such, so it is a smaller program is that right? In other words it may be something I can download in a reasonable amount of time, right?

It is a much smaller program. I downloaded the trial in about 3 minutes. It is only 61Mb whereas Photoshop is is 463 Mb. Lightroom can do about anything you want to do with your photos. It deals with lighting, colors, sharpening, etc. It is also much much cheaper. If you decide to give it a try let me know what you think of it. :)


Ginger's Mom
11-13-2007, 04:02 PM
Cool. Sounds like it is worth a try. Thanks for the tip. :)