View Full Version : Worried...:(

11-08-2007, 03:13 PM
So i went to the doctor today for a check up for my pregnancy, and when they checked her heart beat it was 141, and normally for the past 7 months its been in the 150, between 151 and 157.

for the past few weeks ive been stressed, but the doc said that has no affect on the babys heart beat. but should i still be worried that it dropped that much?

11-08-2007, 03:29 PM
If you stress was effecting the baby it would put the heart beat higher not lower, I think your baby is just chilling and mom needs to do the same :D

11-08-2007, 03:35 PM
nope, no worries matey! When I was pregnant w/ Lydia, they sent me for a weekly non-stress test to monitor the heart rate, and from them I learned that the heart rate can fluctuate dramatically!!! Some days, her heart beat would be in the 160's, and on sleepy days her heart rate would be in the 130's. I am sure the dr. would tell you if there was a problem. If it were down in the 70's or 80's then I would probably get concerned. I hope that helps. :)

11-08-2007, 03:35 PM
nope, no worries matey! When I was pregnant w/ Lydia, they sent me for a weekly non-stress test to monitor the heart rate, and from them I learned that the heart rate can fluctuate dramatically!!! Some days, her heart beat would be in the 160's, and on sleepy days her heart rate would be in the 130's. I am sure the dr. would tell you if there was a problem. If it were down in the 70's or 80's then I would probably get concerned. I hope that helps. :)

11-08-2007, 07:24 PM
I use to worry about that as well. Normal range is 120 to 180 so don't worry. She was probably just resting when the doctor checked her heartrate. Cadience read at 125 one time and her normal rate during the check ups were between 150 and 165 so she is alright I'm sure.