View Full Version : Carefresh Litter Prob

11-08-2007, 08:25 AM
Wel, recently i have been having lots of asthma attacks in my room. IDK what it is, but i think that it could be caused by the Carefresh litter and the dust it produces. My dad, when he was growing up, had lots of gerbils and he used Cedar in all of them. He never noticed any problems with them and one lived for 7 years. My question is, is cedar really bad for gerbils? And how much dust dose Carefresh litter produce?

11-08-2007, 09:25 AM
My rat is severly allergic to dust and his eyes flare up and he goes into a big sneezing fit. I've tried carefresh and found its horrendous for when its been soiled on. I think its over priced and doesn't last long at all.

Try some paper based cat litter, I use bob martins but in america its called yesterdays news small animal litter. Its safe if its eaten and is very light and would be perfect for a gerbil to dig into. You could also try shredded paper or straw. I think alot of people disagree with sawdust because being in a tank they are constantly breathing in the dust so it causes problems.

Yesterdays news is highly recommended by the rat website im on. Its made by Purina so it shouldn't be hard to find at all.
Yesterdays News (http://www.yesterdaysnews.com/?D=487959&T=4130546)

11-08-2007, 12:17 PM
I know cedar and shavings in general is bad for bunnies because of the dust and they are so lown down to it that they are breathing it in all the time and it can cause lung problems.

I was always told to stay away from Cedar but I can't remember why. You can always check that out on google.

11-08-2007, 01:49 PM
Aspen is nice! :)

11-08-2007, 01:56 PM
The oils that make cedar smell good to us can cause irritation in small animals. We use Carefresh, and haven't had a problem with it, but it gets covered with hay, which probably keep the dust down. I am asthmatic and have been since I was a kid, and it doesn't bother me, but Miss Hoppy's hutch has never been in the bedroom anyway.

11-08-2007, 03:17 PM
not sure if itīs the same with gerbils than birds, but carefresh is highly looked upon bird owners and used for nests as itīs the safest for their respiratory system unlike sawdust that can affect them seriously....

might wanna try soem paper based litter, not sure if kitchen towels are good/safe for them, I use them as cage liners and it works just fine

11-08-2007, 03:36 PM
I was told that if you shred newsprint it's just as good as anything else and it doesn't create any dust. Save your daily newspapers and put them through a shredder that makes it confetti.

I use Carefresh and have never had a problem. Winkie hasn't complained yet.

11-08-2007, 03:38 PM
Carefresh can be dusty, and although my ratties tolerate it, I don't like it as when it's cage cleaning time the dust is pretty annoying. Please don't use cedar or pine as these may smell good to us, but they're not good for our little friends. I use aspen for the rats, and I like it! It's not too expensive and works well. Just choose something that your gerbil can burrow and dig in.


11-08-2007, 05:24 PM
Some bags of CF are dustier then others but the Ultra/coloured CF is usually much less dusty. I don't have problems with it.

Cedar, Pine and all soft wood shavings have phenols that are released and cause respiratory problems and other problems such as hair loss, skin irritation, sneezing, and liver (or kidney can't remember) problems. Some humans who work with the stuff for long amounts of time are even known to have problems with it. Soft wood shavings (including cedar and pine) are bad for all small animals.

My mom used pine when she was a kid and her hamster had no problems but when I used pine (before I researched more into it) my hamsters ere starting to have problems.

The problems don't happen right away bit with time although sometimes they show up sooner. Just like the effects of smoking on people sometimes it comes later and sometimes it shows up right away.

11-09-2007, 05:08 AM
As a mouse owner, I look down upon carefresh because of the dust. Dust won't harm a gerbil. No worries about them getting respiratory infections really, it doesn't happen often. But, I also don't like using fiberous beddings with heavy chewers like gerbils.

Pine, when kiln-dried properly, is great. Cedar is not. Both have hydrocarbons that can harm the rodents. Kiln drying gets rid of the hydrocarbons. Cedar has an extra toxin though, which is not removed through kiln-drying, called cedrene oil. This oil is toxic enough to cause liver damage and damage to other internal organs just through breathing it in.

Kiln-drying is touchy though. You have to find a company that does it right. Improper drying can lead to harmful molds. Don't use Kaytee or walmart brands. I prefer to use kiln-dried pine shavings from the farm supply store. The kind of stuff they use for horse stalls.

If you don't want any risk at all, use aspen bedding.

Don't listen to anything people say about phenols. If they'd done their research, they'd know that phenols are the beneficial part of pine and cedar.

11-09-2007, 03:01 PM
Pine, when kiln-dried properly, is great. Cedar is not. Both have hydrocarbons that can harm the rodents. Kiln drying gets rid of the hydrocarbons. Cedar has an extra toxin though, which is not removed through kiln-drying, called cedrene oil. This oil is toxic enough to cause liver damage and damage to other internal organs just through breathing it in.

Yes, but my dad used cedar for all of his gerbils when he was growing up and he never had any problems?

11-09-2007, 03:54 PM
Your dad just got lucky. And so did those gerbils. Some do ok with cedar, others don't. Why put them through that risk just to be stubborn? Did your dad ever do an autopsy and open up a gerbil to see what its organs look like after living with cedar?

critter crazy
11-09-2007, 04:49 PM
Yes, but my dad used cedar for all of his gerbils when he was growing up and he never had any problems?

Yeah and some people can smoke all their lives and never get cancer, but it dosent mean it dosent happen, sometimes people/animals just get lucky.

I myself stay away from Cedar, have no use for it. I would personally use the aspen or the Yesterdays news.

11-09-2007, 07:20 PM
Your dad just got lucky. And so did those gerbils. Some do ok with cedar, others don't. Why put them through that risk just to be stubborn? Did your dad ever do an autopsy and open up a gerbil to see what its organs look like after living with cedar?

Well he obviously didnt know that cedar can harm his gerbils. But he did own 14 gerbils total over time. It seems unlikely that all those would go unaffected by cedar but they did, he never noticed a problem with any of them.

11-10-2007, 09:07 PM
When your dad was a kid and when my dad was a kid, people were still learning alot about illnesses and what is bad for people but just because they did certain things that 'didn't do anything' doesn't mean we should do it now. There have been lots of studies that show the cedar is usually very harmful and really why take the risk when you could possibly be hurting your gerbils?