View Full Version : Good News but also a concern

11-09-2007, 03:50 PM
I called the land-lord today and he said that he will allow Spencer in the apartment! :) Just so hes not barking alot and theres no complaints from other people in the building. And i dont think we will have a problem there, ill justkeep him busy with bones and toys while im away.

But I do have one concern.....
Spencer was normaly my fiance's dog, well i bought Spencer for him last year (when we werent even dating yet), and when we did break up i took Spencer with me, and now when we got back together my fiance doesnt think of Spencer as his. He wont play with him or anything :( So im scared that its just going to get worse in the apartment, i dont want him to ignore Spencer while im at work. And i hate talking to my fiance about it because i know it upsets him because I "took" him away when we broke up.
Spencer hasnt seen him in about 4 months so he doesnt really remember who he is, he will get excited for anyone but when im out there he will come to me and my fiance and that just hurts me. I dontknow what do there.
Should I talk more to my fiance about it? maybe he can give it another chance?

Ginger's Mom
11-09-2007, 04:09 PM
You should definitely talk to your fiance about it. If you are going to move in with him, you should feel comfortable enough to talk to him about something that is this important to you. I think it would be a better start for both of you if you both understood where you stood in reference to Spencer and his place in your home. You may find that it will "upset" your fiance more if you don't allow him to reunite with "his" pup. Yeah, you need to talk to each other about it.

11-09-2007, 05:36 PM
I'll be even more direct than Ginger's mom. You are engaged to someone you can't talk to about common issues? That is how I read what you wrote!

Think about it.

11-09-2007, 06:18 PM
I can talk to him but, it makes him upset and i hate seeing that.

11-09-2007, 06:59 PM
Talking about upsetting issues is part of life. Walking around on eggshells, avoiding issues just causes MUCH bigger problems later on than whatever you were avoiding to start with.

Lori Jordan
11-09-2007, 07:27 PM
You need to speak......You need to think about your dogs feelings,They do not know why they are being ignored,That could turn into having problems with the animal also,They will act out!

You should never have to worry about things like this,If i have something to say to Jamie i say it,Whether or not he wants to hear it,God bless him for putting up with me for so long lol.

You two should be able to talk about anything....And if you can't im sorry but there is going to be problems.You are worried,But maybe there is nothing to worry about,He could be completly understanding.Dont worry about it.Speak!

11-09-2007, 07:46 PM
If he's your fiance, you need to be straight with him especially about Spencer, because Spencer is obviously very important to you. If he gets upset, he will get over it. you need to speak up for Spencer's sake.

critter crazy
11-09-2007, 08:01 PM
I agree with all of the above, whether it is a sensitive subject or not, it Needs to be discused! If you cant talk about things now, how can you expect to once married??

11-10-2007, 07:22 AM
Personally, I think if he loved Spencer at one point, he'll love him again!