View Full Version : My poor van!

11-08-2007, 08:05 PM
When my hubby went to leave work today he found several scrapes on the side of our beautiful 2007 van along with a note from the person who accidently scraped it. I think it is great that they left a note but I am clueless as to what I should do in this situation. Does the scratcher pay to have it fixed? Does insurance get involved? Where do we even take it to get it fixed?? I need insight

11-08-2007, 08:11 PM
Call your insurance company, and they'll walk you through it. Insurance laws vary so much state to state that I dare not tell you anything else - Massachusetts is that different! But your insurance company will take the information, advise you where to get an estimate done, and may even have recommended body shop places on a list.

11-08-2007, 08:13 PM
thanks Karen :) something like this wouldn't raise my rates, would it?

11-08-2007, 08:32 PM
I'd just call the person on the note. They might want to just pay the cost out of pocket for getting it fixed, because they don't want THIER rates to go up. Or they might want to put it through their insurance company. I'd give them the courtesy of a call first, since they were nice and honest enough to leave a note.

No, your rates won't go up. They only go up, potentially, if you file a claim and your insurance company has to pay. For example, if the people did not leave a note, and you got the van fixed under your own comprehensive policy.

11-08-2007, 08:36 PM
Your insurance co can answer that, as well.

I had a car issue last year, and the insurance rep went over my deductible (which I never remember), how much it was likely to cost to repair, how much I'd have to pay (after the deductible), and what may happen to my rates.

I wrote down the info, then called around to see about having the work done. Her estimates were right on target! THAT was reassuring.

In the end I did not file a claim and I paid for it all myself. I was going to have to pay $25 (it was that little over my deductible!) but the future rates impact made me nix filing.

The insurance co can answer lots of questions and THAT doesn't cost you a thing! Call, ask questions, take notes, call back again to clarify if you have to! And ask THEM about having the person who scraped have their insurance co pay, and does that impact YOUR rates. Go through all the options!

WHERE to take it? Ask the insurance co about that; remember that they can refer you but they can NOT insist that you use one of THEIR repair companies. They are a great resource!
Sorry about the new van. :(

11-08-2007, 08:45 PM
I'll call my insurance guys tomorrow :) Thanks!!

11-08-2007, 09:01 PM
You're welcome! Good luck!

11-08-2007, 09:05 PM
Good luck! Hopefully everything goes well:) It was nice that the person left a note and didn't just run off too.

11-09-2007, 10:23 AM
If your insurance has to pay for the damage, there go your rates. You are so lucky they left a note. Almost ALL unwitnessed damages are never reported to the owners by the guilty party. I had a truck back over the front of my car. How did I know it was a truck?? The damages (flatened hood, broken headlight, bent fan) could NOT have been caused by a car. It had to be higher.

Anywho, I'd call and work it out with him. Let HIM call his insurance company. Why should you be penalized by what someone else did.

Most importantly...FILE A POLICE REPORT!!!!!

11-09-2007, 11:58 AM
I work in insurance for another couple of weeks, I'm a claim rep. for a large company.

My best advice is to give the individual that left you a note a call, ask if they would like to file it under their insurance or if they would like to handle it.

If they choose to file it under their insurance, you have the right to do so, they don't have to file it, you may go ahead and file under their insurance as a claimant. If you cannot make contact with the other party, you have full rights to file a claim under their policy.

You should give your company a call and they can work out any details and give you further advice. But I would definitely try to file under the other parties insurance before going to your company, first of all you most definitely don't want to pay your deductible, and you surely don't want an accident on your record, or a claim surcharge, which would most likely happen, if you have any other questions, feel free to ask, I will do what I can and check all my available resources for you.

Hope this help.


11-09-2007, 08:43 PM
I had a truck back over the front of my car. How did I know it was a truck?? The damages (flatened hood, broken headlight, bent fan) could NOT have been caused by a car. It had to be higher.

That is so unreal. A truck, an orange one to be precise, drove over the front of my car too! Crazy stuff. Flattened the hood, broke the headlight and the wiper, and the windshield. In fact, there was the perfect imprint of the truck's square metal bumper in the windshield. I had owned the car for a week and a half, and they never caught the guy.

11-09-2007, 09:03 PM
That is so unreal. A truck, an orange one to be precise, drove over the front of my car too! Crazy stuff. Flattened the hood, broke the headlight and the wiper, and the windshield. In fact, there was the perfect imprint of the truck's square metal bumper in the windshield. I had owned the car for a week and a half, and they never caught the guy.

Must be there are a lot of those types of drivers around. I had someone back over the front of my VW about 2 years ago. I don't have off street parking, so I'm at the mercy of the idiots who park on our street. Vandalism is pretty rampant in this area as well. Between that, the windows being smashed in and the tires being slashed, this area has cost me a bundle because my deductible is $500.

11-10-2007, 08:24 AM
If you cannot make contact with the other party, you have full rights to file a claim under their policy.

You might be able to FILE a claim with someone else's insurance company, but until the person that hit you, calls their insurance company and reports the claim (admitting guilt) their insurance company won't PAY the claim.

(I work in a body shop and have delt with insurance claims for almost 6 years)

11-10-2007, 09:29 PM
I took a good hard look at the damage and it turns out that it was mostly soft paint transfer from their white car! I was able to rub and scratch (very gently with a fingernail!!) almost everything away and you can't even tell that anything happened. The only visible damage that is left is a teeny tiny itty bitty ding. Please forgive the reflection, I swear I am not 4 feet wide :p :D Don't you just love the fun-house mirror effect :p
The dent is above and just to the right of the handle on that ridge