View Full Version : I found 2 dogs yesterday morning

11-09-2007, 12:11 PM
Yesterday morning I was walking (trying to get my exercise in) and I saw these 2 dogs place in the stream and running around. I thought it was sorta odd that they didn't have any leashes on them or that no one was around to get them. There were no tags on them or any identification. So after I was done walking I keep watching to see where they were going and to see if anyone was calling them or anything.

So anyway I saw them heading off towards this picnic area and I tried to call them and the male came over to me and gave him a few pats and I realized I had some icky sheetz food that I just got before I went walking and gave the dogs some of the burritos. They enjoyed them a ton.

So I asked them if they wanted to go for a ride and both the boy and girl hopped in my car and we went over to my parent’s house just 1 mile down the road and my mom and I tried to figure out what to do with them. I drove around the neighborhood looking for anyone who knew the dogs and no one knew them. So I went to work and my mom helped take care of the dogs and I posted on every website I could think of saying I found 2 black/white dogs with no tags on them at the Shrine.

By lunch time we heard no response, we even had it on the radio that we found 2 dogs.

Well I called the Harris township dog people and they told me to call this kennel and so I did and they said they would take them in till someone comes to claim them. By right he said they have to hold the dog 10 days.

So after 10 days he said anyone can pretty much take them but I just hope they are adopted out to the right people and they said they would make sure of it.

I can't stop thinking about them today. I already have 6 cats now and I can't take in 2 dogs in a 1 bedroom apartment. We are already overcrowded.

My hearts breaks though thinking of them sitting in a cage even though it's better then them wondering outside in the cold.

Please say prays that their parents come and get them. I just want to find their owners so bad but I'm starting to wonder if they weren't just dropped off.

I guess we'll find out soon enough.


11-09-2007, 12:50 PM
;) Such Adorable babies they both are.. I would not think it would take to long for these two to be adopted out to a good home.. Lets cross our wittle paws..

11-09-2007, 01:37 PM
They look like smooth coat working style Borders Collies. 10 days is usually routine to hold dogs - then are put up for adoption. If they don't get adopted, though, they euthanize.

11-09-2007, 01:46 PM
Ahhh i hope those babies find their home soon :(

11-09-2007, 02:35 PM
Oh what cuties!!

I'm glad you took them to a safe place, I pray their owners claim them soon!!

11-09-2007, 03:42 PM
Well where I took them they don't euthanize. I made sure I knew they didn't. The local SPCA here says they don't euthanize dogs anymore unless they are aggressive to the point that even after being in a foster home it doesn't work out or if they are ill near death. They said most of their dogs they give the owner 2 days to show up and if no one shows up they put them up for adoption. And if after a while no one adopts them out then they are taken to the SPCA in Philly to be adopted out. But hopefully their owners will come and get their dogs. I'm going around tonight to put up flyers saying I found these dogs and hopefully their owner will contact the kennel and they can be together if no one comes...I'm going to bug my mom like crazy to take them but she already has her hand full with 3 dogs, (2 collies and 1 puppy sheltie).

They look like smooth coat working style Borders Collies. 10 days is usually routine to hold dogs - then are put up for adoption. If they don't get adopted, though, they euthanize.

Ginger's Mom
11-09-2007, 04:03 PM
Aww, they were really lucky that you took them somewhere safe. I have been trying to find the shelter that you took them too, so I could get an update, but so far I haven't figured it out. Will look more later. Have you called the shelter to see if they have been claimed yet? I am sure they checked to see if they were microchipped. They seem like they definitely belong to someone. I hope their family claims them. Thank you for making sure they weren't roaming the streets alone.

11-09-2007, 05:31 PM
They sure are cuties. :) I love the soulful eyes. :D Reminds me of Maggie.

Thanks for for giving them a chance for a family.

11-09-2007, 06:54 PM
They were taken to Lyons Kennel in Bellefonte, PA.

I just called them this afternoon and so far their owners have not showed up. I started hanging signs where I found them hoping that someone else who walks their dog might recognize them and be able to get in touch with their owners.

I would so love to take these sweeties in but with 6 cats and lack of space I just can't give them the room they need.

I will keep you guys updated if I hear anything about them. I've contacted the local newspaper and they should hopefully put an ad in the paper in a few days. I also contacted the local SPCA letting them know incase someone calls about their dogs and I'm going to go to some shopping centers tomorrow and hang up more signs and maybe someone will recognize them and call their owners.

They are not microchipped I work next door to a vets office and that's the first place I took them to see if they were since they don't have any tags on them all they had was a coking collar (metal) and that was it.

Aww, they were really lucky that you took them somewhere safe. I have been trying to find the shelter that you took them too, so I could get an update, but so far I haven't figured it out. Will look more later. Have you called the shelter to see if they have been claimed yet? I am sure they checked to see if they were microchipped. They seem like they definitely belong to someone. I hope their family claims them. Thank you for making sure they weren't roaming the streets alone.

Ginger's Mom
11-09-2007, 07:50 PM
Thank you for posting the name of the kennel (I was looking in the wrong county). I just went to see if they had anything on the dogs, and I saw several things that I was very impressed with. It is a boarding kennel not a shelter type kennel, that is nice. Also they apparently do a lot of work with area rescues. Very nice! Looks like the dogs were doubly lucky when they jumped in your car. Thank you for the update. We willl keep our paws crossed for them here.

11-11-2007, 09:07 PM
Well Lyons Kennels called today and said the owner showed up this morning to claim the dogs so I'm glad I don't need to worry about them being separated or anything like that.

Lori Jordan
11-11-2007, 09:09 PM
That is fantastic news!Always nice to hear about pets reuniting with there families.

11-11-2007, 09:15 PM
That's great to hear! :D

11-12-2007, 01:58 AM
Yay! :D

11-12-2007, 07:15 AM
From the pictures they appear to be well fed, cared for and clean. I would guess they had not been *on the street* for any length of time. Also they apppear to be of the same type and maybe siblings. I would venture to guess they are someone's pets who wondered away or are given *too much freedom*. I do hope that their people make a concerted effort to look for them. Sometime people don't know the various places they need to try to contact. From what you say they sound like wonderful dogs.

OOPS, I just noticed your post that they had been found by their owner. YEA! I'm so glad.

Ginger's Mom
11-13-2007, 11:29 AM
I am so glad to hear they are home where they belong. I hope they don't lead each other astray again.