View Full Version : My day at work...

11-08-2007, 03:23 AM
This is what I did at work on Monday..

I woke up before the sun came up...
I saw the truck that was carrying the Tony Schumachers dragster-he won the NHRA title on sunday...I saw a nuclear power plant, two wind farms, a real farm with about 10,000 cows, a roadrunner, I was on two indian reservations, saw the Pacific Ocean, the Salton Sea.

I saw four Marine helicopters, two c-130 planes, drove thru a marine corps base, I saw where one of the California fires burned to the freeway. I saw hawks, doves and egrets, I saw the stadium in San Diego where the evacuees stayed, I also saw the stadium in Anaheim! I drove by the Irwindale and Fontana racetracks! I drove thru two truck checkpoints, one from the Highway Patrol and the other manned by Homeland Security, I saw Mexico and a whole slew of border partol cops.....I was in the mountains the desert-under sunny skies and clouds......It was foggy when I started out in the morning and I finally saw the sunset and got home in time for a late supper.....

And it only took me 500 miles, Five counties and 13 hours to see it all!


I love my job...and will be sad to see it end..

It was a long day and it made me glad that I live in the craziest place on the planet. :D

11-08-2007, 01:23 PM
Wow! Sounds like you have an exiting job :D What exactly do you do? It reminds me of when I worked a job driving a highway tester. We drove over a hundred thousand miles in about three months. Definatly saw a lot of the state, even parts I had never seen before.

11-08-2007, 04:46 PM
What is the job you are doing ? It sounds interesting.

11-08-2007, 04:58 PM
I love my job...and will be sad to see it end..

What is it and why is it ending?

What a nice description of all you saw. I could "pciture" quite a bit of it in my mind as I was reading!

Editted to add: Oh, I SEE! This was Monday; and Tuesday was even better! So we will have to wait for the Tuesday report to get some idea of what it is you do, huh? Sneaky, funny guy! OK, I'll wait and watch for the tuesday story line!

11-08-2007, 05:12 PM
I close down Title/mortgage offices.

This company has merged with another and I drive all across So Cal picking up mortgage files and office equipment.

It's really creepy because the home market is going downhill. A month ago
these places were full of people and now there is a skeleton crew and My brother and I picking up stuff.

It's great becuase we get to drive all over the place.,......It's not hard work but to get paid for driving around and seeing parts of the state I had never seen before is pretty neat.

We are scheduled until the end of November but that is tentative. It depends on how many offices we have to clean out and how much furniture we have to move!

11-08-2007, 07:42 PM
Sad, isn't it? The real estate attorney I work with has had a bit of a pick up in work too with foreclosures. I feel sorry for the people losing their homes.

11-09-2007, 12:30 AM
Yes, the real estate market is frightening these days.....

On tuesday I got a brand new water heater and put it in-after 5 days of cold showers I finally had a chance to put it in. :D


One thing I despise about the job is dealing with property managers.

And security guards.....I'll save that for the Dog House. :eek:

11-09-2007, 08:56 AM
Sounds like a pretty nice day at work!
As a homeowner with a house on the market for the past 8 months & no prospects in sight, I'm really hoping rates fall & loan approvals rise & we aren't strapped with double payments for another 8 months. Otherwise, we might have to pack up & live out of a truck & then we'll get to travel all around too! OK, end of rant.
What were you doing in Mexico?

11-09-2007, 01:29 PM
Wow, you really had a full day!! :eek: So no time to stop by and wash Sara's car? ;) :D