View Full Version : Cross your paws for Kayleigh. Pics added pg2

11-08-2007, 11:46 AM
Kayleigh is spending the day at the vet again. We were in 10 days ago to get a lump under her left front leg checked out. It was just a fatty lipoma. She just turned 9 and she is a bit overweight. Instructions for that were just to watch it and make sure it didn't interfer with her movement and to get some weight off her. Kayleigh was starved by her first owner and food is a really big deal to her even 7 years later.

Last night I went to let her in for the evening and she was walking funny. Fully weight bearing, but not moving right. So I checked her over. Fat lump is exactly the same as last week, but under her right leg is swollen and squishy. Not a pulled muscle kind of swelling, very odd feeling.

This morning she had trouble getting out of her crate and was still moving wrong. I called the clinic and gave Dr. Jessica a quick synopsis. She recommended bringing Kay in right away. So I dropped her off and she'll be spending the day while they try to figure out what's going on.

11-08-2007, 11:54 AM
everything crossable is crossed..... hoping is nothing serious and that she can get back home soon and in fully health

go Kayleigh!!! we wuv you!!

11-08-2007, 11:55 AM
I'll be thinking of Keyleigh!

11-08-2007, 12:08 PM
I'm with huskymom, everything crossable is crossed! Feel better soon, sweet Kayleigh kahoona!

Edited to add her photo (Hi, sweets! HUGHUGHUGHUG)

11-08-2007, 12:13 PM
Hope to hear that Kayleigh is feeling better soon!


Ginger's Mom
11-08-2007, 12:17 PM
Fingers and paws crossed and positive thoughts going out for Kayleigh.

Lori Jordan
11-08-2007, 12:27 PM
Sorry to here about Kayleigh,Have they ran anything by you what they think it might be?

Thoughts and prayers go out to your dear Kayleigh today!

11-08-2007, 12:32 PM
Prayers & positive thoughts going out for Kayleigh. I hope it's nothing serious.

11-08-2007, 12:47 PM
All paws crossed for Ms. Kayleigh

Queen of Poop
11-08-2007, 01:02 PM
Prayers for Kayleigh.

11-08-2007, 01:29 PM
So sorry to hear paws crossed for Kayleigh and keeping her in my prayers.

11-08-2007, 03:23 PM
Well, the vet just called. He found another lipoma under the right leg, but he can't find anything else. The swelling I saw has gone down and he says she's moving normally. I can pick her up anytime and am just supposed to keep an eye on it. Very weird, but good news.

11-08-2007, 03:39 PM
Kayleigh, you scared me for a minute. I'm glad you are walking normal and sorry about the limpoma under your legs. Stay healthy, girl!

11-08-2007, 04:22 PM
I am sorry you had such a scare, but glad to hear she will be okay. :)

Hugs to the pretty girl. :)

11-08-2007, 04:41 PM
Kayleigh, sweet one, don't go trying to jump about like Teyha does; you're a bit older than her and will twist funny!

Whatever she did, glad to hear it seems to have cleared up!

Lori Jordan
11-08-2007, 04:51 PM

I have to add she is georgous! I lover her beautiful face!

That is odd that they could not find anything,Usually our judgement is better than the vets sometimes,We know when our babies are not feeling well.

It is great news,Hopefully she was just having a bad day and this will not come back.

I am so Happy for you that Kayleigh is doing just fine~!

11-08-2007, 05:41 PM
Oh, now it makes more sense! I talked to a vet again when I went to pick Kayleigh up. Kayleigh had two vets today! Dr. Jessica is quite right that the swelling is gone, but she doesn't think I'm just neurotic! She says that the positon of the new lipoma probably blocks the lymphatic fluid from draining properly when Kayleigh lays in certain positions! So when she came out of her doghouse last night and when she got out of her crate this morning, her leg was swollen with fluid! As she moves around, the fluid drains! So if it happens again, Kayleigh goes for a walk or we play ball for a bit and she'll be fine quickly!

I stopped at the pet store after I picked her up and bought her some treats, a new tug toy and a fancy collar to celebrate her "it's not cancer and my Mom's not crazy" diagnosis!

Cinder & Smoke
11-08-2007, 06:13 PM
HI, God ~


We dint even *ask* ~ yet You musta been down to the Yukon wiff Your Skrubbies on, huh?

Thanks fur checkin out Miz Kayleigh so quick wiffa Docs ...
and fur findin nuffin much wrong! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/smile.gif

"I stopped at the pet store after I picked her up and bought her some treats,
a new tug toy and a fancy collar to celebrate her
"it's not cancer and my Mom's not crazy" diagnosis!"

That wuzza *nice touch*, God ... Thanks fur suggestin that to Momma Tamara!

'Preciate all Your Help, God!

/s/ the Prayer Pups

11-08-2007, 08:25 PM
That's good news for Kayleigh & you. Do we get to see a picture of her in her new collar? :D (hint hint)

11-09-2007, 01:34 AM
Do we get to see a picture of her in her new collar? :D (hint hint)

Too dark by the time we got home today--it's dark way early now and she was pretty anxious to get outside! But I will get some this weekend of her in her pink princess collar!

11-09-2007, 12:05 PM
Good to know it is nothing serious. You always start thinking the worst in everything when they reach a certain age. I had a scare this morning when Jess was looking very sorry for herself and actually turned her nose up at her slice of brown bread which she usually loves. She refused to eat it. When my mum got back and picked the bread up and offered it to her asking what was up with it, she took it straight off her and ate it. She then came to the door and was standing awkwardly with her back end tucked in and looked quite depressed and physically uncomfortable and then laid down but kept shuffling from side to side like she couldn't get comfortable. I got up to check out her back end and she had a squashed dry stool stuck to the long hair on the back of her stifle and it was hanging and dangling and she was HATING it. I got it off and then she was fine again. She'd been to the loo up on the lawn before I brought her down to the house and it must've happened then. Refusing the bread was her way of trying to tell me something was up even though she would still be hungry as usual and it is something she'd only do with me because only I deal with those kinds of things on her....even if it was just some dry stool that got caught on her hair. I would have noticed it when I groomed her anyway but it was first thing and I was just having some breakfast first.

I know all about dark evenings too, lol. It gets dark here about 4:30 now and that will go to 3pm in mid December where we get about 7 hours of daylight. Very depressing time of year light wise and if it's a cloudy gloomy day, it might never even get light enough for the street lights to go off.

You can post photos the next time you have chance in daylight eh? :D

11-09-2007, 04:19 PM
Welcome home Kayleigh! Glad you are feeling better and nothing was seriously wrong.

11-09-2007, 07:08 PM
Oh, now it makes more sense! I talked to a vet again when I went to pick Kayleigh up. Kayleigh had two vets today! Dr. Jessica is quite right that the swelling is gone, but she doesn't think I'm just neurotic! She says that the positon of the new lipoma probably blocks the lymphatic fluid from draining properly when Kayleigh lays in certain positions! So when she came out of her doghouse last night and when she got out of her crate this morning, her leg was swollen with fluid! As she moves around, the fluid drains! So if it happens again, Kayleigh goes for a walk or we play ball for a bit and she'll be fine quickly!

I stopped at the pet store after I picked her up and bought her some treats, a new tug toy and a fancy collar to celebrate her "it's not cancer and my Mom's not crazy" diagnosis!

I know lipomas aren't cancerous or anything, but if this new one is blocking fluid and causing swelling why don't they want to remove it?

11-09-2007, 09:39 PM
*Heaves a HUGE sigh of relief* I'm uncrossing everything now. Can't wait to see Kay in her pink princess collar!

11-09-2007, 10:04 PM
I know lipomas aren't cancerous or anything, but if this new one is blocking fluid and causing swelling why don't they want to remove it?

Basically because it's only blocking fluid when she lays in certain postions and it goes away when she changes positions. Plus it doesn't seem to be causing her any pain. She's also 9 which for a dog her size is getting up there and any surgery will have added risks. She's also extremely dog aggressive and highly prey driven. She requires special handling at all times, but especially at the vet where some idiot always thinks their pet doesn't need to be restrained or in a carrier! She has two lipoma now and if they grow or the fluid problem gets more frequent, they will get removed.

11-09-2007, 11:54 PM
I'm glad its nothing serious....

11-10-2007, 03:55 PM
SOme pics as promised:
Running around in her pen this morning
She was not cooperative about showing off her new collar! This was the best one I could get! I like the collar because the leash ring is on a seperate part of the collar, not near the clasp. So if when walking on a leash, there's no pressure on the clasp and it's much less likely to blow apart, which could be disasterous with a dog like Kayleigh!
My new favorite of my happy, big eared girl!

11-10-2007, 04:19 PM
That last pic is really sweet - she has a sweet "puppy-face" in that one! Yes, we know about having an "uncooperative" picture-model in our house, too. :rolleyes:

11-12-2007, 03:24 PM
Woooooo, Kayleigh! I like the new photos, especially the one at the bottom! I'm very glad to read that your leg is better and the lipoma won't have to come off urgently. You know what's coming next - Please allow your mom to pet or hug you for me!