View Full Version : Help with internet issues

11-09-2007, 08:36 AM
I'm hoping someone can help me. I have been having on-going internet issues for a few weeks now. Its fine one minute, then not working the next.

After LOTS of time and cleaning up the computers, I've determined the problem lies not in my computer, but the other one. We have two computers in one room. Mine is the main one that the internet connects to, the other uses a wireless router to access the internet. Whenever the second computer has freshly been de-spywared or de-virused, connectivity to both computers is fine (although slower on the second computer). I've been running new spyware scans 2, 3 times a day on the second computer lately and its a pain in the butt to say the least.

I've downloaded updated software for viruses and that computer apparently is LOADED with viruses. Its now to the point where the only time connectivity is 100% is when the second computer is turned off. I can tell immediately if its been turned on without even turning around to see that someone turned the second computer on, because my internet goes down within ten minutes of the other computer being turned on. Cam turned it on this morning by simply pushing the "on" button and within 5 minutes, I was off-line. He obviously didn't go to any websites that would load spyware or viruses ;)

Ok, now that you know the situation, is there anything I can do? New router perhaps? Wipe the computer clean and start over? I have no idea where the start-up disc is so I'd prefer not to turn the house upside down looking for it... I also have no idea how to wipe it clean and start over.

ALSO, I have heard that IM leaves an open portal for spyware and viruses to enter your computer. Do you think that is where this problem started? The girls are signed in to their IM all the time. When we start the computer up, IM pops up all signed in too. They spend hours a day (between them, not each ;)) sending and receiving IMs. The computer is not abused by checking out porn, etc. Its basically for the kids to do homework and contact friends.

Anyone able ot help?

11-09-2007, 08:43 AM
The only thing I could suggest you already nixed; using the start up disc to get it all reset.

I can only offer sympathy and hope someone can guide you. I don't have much computer knowledge either and I go nuts when something is wrong.

11-09-2007, 08:48 AM
I had a similar problem recently, so I had a chat with the provider and the webhosting company. They put me on another server, and sent me a new router - that helped.

I take it that you deleteted Temporary Internet files and cleared the Cache.

Good luck sorting it out! :)

11-09-2007, 09:33 AM
Yup, I cleared out everything on both computers.

I also called the cable company and they tested the equipment from their end (no idea how they did it) and determined their modem was in perfect working order and it was something with my computer. I was ready to throw the computers out the window 2 weeks ago!

11-09-2007, 11:34 AM
After you wipe it clean and reinstall your Operating System, always keep up - to - date Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware software running on your computer. I would also reccommend installing Zone Alarm Firewall Free, from Zone Labs (Here (http://www.zonealarm.com/store/content/catalog/products/sku_list_za.jsp?dc=12bms&ctry=US&lang=en)). Its better at protecting your computer than Windows Firewall, and it monitors inbound and outbound internet traffic. And its Free! I use it on my computer and it works.

11-09-2007, 12:18 PM
We use Zone Alarm and it works pretty good.

11-09-2007, 05:58 PM
The spyware and virus protection are not the problem... there is something malicious on there that cannot be destroyed. I tried deleting it. I tried to quarrantine it. My virus protection recognizes it but isn't able to fix it. BTW, the virus protection and spyware is 100% up to date.

I found the 3 recovery discs I made when we got the computer a couple years ago. I remember making it thinking I was wasting 3 perfectly good discs :p Now I'm so happy I have them. Now, just what do I do with them????

11-09-2007, 06:07 PM

Unfortunately some nasty viruses cannot be destroyed by simply reinstalling windows. We had one a while ago (when we were in canada) where we had to complete format our HD and start completely from scratch. After you reinstall your OS and reinstall you virus protection and update it be sure to run your virus scan if the virus is still detected then your HD will have to be formatted. Hopefully it won't come to that. Good Luck.


11-09-2007, 06:26 PM
There's obviously some malware on there. Make sure everyone has their passwords written down from IM and other stuff, and any and every necessary files - like homework and papers, etc, backed up to CD, then you'll have to reformat the drive, which mean installing everything from the recovery disks, back-ups and Windows install disks and starting from scratch. It's a pain in the neck, yes, but worth it.

11-09-2007, 06:56 PM
There's obviously some malware on there. Make sure everyone has their passwords written down from IM and other stuff, and any and every necessary files - like homework and papers, etc, backed up to CD, then you'll have to reformat the drive, which mean installing everything from the recovery disks, back-ups and Windows install disks and starting from scratch. It's a pain in the neck, yes, but worth it.

Also adding that each backup CD should be scanned with the updated virus/spyware BEFORE it's loaded back up on the computer again. Whatever nasty thing is on the cpu now may get backed up accidentally on the CD and would reinstal itself again.

11-09-2007, 08:52 PM
I would download any important documents (homework, pics, music etc...) to a CD or an external hard drive and then wipe your hard drive and totally reinstall your system.

Or, switch to a Mac, lol. :p

11-09-2007, 10:21 PM
I would download any important documents (homework, pics, music etc...) to a CD or an external hard drive and then wipe your hard drive and totally reinstall your system.

Or, switch to a Mac, lol. :p

My suggestion, also!! We have 2 iMacs currently; but have had 5 total over the years. We have NEVER had a virus of any kind.

Yes, you might pay more initially, but over the years you will spend less to cure all the ills that befall PCs. And think of the lower stress levels.
