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View Full Version : I did it, I stood up. (about my relationship..took me a while..)

11-10-2007, 07:31 PM
So I did it. I put my foot down to my mom, about my relationship with Mike. I told her that I wasn't going to change or stop staying over Mike's when I come home to visit. It just did not seem right to me. I told her that I knew what I was doing and she just needed to trust me, and know that it is okay. The only main part that worries/concerns her is the fact Mike does not share his feelings verbally, but only by actions, and the fact, we both have not said "I love you" yet. I know I am ready, and I see it in his eyes, but I just want to be able to say it at the right moment. I just don't want to plan it, and say it at that time, I just want to say it when it COMES out. Yes we've been together since January, but every relationship is different, right? I know of that. He is in Chicago for a work trip then I am thinking about asking him to come down next weekend for the OSU/Michigan weekend, or I might come home instead, either way, we want to see each other. All I know is I don't want to wait until Thanksgiving to see him. This long distance is killing me. He is going to North Dakota after Thanksgiving, and he will be gone on his Birthday, then after that, he is off to Texas. So much traveling! Meanwhile I keep myself busy with college, but it's just not the same, but I am having fun here. I just know I am getting closer to the day I graduate which is next year. One thing we have been doing since we met, we always say good night and "Adios" to each other every night. :) It's almost as a competition for us to say "Adios" first, and it is funny. We used to mark up our score, but not anymore.

Daisy and Delilah
11-10-2007, 07:46 PM
Rachel, I think this move makes it even more a "real deal". Good for you!! I wouldn't worry too much about the way Mike is. I know he loves you and you love him. Boy!! It's gonna be so cool when you two finally say it. I can't wait!! :)

11-10-2007, 07:56 PM
Rachel standing up to your mom must of taken alot of courage. I know it did when Lee and I got together, but it is a step in the right direction. Don't hurry saying those special words. Wait until they are ready to be said. I was with Lee for a long time before I said I love you and he never pushed it. (he said he loved me the first month we were together) He said that he saw that I loved him, and knew that when I was ready I would say it. Congrats hun. IMO I think you and Mike are handling your relationship the best way for you two. Long distance relationships due suck but I think they are sometimes better then close ones. For one you get more quality time when you're together, and two because if it is truely meant to be you find ways to make things work. I so happy for you. :D

11-10-2007, 10:28 PM
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. And while I'm at it..actions speak louder than words...

You make a cute couple. I've been meaning to tell you.

11-10-2007, 10:37 PM
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. And while I'm at it..actions speak louder than words...

You make a cute couple. I've been meaning to tell you.

Ain't that the truth?! The last time Mike and I saw each other, we were crazy for each other, haha, we were pretty much giving each other kisses, and being all snuggly and close.. we were just really happy. . and it's actually harder every time to say good bye, because.. each time, it becomes a longer period of time. I will see Mike next weekend, so, it will have been 4 weeks, but it feels like FOREVER to me!

And, thank you! :) There's no better/right guy for me out there except him.. I just can't explain it.