View Full Version : New Camera = New Pictures!

11-07-2007, 02:41 PM
I was asking for the Cannon S5 for Christmas, but my hubby suprised me with it last week!!
I'm happy to say I've retired my Sony Cyber Shot 3.2 MP :o
WOW what a difference!! :D

Sierra and my hubby playing


I was able to snap this picture of the hubby's hand ON BUDDY while he (bud) was making his exit.

You can tell in this one that his ear was still bothering him.




...more to come...

11-07-2007, 02:44 PM
So far so good, i really need a new cam as well. Hoping one for xmas but who knows :P

11-07-2007, 02:53 PM








11-07-2007, 02:53 PM
Yay yay yay!! Angie has a new camera! :D

Awesome pictures, keep 'em coming! And give those two cuties hugs from me!

11-07-2007, 02:56 PM





Thats all! Nothing too exciting but I hope you enjoyed them!

Ginger's Mom
11-07-2007, 03:01 PM
I did enjoy them. And will keep on enjoying them as I look them over again and again. I have always wondered why you didn't post more pictures of your pups. Sierra is such a pretty girl. And from those pictures it looks like she is quite the talker, too. Does she and Buddy actually play together when they are outside, or do they pretty much just sniff around and do their own thing?

11-07-2007, 03:06 PM
What a good hubby you have! I need one of those (hubby that is :p).
Does that camera take good action shots?
Those pics are great!!! :)

11-07-2007, 03:06 PM
Nice pictures...I just love these two, they are so beautiful. hmmmm now I have to tell my hubby I need a new camera, AGAIN!!

11-07-2007, 03:13 PM
Awww, both of your dogs are soo cute and handsom! I can tell that they love to pose for the camera because they make great pictures!

11-07-2007, 03:14 PM
wow Angie, really nice pictures! You even got pictures of Buddy, what a treat! :D

Lori Jordan
11-07-2007, 03:40 PM
What a great looking pair you have!Congrats on the new camera!Mine got broke in Flordia in August i finally got a new one last week also.

It takes great photos!

critter crazy
11-07-2007, 03:46 PM
Great pics!! I just adore seeing your pups!! :D

11-07-2007, 03:51 PM
ooh all that GSD cuteness! I almost can't stand it! :D

11-07-2007, 03:53 PM
Sierra is such a pretty girl. And from those pictures it looks like she is quite the talker, too. Does she and Buddy actually play together when they are outside, or do they pretty much just sniff around and do their own thing?

Sierra definitely is a talker! She never stops and I love it! :D
They play a lot outside! And when Buddy get's in "the zone" and is all hyper he sounds like he's going to kill her. I can only imangine what my neighbors think when they hear him. They put on quite a show! :D

Pat, yes I some how managed to snap a few of Bud. :D As I'm sure you know, normaly all I get are super close up shots of his nose because he has to be right next to me at all times.

I felt HORRIBLE the first time I took his picture because the flash is a lot brighter than my old camera and he thought it was lighting and started to freak out. :( He's still getting used to it.
If you noticed a lot of the pictures of him are by the door, that's because thats the door to the basement where he goes when there's a storm, that's where he ran to when I started taking pictures and he freaked. :(

Thank you all for the comments!
Ashley, I'll pass the hugs out to them!

11-07-2007, 04:30 PM
congrats!!.... Iīm so looking forward into getting the s5 too.... actually I was between thet and the Rebel, but I need and extra pu$h on that one, besided Iīm unsure it takes video adn the s5 does and that is one thing I soooo want.....

great pics!! I loved them before but now they are just wow!!.... hello there Buddy, finally we see your adorable face and not a blur :D , donīt freak pretty boy itīs just a light...... hugs to you

and Sierra, lovely as ever..... I canīt keep out of my head that she indeed is part husky....;)

11-07-2007, 04:38 PM
;) ;) WoW Great Pics & Congrats on New Camera.. Your Pups Are So Adorable..

11-07-2007, 04:49 PM
Great pictures! Your two are always so beautiful. :)

11-07-2007, 06:29 PM
Nice pix, thanx for posting.

You'll love that S5 for a long time to come. I own the S1 & S3. I debated on getting the S5 but settled for the Rebel XTi instead.

11-07-2007, 06:57 PM
Buddy and Sierra are both adorable. Very nice pics! Oh and I love your blue walls. :D

11-07-2007, 07:10 PM
Congrats! What wonderful pics. That sweet Buddy. I just love seeing him. And Sierra is so pretty. That blue wall sure brings out their colors. I hope that new camera can bring you lots of enjoyment.

11-07-2007, 08:24 PM
I felt HORRIBLE the first time I took his picture because the flash is a lot brighter than my old camera and he thought it was lighting and started to freak out. :( He's still getting used to it.
If you noticed a lot of the pictures of him are by the door, that's because thats the door to the basement where he goes when there's a storm, that's where he ran to when I started taking pictures and he freaked. :(

The S5 should have a 'flash compensation' adjustment in it just like the previous S Series cameras. You should be able to access it through the 'FUNC' button. Scroll the highlighted area down to the pix of the lightening bolt with the +/- sign next to it. That's your flash compensation. -1 would decrease the flash power by 1 stop (that's a technical photography term) and +1 would increase your flash power by 1 stop. Try it with an inannamate (sp?) object and see the difference in how far your flash will throw light as well as how bright it is on the different compensation settings. Make sure you use the same focus point in your tests otherwise you won't get a true reading of the differences.

This still doesn't mean it won't scare your dog, but may help if the flash is less powerful at closer distances.

congrats!!.... Iīm so looking forward into getting the s5 too.... actually I was between thet and the Rebel, but I need and extra pu$h on that one, besided Iīm unsure it takes video adn the s5 does and that is one thing I soooo want.....

The S series cameras are known as 'Pro-sumer' cameras. They are technically more advanced than simple point and shoots but are still below the level of DSLR.

A point and shoot or 'Pro-sumer' camera usually has video capability, however no true DSLR that I know of has that feature.

If you want video stick with the S series cameras (S3 prices keep falling everyday and there's very little difference between that and the S5) but if you want changeable lenses, better sensors, better resolution then go with the DSLR.

BTW I can tell you for a fact that the resolution on a 8mp 'Pro-sumer' camera is no where nearly as good as that of the same MP count on a DSLR and the ISO quality on a DSLR is better at 1600 than the point and shoot or 'Pro-sumer' cameras are at ISO 400. Depending on what kind of pix you want to take that may be a factor in your decisions on whether to go with the S series or the Rebel. I love both versions: my S3 with super macro and video for quick easy pix, and I totally love being able to use my super power zoom lenses and better ISO speeds with the Rebel XTi for my more advanced creativity and low light shots.

I firmly believe that no one camera is right for everyone and which one you choose depends heavily on what you want to do with it, how far you want to go with it, and how easy it is for you to actually shoot pix with.

As for name brands.....well let's just say that my Rebel XTi is my 6th Canon camera since 1992, I seriously think Canon should pay me for my advertisement over the years. ROFL

11-07-2007, 11:08 PM
Thank you SO much for sharing these pictures! It's funny that you posted these now...I was just thinking about how great it would be to own a GSD, but was getting a little bummed out knowing that I'd have to wait a few years until I finish HS and college. This certainly gave me my GSD fix! :D

Great pictures as well -- Canon is the way to go!

11-07-2007, 11:10 PM
those are awesome Angie!!
Congrats on the new pressie! :D

11-08-2007, 04:43 AM
Lovely pictures, Sierra and Buddy are so gorgeous. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/CwmmawrJet/Smiles/love.gif Thanks for sharing. :D

11-08-2007, 08:06 AM
Sierra, lovely as ever..... I canīt keep out of my head that she indeed is part husky....;)

I know she looks like she could have husky in her, but I've seen too many Sable GSD's that could be her twin to think otherwise.
Don't get me wrong, because I love Huskies! (one of my top 5 fav breeds)

Catlady711- Thank you SO much for the info!
I know I have a lot to learn with this camera!

4 Dog Mother
11-08-2007, 08:17 AM
Great pictures of Sierra and Buddy, Angie! I love German Shephards although I will probably never own one of my own. I guess because I grew up with Rin Tin Tin. They are such beautiful dogs. I am glad you got a new camera - it's so much fun taking pictures when you know you are going to get a good one!

11-08-2007, 12:41 PM
Beautiful pictures! Congrats on the new great camera!

Is that a real brick wall you painted? That must have taken forever!!! :eek:

11-08-2007, 12:59 PM
Is that a real brick wall you painted? That must have taken forever!!! :eek:

Actualy, I used a short nap roller and ever so carefully rolled over the wall and because the bricks are higher, the roller only painted the bricks! ;)

Thank you Annette for the comment on my blue walls.
I've always wanted a blue kitchen and now I have it and I love LOVE it!
That color blue makes a great back ground for the pups!

Here's a picture that shows all the bricks that were painted.

11-08-2007, 07:14 PM
Catlady711- Thank you SO much for the info!
I know I have a lot to learn with this camera!

You're welcome. Any new camera requires learning a lot of new features, that's part of the fun of it sometimes.

Anytime you've got any camera questions feel free to PM me. The S5 isn't all that different from my S3 so I should be able to help you with just about any question with it.

I've got an internet friend across the continent from me who I regularly help with her Canon camera. She sometimes sends me some pix and asks how she can make them better. The internet is a wonderful thing. lol

11-08-2007, 07:25 PM
Lucky lady! Great pics of your kids. Bet you're having fun with the new toy. :)

11-10-2007, 07:50 AM
Does that camera take good action shots?

I think so. :o
My hubby used it to take pictures of his brother's football game and some pictures turned out ok, but most were blurry. But a lot of his pictures come out blurry, so I don't know if it was him or the camera. It has a sports setting, you can just keep your finger on the button and it keeps taking pictures as long as you hold it down.

I'll have to try that setting myself the next time Sierra & Bud are running around going crazy. :D

11-10-2007, 07:56 AM
Congratulations! I am in favor of anything that causes you to take more pictures! :) I have enjoyed these so much. It makes me sad that Buddy is afraid of the camera. Hopefully in time he will get past that.

11-10-2007, 07:22 PM
I think so. :o
My hubby used it to take pictures of his brother's football game and some pictures turned out ok, but most were blurry. But a lot of his pictures come out blurry, so I don't know if it was him or the camera. It has a sports setting, you can just keep your finger on the button and it keeps taking pictures as long as you hold it down.

I'll have to try that setting myself the next time Sierra & Bud are running around going crazy. :D

If the football game was during the daytime, the shots shouldn't have been very blurry unless they were just plain out of focus or he didn't keep the camera still when shooting. There is a setting that changes how the focus locks on to things, he might want to play with that sometime and see what works best or pre-focus on say the 50 yard line or somewhere ahead of the action and wait until the players get into that focus area.

If the game was at night under the lights there's a few tricks you can try to get the action better....
Set your ISO to 200 or 400
Try 'Panning' with the camera (this means keeping your player in focus and move the camera in the same direction they are moving at the same speed, take the pix WHILE the camera is still moving. If done right the player should be clear while the background is blurred) That helps make up for low lighting with fast action.

Here's a link that better explains 'Panning'. http://digital-photography-school.com/blog/mastering-panning-to-photograph-moving-subjects/

11-11-2007, 11:54 AM
Its nice to see your two again! I swear I'm stealing Sierra one of these days. :p

11-12-2007, 07:59 AM
If the football game was during the daytime, the shots shouldn't have been very blurry unless they were just plain out of focus or he didn't keep the camera still when shooting. There is a setting that changes how the focus locks on to things, he might want to play with that sometime and see what works best or pre-focus on say the 50 yard line or somewhere ahead of the action and wait until the players get into that focus area.

If the game was at night under the lights there's a few tricks you can try to get the action better....
Set your ISO to 200 or 400
Try 'Panning' with the camera (this means keeping your player in focus and move the camera in the same direction they are moving at the same speed, take the pix WHILE the camera is still moving. If done right the player should be clear while the background is blurred) That helps make up for low lighting with fast action.

Here's a link that better explains 'Panning'. http://digital-photography-school.com/blog/mastering-panning-to-photograph-moving-subjects/

The football game was at night, and I'm sure they were blurry because he was using the camera. I used the sports setting this weekend with the pups and it worked great! Thanks again for the help!!

11-12-2007, 09:36 AM

Great camera and AWESOME Pictures! Adorable doggies!:)

Also.. I LOVE your house! Like..the blue, with the white, and the hardwood floors so together so nicely!:)

Thanks much for sharing!


11-12-2007, 03:28 PM
I know she looks like she could have husky in her, but I've seen too many Sable GSD's that could be her twin to think otherwise.
Don't get me wrong, because I love Huskies! (one of my top 5 fav breeds)

oh donīt worry.... nad hiskies love you back..... just thought about ther talkittude LOL.......

and yes Iīve seen a few GSD just like Sierra, that if you never mentioned she was a mix I assumed she was GSD100%.... looooove her coloring

11-12-2007, 03:54 PM
Congrats on your new camera! It takes amazing pictures. Your fur kids are absolutely stunning. I love them! :D

11-13-2007, 07:36 AM
and yes Iīve seen a few GSD just like Sierra, that if you never mentioned she was a mix I assumed she was GSD100%.... looooove her coloring

I don't know if she is a mix of anything.

She could be all GSD, GSD/Husky, GSD/Wolf, I don't know, I adopted her from a rescue so I don't know.

All I do know is that she is 100% pure Sierra! :D

ilovemypup, Amy, Donna, everyone... thank you all so much for the comments!

11-13-2007, 06:34 PM
The football game was at night, and I'm sure they were blurry because he was using the camera. I used the sports setting this weekend with the pups and it worked great! Thanks again for the help!!

You're welcome. I've noticed when my hubby takes pix they are more blurry than mine are on the same subject. He just can't hold a camera as still and needs to use the tripod more than I do. Maybe it's a guy thing?

11-13-2007, 06:51 PM
Those pictures are gorgeous!
I really like the outside ones.
How sweet for your hubby to surprise you with a camera.

11-14-2007, 07:16 AM
Maybe it's a guy thing?

I agree 100% because in one of my other threads I posted pictures of Sierra and Bud running around like goofballs and I was using the sports setting, just like he was when the football pictures came out blurry, and mine came out perfect!

Yep... it's a guy thing! :D

11-14-2007, 08:05 AM
Awesome pics, your dogs are so beautiful. I just love German shepherds:D